Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1969, p. 1

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A ksy <Crew We know hirty.eig¶ht people ~who woff't have Vo nenry about Ihat lebtdwn feeling àfter the lholiday sebson, Why noV? Because they're the castcf "Southi Pacfie' andi they'l be lockiug forward Vo goImg on stage in Bowananville Town Hall the first week ïhi Feb- ruary. The musical is being pro- .duced -Wdnessiay - Saturday, IFebruary 3-7 (five niglits ths ,,ear) by thbe Bewmaanille Rotury ,Cub, Daama Worksdulop ansi Roc- i'eatieaiDepartmot. iDIrectors are Wilf Pegg ans i Rsehiary Merk- .-iey. The story âakes place duiug .World War 11 Éin the South Pacii àslaadJs where U. Navy asi ariannes. are stntion cd. Brienly - M t la alovestary iabout Vv'.o coup- ,les, - one a nume, EnsIgai Nellie ,Eorisush (Beth Wefldn), ansi ,J'renh plantation ýâwnr, Emule ,deBecquc, (Ross Cotton) -,ans i te other - Lient. Joseplh Cible (KarR IKappas) andi a naive gel, Miat ,(Carol W!gII) daughter of fthe un- fourgettailile Blosiy Mary (Doreen jitn'ey). The otiher bhlnty-Vhee .are nurses, .5eavice men, natives etc. - afi very interestihg charact- ers aàbout whcm you'Il heur later, Write A Letter If You Dissout FoIlowang'the publication ol 41ast week's issue we hadi a nmn- ,ber of citizens comment on tihe Weport -ansi editoial pertainug Vo jpropoaesi trafciransiparking li ithe ceýntre cf the Village It wûuisi appear from the cea- nents that thbe majority, ansi tubs 4was every«ne we talke taV, faveur- ed the continuation. of twowýay traffit on Park, Centre and ,Chureh Streeffs wLU~ parking onlY., on one ide rather than one4lday ,trafflc wi&h parking ibotih sies of The steet. It lso appears, after taqkling with mr. Sinipson, Chair- nian cf the Orono Police Trustees, et he eiis likewise lu-faveur cf ~Outnig VwoWaY trelflic ith paring onm one side or et lest ',s mmd il open for any cOnsiser- aVon that will solve tuhe prcsent Gaie doeis mot accr-Cipish miuch by ýspcaking Vo the eitor 0f the ,paper over this pxrûoosa, go we (wuld sugget that each ilUvisi- ,uâl xho. is opposesi VoVthe one-waY tËaipln, write -a iltter to the Oheawn of ihe Bearcl of Police Tmusteets, Mr. Simplson, t il oniv ,tlroUgh thils moans tht the Boands can beoome aw.are of Public OPin- ,ion in this moter. The public now ihais thse oppor- tanity te express their OPimion Mnd at Vias point hey ihoulsialse the- ipportun-lty nat.her than wait ,urïitil oine.4day trafffic beccomes a realiity iansi then disslent over tihe acion. VOLUME, 33, NUMWBER-51 The Deeenibear Geneoal Meting af Ormoo U.C.W. was precedesi by a ýnon pot-tuek sinnev helsi lu the Xaâen Hall on Decemibear 1iVh. Wibh a good attendünce everyone enjoyesi a deMocius meal of cas9- serobles, meàt, salads andi various 4eeerts.. The mneeting openesi with Pres- àdent, Mrs. oI. Ohafikee eending a welcome and Sees_ço's ireetiings io everyone. Devotions were given bY meni- bers oif Unit 5; Mrs. C. B3illings, Mrs. E. Brown andi Mrs.,P. Weirry, ,eadh rend a poaTùn of the NaViv- ity account froan Luike. These readings were flternated with tihe singing of Chrlistmas Carnofs by evroffi, Mrs. M. 11. ;Staplesg ac- OoMpauying on the ipiano. Mrs, Billings gave the meditation, ",Cihristme s lsAiways," written by ,Dale Evans Rogers. The offeamng was receives ansiddentes. Mrs. E Bveiwn sang beautdiukl 41AImlay(ls Lualay," accomPansyang herseUf-on the plano. Mrs. Wearar ,ema the stoiry of lUow tihe Greet Guest Came." Conrasi, tihe coli- jjieir prepearesi bis humvble home for the vîsft of our Lord, ans welcomed Hilm in the pevson of three needy people, Mrs. Werry idIosesi with :a prayer, followed by ithe Lord's Fraer in unlison. Unit 3 preseintesi a sldt "Cbrist- iaas Eve". Pwrbs were, taken by Mrs. C. -Gunter, Mrs. E. Convier andi M. O. Ohalie.. iBuiness was condueted iand an- iiounceanents made. Yeaty reports fnom units andi committees were s3ubnaitted. 