ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 3lst, 1969 Agaiin astFriclay 4 was hockey nichlt at the Oro)no Arenaiwfith four teamns ail sceding action. TYKES ',VN Ini the Ty ke game }Omno de- feh',ted a simÉlir aigle groulip froim Bovinian-ville by a score &i 4-0. DavidHuttn led tihe scorinig with three of the four Ovno: goals. .John West compieted the scoring for Oroiniio. Tommy Guster collict- ,ed a otait of tàreýe asgsts ini the gaine. ATOMS BOMBED Tihe OrGoi Atoins ram into stî oppositikni on Friciay eveing evenig when they were defeiate 8-1 by a loîwinainvilfle club. The liane Oinono goal was scored by Scott West ,ýi1th assist to M. Ma- cLhael. Ron Jukjîe was the Biow- inaînville power main scorlng four idf the B aýrnmiUfle goals alhong wàth oollecting aine asLt PEEWEES AT SHORT END The Oio Pee Wees were de- 1> 4 feited 4-2 by a o aivjl club on Fridaçy when R. Lemren and J, Sobil grouped togcilher to score all the Boýwnin-viIe Goals aind to asisist one a ither ini their ef- forts. D. lienidersien and Nieky van Seggeleni scored the Orcyo o gals w1lh an assist te Chris Riobinîson. BANTAMS WIN The' Orono Penins defeiaied a DowimiainviIJe cluib by a score of 14. Ranidy Eisitab"o aînd Steve Afei shared in the Orene scor, imig honiours w'lhh rth securing two goals. Wanven Joamison pt!ckekl up two, "s-4çis witlh ther asslists gûiný to Siteven Cox aind Larry, 3-0 FOR NEWCASTLE The Newob.cile Mbdgets visiite'd Orone list weenid te deleicit the Oroie kboyq by a score of 3-0. The gine was well p1ayerl hy botfh teniâs with the breaks g0ûlng Vo Newcastle. Province Assumes ,A,,sessment Responsibiiity Province Assumes Responsibility do ttis by 1975. for Assessment on New Year's Day inlial Golverniment taees on a re- On Neîw Year's Day the, Prov- :Spnnsiulilt that wifltlaffect eiv- ery taxpayer nOtal - prop- enity reiasesglmeet at market value. The Gavermxeinit's, objectives are: 1. To achje-ve um4fonm4Vy ini propety, atuan by reiassets-- îInîg aIl pr>pýeËtiet in) thýe Province on thie sanie basds, - ait market - value. The Government icitein4s to MiIk Producer'S (Conltdnued froin Page 1) are Vo provide a hlgh degree of sîtabildty in proidiuec priceis, while r.eitumndn(g the hIgihest possible av- erage net prices to produce.rs, 0v- er a perioci of turne. The plan! en- cibles proceissors Vo pli, inivest aud operaite In, sucih a way ýthait ,they will beconne as efficeet as pohl.The plan wiR]l a re- d>tranispoa&t(ation cosits by more efficient outIuig of ,màlk froni fé amis; Vo plnt miwll prorvide aliistil mi 1k producers a cclilni'ipooedprier' for can or bulk inilk, sujbject onuly, Vo difer- eniCeiS aflewed for buitterfat aînd qulQliy. The plan w.ill opercite lin sîuch ,a ji~y as Vie be consiaitent with the progran of the, Canadien Deiry Connisision, lobtiakng for Onîtarioý producers their fair share of fedeirai subsidy dollars. Ro{beirt Gault. the board's, int- diuistrîia milik marketing speciaLl ist aiso spoke oin the plain, deal- ing withj changes ini tramsiporta- tioný, wlývtqhregard Vo self-hauI1ers of mnilk, rOadcsidije pickiup aind traispoltationbetweeiplaits. In celte.n inistances, tranÉpor- taVion changes wiill be pooled, withi proiducers payîng a prlopor- tioniiete share., Florida White and Red MGrapefruit 10 for 75o Best Buy! - Save 6c - Lancia Bravo Plain Sauce - 15 oz, Tin 29e. Macaroni or Spahet 2IL 41t, Best Buy! Save 6c! Creamed Brown Beur Honey- 2 lb. plastic tub 69C Eeature! - Condensed' 10 oz. Tins Heinz Tomato Soup 5-59C EBest Buy! - Save 7e Dr. Ballards Champion 15 oz. Tins Dog Food 4 fer 59c Save 5e! - Tulip Brand 12 oz. Tin Luncheon Meat 44e Feature! - Bous 10 to pkg. Garbage legs 39c Save 10e! - Bar-Tenders 12 to pkg.1 Besit Buy - Save &e. Abacore WMxte 6 oz. CLOVER LEAF TUNA 45c, For a pleasant change, Kiag of Roasts Branded Roasts (Short rut Chef Style) Primuâe Rib lb. 89c Ment Sandwich Spread - Liver Rol -- Braunschweiger - Chieken - Liver ,Ba. Snack