Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1970, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSI)AY,_FEBRUJARY 19t4h, 1970 KenalNews A Euchre Pal'ýrt.y wsheld 1in Ken- dal on February l 3th at ' which 1:r.Re Elliott won the ma 's ±iih soreand Mr. Roy McDon- ý-ld the rnen's low. Mr. Harland Elitplaying as a lady, won thle vorniien's highi while Mrs. L,. Adec- geest reeivedl the women's low ýMr-. William Milligan'of Newton- vilt on the door pize. Next Eucýhre, party will be held in the Orng 1all, Kendial, February he 27th. MiýýssLynn Little is a patient ini Bowmanville Morial Hospital havingliý ai an operation for ap- penï-dicitis on Monday. Or.no SchoI News Classrýoom Newsi: This week lias lhad ia grovy be- gmnt.ning starting withi a 2:30 dis- missal on Monday afternoon. Thie grade 5'.s have been having1 visit- tors corne to speak, on their pro- _essions, On Tuesday Mrs. Vanl tien Ileuvel gave a delightful taik, on art for the pupils fromn gýrades 5-8 initere,;ted in a career 4 art. Most of the tudent3ý from kmn- dgar-te 1 to gradle ight hiad a woýnderful thime at the Valentine ktigParty. They enjoycd this as much as a classroomn party. Grade 6: In Geography we have been do- iing sketch miaps of our native land., Canada., To develop our -eading skills, speed and güneral ainderstanding we have begun wrngin S.R.A. In jmpin gym classe's the jý-upils of grades 6, 7 and 8 are taigFloor H1ockey as apra- aton for ltle lhouseleague gaýmes. The g"ame resuits will be made knowýn thlroughlout thie following Thle grade- 5 class have tlee- perientng ith ottles;. The bOttles hebeen filled with wat- eandi Sourd lkemusical notes. 11). :ports gr1ad' oar îanîn odo han t,,iticis and lheat iT SAVIOURS ANGLICAN aà Estabb-shed 18619 *Regular Sunday Worslhip Services - 9:30 a.nI. Holy Communin- First and Tird Sundays Merning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundý,ay Holy vBaptism Dby aPppolntment with Rector 98,4,145 The Rev. HIl er aye B.A.. L.ThI. Local News On Tliursdayý, Febnuany ith at tehomc of ' 1mns.Cai t k,îm mdi. ,Miss SfîrlIey Pattoi wa.ý hlo.îouîïed witu a ud C:11!1 u~ shower. Arounti sOtnenisan ynlaîiuves gattu-,etitew ih te brîide -to-b uc apies-and tiful giJfts. Shirley thanketi lier friîends anid theý hostesses, tXls. Gladys Gamsýby, Mrs. -f)orothy Ba 11e1antiMrs. Kimmett served Con)igratuilations,, to Miss Bonnie Ball and mr. Brunce Mercer onr their inàrriage on Satunday last. Bonnie is thie daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bail, Orono north anti the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, Kendal. Report From Ottawa Russell C. Honley, Q.C., M.P. The "ln" thing now is pollution. Governrnents at al l evels are concerneti, and iitly so. It is a cornmentary' on our- society how- ever, that governments can ol follow public opinion. With the heavy capitalexed itunes, andi the possible loss of jobs if industries were pulsheti too hlard, there was public apathy until a year ago . Now public op- inion lias heen mobilized andi in favour of anti-pollutioni measures taken by any level of goverument. Mines, Energy, and Resources 1Ministe, J. J. Greene, lias intro- duceti the Water Act. Hlealtli and We1fai&e Minister, Johin _Munro, lias indicateti that "lerair" leg- islation will soon be initroduiceti, anti Fistheries Minister, Jack Dav- is, is taking, steps Io insure that our fishleries waten remain leail. This strong puiblic suipport for action to cleanse our nvion ment is not confineti',,) Caniada. This week, Preside- cNixn a- nounceti Plans to spýn $0 bil- lion over the next 5 ycanis to figlit pollution. Mines, Energy, anti Re-sources M-inister, Joe