11ev. Long was paresenÉ tVo inr stail the new slabe of officers for 1970. Our new poàreiet, Mrs J. Cook, spoke of the kindhiess of people and ished everyone a égood iChrditaas. The meeting closed with the Mizpalh Benedie- tion. Executive for 1970 .Past President - Mrs. O. Chie- lice Presidenit - Mrs. J. Cook ist Vice Pres. - Mrs. F. Lycett 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. R. ROS- seau Recording Sec. Mrs. D. Long Corresponding Sec. - Mas. F. Vagg, Treâsureûý -Mrs. C. Gunte. Committee, Chafrmen:-, Community PiiiendsdËip andi Vis- itiing - Mrs. R. Ohapulan Citizensiuip and Social AsitUm - iVrs. A. Loueks, Mrs. F. Vagg Co.operation inCluistian andi Missàon Educafion - Mes. E. MRI- son Finance - Mxrs. C. IViLaren Flcmwers -qMars. C. Tyrrel Litera(Mtre andi Con-amuuicaUtmos - Mrs. N. Porter membeihip -Mrs. 0. Chatbter- ton Nouifhatious -Mrs.. W. Ini Pragrams - Mrs. O. ChaMilce Suiply andi Social Agssistance - Mrs. G. Duval Olmblban Stewawdslhùp and 1Re cruiting - Mrs. C. Taylor. Ufnit Leaders- Unit l - Mrs C4as. Millier Unt 2 - Mrs. E. Raiuey Unit 3 -Mrs. B. Long Unit 4 -Mrs. O. Chaterton andi Mars. F. Vagg Unit 5 - Mrs. C. Bilhligs Unit 6 - Unit 7 - Mrs. W. Irwin TimesOpen House DEEMBER 23rd, 1969 This Saturdayt __________________ 'Me Lflarke PubUli brary wilI, ý>ofd their openi house this Satur- Wzýfl , m av )csf tihe ~~f the Clarke Public Library Board ihOpes Vo receýie the publc's view in Mhe devedopanent of this )buiilding for thetr use. The house ,w9111be open froun J:30 te 3:00 p.m. with the Board ;ieeung et 3:00 c'dclk in the Coutnoil Chamsibers Vo acoPt vdews and proiposulis fron i nterested igroups andi individuels. Christmas Calis. For Special Cor@ Chriumas shnud lie a time of joy for ehIldreun, but Fre 'Chie R~oss Mercear wanins that preipar- atio4ns for the f eisftive seasosn, anjd sûme of the cetobiationts associ- ,ated with ut, miay constitute dead- ýiy threats Vo thelïr Èlves. "Neyer leave lË41ke hildrein un- àattended," urges the Chdif. "Nev- ,er take a chance ion 'slippin<g out' ifor a f ew mnuutes' Gnily a f ew .ýëonýds can tunn halppineusVo horroir, rwhen,. decomations, gift ~wrappiintgs and trees bring in- ipreased dangers of fires into Thie Chief points out that the éCrmnirËal Gode of CainadJa provides ,heavy peniaiLies for sucli negli- igence iwhtch ,may endanger the Afie 'or health of eny dai'ld ujuder the age üf ten years. H1e futher ýwans that Parents âhouljd nke ,sure that any nâtiural tree, set Up in the hcome bie bought whien it is ifresh and green, and kept with its butt immercedd in ds W ithnioughout the staiy inidcýSs... Un- ,der 'certaun -eon&ltàoon, he says, a ,sinagle match ma~y ugnite a ree. Trees should he removed fvom the hoine immeiliatety after Christ- 'ýlnjoy thÂs happy season," saiys, Chef Mercer, "but lie sure lihat Chiistnlas cheer idoes niot bring a careless5 attitude to fire rigiks." Firs Destr.ys 6th Ue House Sniturday afternoon fire de- etroyiJdd he brick f arm bouge sit- uaied «n the former Jànm Baley Mobaâcoo f arm on the sixth line af Olarke, Townmhp. The f aai is mont iowed by a Burfort mans anid opeir- ated by Mr. and i Mas. Jerome Reynuex4t who were residenits of the hous~e when the fàre. brok.e out. At Uo!