Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 3lst, IÔ69 See Milis.. Insurance Ag.ncy fot AUl classes of personal and Coimercial CoveraLes Office: Man st., Orene 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 MHONE 983-5808 Orome, Ontario PAINTING f'ARPENTEY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interor Exterlor CH A RLESÎR 1 Aucionerand Valuwator 8peeiîalize in Far-.m and Furniture Sales Oontsult me frternis anddae PIO C RONO 983-5914 Famuly Meinorials Our quaity and service leaves n.tbing to be deired Ask thli1-ev anwlio l>OIught froin US. a neighbour, friand orw relative The rlJTEýR GANTE, COM-NPANY 73 Otarostreet POnrTHOPE Ont ario A LASO ' arIle1 INE RFT LBOATS I AlrouetteSoc rjMeCulljocliCIAIN S,, IRpisteail akesofLawnI AND !MACHINiERY j PIM ING OUT h ert Twmpkins Phone 786-2552 T wrn im9934M0 ft-. cotu 1 à, PL-fMýBIN(Gand HEATING S'ILS and Service' 14 HOUE BURNER SERVICEI GULF FINANCING Low Inte-rest Rates Phne: Tyroue 263-2450 Orville ChattertonI E lectrical Contractingg 1 Electrie lleatin! and S-ervice jPHONE 93556 »r93-5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Hcerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELJICTRICAL CONTRACTI1NG ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V, - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI1-FI FRIGIDAIRE CA DOMINIONEECRHE INGLIS - THOR,!' GUARANTEED SERVICE7 - i amiltons Insurance Service i jf Pack Xrage olices ý mmi eue th FloydNcolo 983-5042 Wising eveýryone A1 Happy and a Pro)spceos New Vear Douglas and Gary Shupson ORONO, ONTAUIO j f WR B-UY AND -S-ELL I Omd 'Gla'ss china, Fine Articles!I Toys qýand Odte F IT*S OLD ... CEALLUS- RRA LNTORW 92 KIng plE"St, E.Bar New YeIar's Message To CosiunsFrom R seiC. Honey, Q.C., M.P. (Northiumberland-Durham) ;l belleve fervenlt1y in Gaaiada's future, as a unîited natiori - a counitry thait conîtlnues to be ire- spcted aftm[g natijoàs a the warld - not oniy for our exiperi- enCe uin developing a demîocraMi- socieity, bu~t because, of the eontm-- buidon we ace rnaiking and can oantbnue Vo make in greater de- grete Vo less foretunaâte, nations. ATrent fer %y.u Fancy QuaIity ,, Red Deliclous, Macintosh and Spys. also FRESH CIDER ICE CREAM Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115, southo of Orono \ FOR SALE A Seaà Coüat, full lietgth. New. Very remasnaib1e. Phione 983,5865. a-p NOTICE The SenWo~r fitizcns mwlil mect in the O4ddfeillows Hall on Tue1slAy January &1h a&É 2 p.m. Everyone Weicome. a-c TENDERS Sealed tenders, clearIy marked, wiil be recoived by the under- signed qup to Manday noo.n, Jain- uary l9th, 1970 for the removail fÉcim the pnoperty o the Carke Public Library, the f ramie baru on Centre Street, Oronio. AR mjafeias to becorne the properity of the sueees4ul bàd(der whi.c are to be renioveci, frorn the prQp- ert~y by MVay 15th, 1970. Lo~West or ainy temilder nt nec- essartly accepted. Mrs O. Beauehianp, S-ec., Clarke Pu,,bhc LIhary, Box 299, Qirono, OntJaxio. NOTICE Orono Land-,caping, Garden Ser- vice andl SïnowTPIowving. Phone 983.5598. t-f NOT-ICE A teratiors and ffiain sewina, Mrs. 11. Downs, ornerý Park and Ciuroh Stis. Phone c)83-5403. t-f THE ACRES RESTAURANT BOWMAN VILLE, R.R. 4 On Saturdiav, aI' the Eisli and Chips you cai eat for .99c iat the Acres Restauroeiit. t-f PLUMBING ANýD HEATING Phone 983-5207 Oruau Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work' Fluors -Tule 983-5441ORONO ARl persons interestedn the above matter take note Ébat at the Session of Counties' Council held November 19, the license fee for operating wrecking yards, salvage yards, etc. was increased to $100 effective January 1, 1970. Closer supervision and enforcement of the regula- tions under By-Law Nu. 1792 (which controls the above) will be carried out lu the future. N.B. The Counities' By-Law No. 1792 does flot apply in any local mlun-icipalIity hi the United Counies of North- um'berland and Durham if that municipality has passed a by-law for a simiflar purpose. K. Symons, C lerk-Treasurer, Unilted Ceunites o01 rhrbeln and Durham. Thait is Why I arn your MVeiber of ,Caciadlians often sell our lc- convffiishmeots3 short We shoui iot da 50. We should bç proud of our pasit. We.should work togetth- er for our future. Canada's grelt nes anao"lv h2 limiited by our- selves. If weehoose tIo beker aind quarMl- whciher t be on radial re.gCînm: f or re-Iligious inres - we hurt o.ndy ourselves and our CIulty I am prîoud of my 75 colleaîgues in thre Uouse of OoMnrons who represenitd.digs Ln(Oire Provinice of Quîebec. They ar-e IargeIy Freýnichigpaalbng, akhough there are about 10 Whose first liaiguage is -.ngEish. Th.cy are aE il lfingual. They reipres-nt tihe iâbleral, Pro- gresisive Coinservutive, andl RaitC- ment de (lrutiste parties. Wfith- out exce#pten they beEheve in a iinfl±ed Caribid. There are no slep- araitisits andl nI gotsaimong thern. They are noyw lgh1V1iig a leisperel L 'moiûnl bot$le ua-, gainst the forees of separailisr in their Movjiw~e. Extrýeîitsin Eniglisih speokîung proinces aind only the cause of the sepairatisits coan ordLy aid. As youL read Mils Nîew Year' mossag, ry wilfe Amie and 1, ald our daugliters RtIsa andl Romnfe xvl± be in tire'Northwest Terriltor- les v1sitin our eountry's first Oanadiains. Ile ladiaris and the Esddnos have the greatesit cause for comiplaint about how they have fai in tins country. But they take a fellow GCanadian at race 0aqute. T4ey do not have- the luxury of bigotry anîd pettines belas thcy were here firlst. We had to hnIlr our racial anrd re- liiou5 -riVaMiril from overselas by means of our ancestors. I thiink there is a lessonsoine for ail of us! Happy Neiw Rear, and Goa lMess you aul! Join in the fun at Matts where you meet your friends for a game of billiards. Three modern tables MATTS BILLIARDS Orono,. Ont. Phone 983-5310 1C al jyour licerisd Plumblng X Mfecharilcal Cnrae wh. sl:, butai 4ud pauffot

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