Greene, annop'iced thiç week that Ottawa plans to limit phosphate content of deter gents to ensure that only essen- tial amounts are useti during the perioti it takes to perfet a sub- stitute. As a xviter for the ottawa Cit- izen saiti thîs week, -the conceril of politicins now abouit pollution is lie bcbg for.mothelilot. Theire is,, g-eneral aremet y al politicianis that the pli is seý r- us in its support for anti-poillu- tion me-asures - anti that is gooti! Dr. and Mrs. T. Bunnett,, Patty, Lar'gie ai Li:sa ýpent the week- en[i with ivirs. Eumenttfs parents, ý1*-. idli.t~ Graham, en rute Io [the,,i r ruw home in Oak- ,,~ r~ h t cii called foi OfieL Hmtrit was an- Mr. Honiey saiti the tenders are due on :lrl ,1970 andtito struction wîill Atart this sPrine.' Miss Cheryl Cornish of Orolio placetd third on Tuesday night in a speaking contest helti in Port Hope. Miss Cornihh xiii now coin- pete in the finals of the Dra County Speaking Contest whichi will be held in the Oronjo Unituti Churcli on Tuesday\, Februa;ry24th. This Saturday evening the Or- ono Amnateur Athletici soito are hioling th fleir animal booster banquet andti $10000 cash drawv. Tickets are still available for the banquet and may be ohtained by1.ý contacting AMessrs. RselMjr Stirling AMather or EBanc ayo The proceetis from tfhisý annutal event is useti to pl-omo1te hockey.ý andi £ýr keer-ýng the ,rink g-oing lu Or-ono. Corne Out ant(i supporYjt Lthc local org1anization. Mgrs. C. Gunter is a patient ini the Oshawa General Hlospital. Mrs. L. C. Fallis, Toronto spent a few days the past week wi-1, .. niece MVrs. Jimi Tamiblynvi anti Mir. Tamblyn and visiteti MIrs. H. Rowland. Mrs. Basil Long is visiting iu Toronto this w\ýeeýk with lier son, Mr. andtiMrs. Clifford Lou.. Mir. and MJrs. Walter Gibson, Kýingsitoni visiteti on theWekd \with MJrs. C. B.- Tyrreli and Mý,iss Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billiings ve ini Toronto on Wednestiay owing to the serious illness of their u ncle, Mnr. J. W. Rickaby. UNITED CHU-RCH1 Orono Pastoral Charge Rev. B. E. Long SUNIIA FEBRUARY 15, 1970 Orono UnUt Churc- 'Sda,~cloot at 10:00 Se-ý-viCe at 11:15 a.rn Morning Ser vice at 9ï45 a.m. Sunday Schaol at 11:00 THIS MEETING WILL AFFECT D.POWERS SCIIOOL. Ward St., - Port Hope Theurs, Feb. 26, 8:00 p.ni. DISCUSSION ON THE WHIITE PAPER ON TAXATION M1R. GORDON W. RIEIIL. C.A., AUTHOR OF BOOK "INCORPORATION AND INCOME TAX IN CANADA" Spon.sored by,, the Progressive Conservative Association of Port Hlope SPDUR SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY No. 115 UNDER NEW -MANAGEMIENT * W. S. Gordon aùd Sons CLASS 'A' -MECIIANIC Coniplete Service on Truckis, Cars, Tractors HIOURS 6 A.M. TO il P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS - - Gas 44.9c DX Service Station Hlighwë.y 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Premium V'Quality Products- At The Most Reasonable Priceas- StOve o11 may be picked Up in any. quantity 19.9e per galion Phone 987-4215 10% r men n ts NOwv is the tiine to g0,et ready to redlecorate and brighten uip your wals for Spring. See our bundies of wallpaper, mnostly ready-pasted and plastic coated containing from 3 to 15 single rolis. No-match papers and designs suitable for any room in the house. Drapery and Curtain material, iPleater Tape, Drapi- ery Hooks, Harris Track, Wlnî-dow $hades. ARSROG ORONO AMATEUR ATIILETIC ASSOCIATION Hockey Booster Banquet ORONO UNITED CHURCII ORONO, ONTARIO Saturday, Fëbruary 21 $100. Elimination Draw TOWNSHI1P HALL, ORONO Dinnier: 6:30 p.m. TICKiýETS $5.00 available fromi MeSSMrsUlSS Major, Stirling Mather, Earle Taylor

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