~ time of the fire the ,Reynaeaebs were worlving in the etotacco stripping room andi were (unaware of the fire li the bouse. A cailf was placed wVh the Cliate a'fowàshiip Fire l}opartaent ait 3:45 ,p.tmn. Soane of the furnishiiags were ires6ued out of the building but ja ponsiuderathle amjounlt Ws lost qi the fire. Tjhe NpWoasUe Pire Depaxt- ment assisted wih tihe ffightimrg of (the fire due tio;tfhe fact that water was mot :ava.ilaibl'e on the PMlper1Ly. It was necessary VoreturnnVo Or- onio to fi11 the 500 gaflon water ,tmaks ion tihe fine trucks. The daiuse of the fire is not knnwsi tbut fire ehief Ros Mercerfkl dste" eigt Wt sbaated behins the telle- j-,%n Èn the south endi of the bbiuse. Suggest Clarke Twp. Anud NewsteJi I.O.O.F. Draw Prize -Winners The flowing us a lEst cd tihe ivinners_0f Turikys in fthc Ormai .Oddfellàws dmaw helsi last Wed- vmeSday nigit: Mrs. J.. MacDonald, Kendâal; J«eye llarcodk, RR 1, Orno; Fay eAdams, Oraono; Peter Van Hal- bearehm, Pontypoo&; Mars. A. Gerrowv jeskarui; Jian Mowat, Oshiawa; ,Aan>e Farrel, Oreono; Nellie »bOpper, Bowmn=VM£Ll; Maxiion ,West, Oruno R. J. Niddeny, Bow- -inanviwe. Thle fin cof consultants whicth is preparkng a local governmnt study for the Unites Countiets cf ,Northulrniberland ansi Duiham met wth the flounuies' Specal Asivis- ,ory Comiittee on Deceuiher 8, J,969 ani reportesi on the progress ,of their study. Their surveys io site inudicate thet diffÉtrent Parts of the Uniltesi Couties are orieuted toward ecdi of three sufferont surrouudfing ,uiibam rtr :Peterboarough, Osh- awa tan BeHleville-Tarnton. The ,eSere cthe Countiies,- the, Port R¶opeCoburg Diainns Triangle fornis a separate groiMtl pole ,Whioh fIs not, stronglly Ilkesi Vo ,lm oee of the surrouud= glarg- er cenktrer, Its prescu trtibuuiary avea Includes primarlyHRpa andi been proposesi for discussicon pur- flamu-ilton townsips id Vo a less- poses. er degvec the iufficIpaIillies of -The Town c)f Campbeilford, iafkdimiand, Ainwicék,, Craniahe the Village ôf Haàstings, the Thmm4 and tOolboiine .uio f Percy and Seymour; (pop. If te piovinbâlgavenmen "'-l3he Village of CdIborme andi implemeuts its statesi criteria fo the Townsghips of Cramaâhe, Haisi- future regional governeint, these ;mndadAnie;( .746 findfings indicate tihat the lustorieï adadAi'wc;(o.746 ,UniteCounties iol le carvesi--The Village cf,,Brghtoýn, tfhe up and idvided into adjoining re- 'Pow.nsiiPs of Brighton andi Mur- dions. These criteilia ýarr, hot mec- play; (pop, 10,807) essaiIy inflexible, however, and -_The Towns of Cobourg andi aftemântiles ave bcinàg' invelsiigates. Port Hope andi the Torwnhips of I amy event, lit seenis unlikely Hopie ani Hamilo pp 93 that thie exlàtiug structure andi o lo;(pp 931 ,&vsion cof functions of local gov- --The Townships of Manvers, ,exnment lu fthe Uniited Ceunties Caivaa.lands. Soutlh Monaglifan ad £ea refani entirely unehangesi in the Vilage of Milbrook; (POP. the tfuture. Very tentatlve{ly smie ~grupings of municipalties have (Cozmnued page 6) TO WISH YOU A JOYFUL e' L et us remember, as we celebrate His birth, that aur duty to mankind is ever growin'g in a world that gropes for peace and understanding. With trust in ... ... and with the spirit of love,.we must renew our faith and dedicate our efforts ta accomplish that ideal. Oronio Weekly Times andi Staff IONE, DOROTHY, DON andi ROY Inst ail New U.CW, Officers 1

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