Chubs IL 33c Luncheon Meats 75C Libby's' Faney Tomat?. Juice tn29C -Save 6e! - Fabrie 32 oz. Size Fleecy Softener 45c Best Buy! - Save 9c! Liquid 32 oz size iavex Bleach 2 - 49c Save 17c! Assorted Ready tai Serve 8 oz. Tubs Kraft Dips 2 for 89c Prlide of New Orleanas 4¼,ý oz Tin Medium Shrimp 59c [CORNISH'8 RED & WHITE [We,,reserve the rgt oIui untte Phmone 983-5261, Orono, Ont. 2. To aieve egàuiy in proper- Vy taxation, Mill rateis, Which are set by -, ocal gcven=mnts are based upon assessinenit data. If the data is ineonsitent for two i- deinàtical preperties oif is inade quiate, or 15 gaM~ered by different meîthods, thein ineqti Ves in taxes xiii ccur. W1Iit deDes this- meain to: the provinice's axpayers? lin ts siniplest form, reiassess- ment at niîkeit value meais sonne pnopeinty ownerîs wi'll find thât theîir Vax bis xvii incree, sonne wilii deicreiase, ind sonne will remain uichaineed. (This is apaîrt from ariy geneail increase in the muil rate). FOr' exýampile, sUppose there are tVwo idenicàI residential proper- tiles ici a nnumqcipality. One is as- seisaiediat $5,000 and the other is assessed a't $16,000, The second - with the h1giher assesmenit - would pay more taxes than tie firsit. But baith properties are i- dentical - and woriffh $25,000 eaich aitmaakeit value. Ohviously, thein, the second preperity is un- f ailY Payýig more taxes thian the fipst prloperty. If both propeilities are assesnsesf ait miarket value, this type 0f discuiminiaton, baied on different assesmerît methodIs at diîfferenit imes, would disiappearn. Whien will the reIassesusmenit 9tafft?, Munàipal Affair s Minfis-Ver Dar- C.y MCKeotfgh, Whose Depa-rtiienit 15 respoinsible for asseissnnenit, ex- Plained thiait the bulk 6f province- wide reaissessment ait nmarket vaPue will begin in: 1971. "Ayprograni of market value ,assessnmenit thait bas alread& been sitarted by a muai,,cipality or coucI- ty will be cantinued and cocmplet- ed by the Province as soion as possible," Mr. McKeouýgh said. "Otherwise, we plan to spiend most of 1970 in SU&, nece0sary, prepaoaitory functions as înivent- on-y taking, dlata colflectioan, 'rec- ord cinversion, and personnel tradMngIVi the, latest valuotion techniques." MI, MoKeough said Vinat on Janunan-y 2 thne new Assessaenit Divsion willIâbarb cloise ita 2,000 aissesisors anid assessimenit staff now woiiking for muciuicipa1lties and counties. Gènerauly, Vine Deipawtnnenît je welprepared for tîhe assessîmenit ohangeover. The Province has beeni divided iita seven aaisesm-nent aceias, earfh handler by an as-sesmeat direct- or. These aippo1initnimnt were an- neunced last June. Eaidh assessanent area is div- ided inta four or five regions ac- cordînig Vo proPerty deisity and geoigraphiesize. Thüity-itwo reg- lonlal as-sessinnenit conunil-oners were apîpodnted ini Oitober. "Tennporary offices have been an-uanged in areas where perman.- emI office aceomimodàthioný is not Orono Hockey' N-3al AlIbert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Oron* yetaulable," said. Ma-. Mlc- Keouigh. Eiveryone wM h avé, aa office to wrork frein on Jâa=wiry Speciail telep{hone arangements are being niide se theV property owners in eiaeh assesai>t reg- koni can oalUl tiheir regional o4fficoe w1thout hiavng to pay long-dist- anice clhargeis. SAM'S RES TAURANT Highway 115 and 35 %,mile south of Orono Specializî,ng ini Pizza and Spaghetti Speclal This Week %if f Toys ani As Macked LUNN Pro HARDWARE off 3ý Xmas Cards and Decorations Middletonls Phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONTV. Fully Cooked Shank Skinless Burins or Maple Leaf Smoked mil Butt Hl (1MS Portion[b. 79c Just Heat and Serve FulIy Cooloed HAM SLI CES IL.99C M1ild Seasoned ,i1lb. pkg. Buris Wieners IL.59 c Cocktail Mix 8,9cI_____ New Is The Tinte!» -~To Order Yoiir Phone 668-3341 M Collect ON DX PREMIUM QIJALITY FUEL OIL D lbX 1 F-aUEm mL faOIuk1L Cal] Us Today For Prompt, Courteous Service 1 1 1 1