Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER l8th, 1969 HMe Came to His Own .Scnipture Lesson St. JoYhn 1: 1,13 l imothy 3: 1.ý5, 4: 1-5 Taken from a serion preadhelci by The Re. B. Long. 7%e> Toronto rDatly Star reports ,"Th'e une hundred and fiftyT Chureîhes in Toronbo will be ex- fluet in a few yearis. "United ,ChuriehModecator, Dr. Robezt Mc- Clure, is alarmeci ancidlscourag- ,ed." But Reyv. Raniet GhrIistie, oe me o the leaders in educatiional ±heoogy in Toronto, disagreed ,witih the reports that peoile are juist nt intereste.d in th'e!ology. She says, theology is "tihe one gift üave ail else that we have to share. The one insistent question aed taday by tail people, .olpec- àad1y youtih is, "Whaf is liSe al àbout? What is' the me'an)inîg of Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 lie"As soon as you starit sert- .eusly ùryiarg to SEnd the answer fa tihat, yo en ienu the middle of theology. So let us nt get discauraged but raiiher let us break out cd the awfui conplaecency that bas been expeÈiene'd in the Christian .Chureh for se long. TFhe prablen witih the Churol Is1 that we've ,playedc around with the Chitian Ilaith. We have Soleci arouud ,with superfi cita tbùig-s and we have let Jesus Christ ýout. There is no ýChrstlan Chuceh wit'houit Jesus Christ. When we are dedciated to Jesus Christ, then, snomabies,skiing, ehanig- ing tItmes nor anythinîg else -will take us away from serving Hibm. Willim G. Ennight, an Illinois Presbyterian Minister tellis od a .Germain play, "The 'Main Ouiside." it was the stoiry of a shaffiered ,soldier, wounded, 'missing sinee Stalinugrad, rho Sound bis way home ater 'three yea'rs'in exile. Rie was a ruiei relie od the wir returning to a strange and hbsilie scoeiety. Bis name wvas Beclkm:ann and fie summed up his pliglht. 'A main comes to Gerfrlany. He cornes home iand his bed is wecupied. A ,door slams and he is outside. Re findis its girl bas a husband. A .clor slamis md he is outsde. Be looks for work and aà door sains and, he is outsfide. A main cones from Geiany. Be looks for his pareints. But an oId iwonman mouruis the wsep S gais ansid the doer siamis and he is outiside again.' Beckmfann was the main outside. Advent remindis us of the cern- For You r Shopping Convenience the store wiil remain open until 9:00 p.m. each day exoepting Sat- urday commencing MONDAY, DECEMBER 8th' and until the night before Christmas Oron .5to l$1,00 NUE Store Il Phone 983-5401 "Your Chdfstmas ShoDpping*Headquarters" iug of ChrIst andi Be ti is the MVan oatii-de Wýe recid in 15he, Gos- ,pel of Joihn. "Be was in the: wo'4d yet the wDrild knew Bim not. Be ,came toHis ewn home and Bis ,own pecople received Iiim not," There were tliree reo penises to Christ: 1 Tfhe rep3onse of the BetLhIe- ~hem innikeepos- was pireccupaitioc. He w'?s uiîjw'î thr at; nd Christ ddidn"!t get in. 2. Beroid the ruiler is the elp tome of hc3tility againsit Clvnst hjje' jueh kingdim Wa; cn fthýreýateied. lIn oîu tirne mainy sIrt Li p kngdems, some, oSf Eri lcel. Will Chr'ist get in therre? No! There wý"l býe hio iility.Wla Christ stands for threatens tfmt. 3. Then t ewa's rejce S,'on- on pvery hand. Jamnes C. StEtwari,, great Soci't'sh pre'ackhur saifi of ,Cîhrist. '-He challenges al eouir basic ax&enms." Becausie He is, a yrh7c-lenginig pýersýoiniaiity and ci fere, the wacld abjecits to its Messiah. "Gernitie Jesus me'ek =dni nili" oý. "lan unîwozrly ms cldreaner" or "a §taineid glass 'w'iý!3w Christ is mot go&nig te do much damage If 'hait il w Hat e waî. But a re'asoning Christ, -an invad- ýng, tif e rv1feniî Christ, nhat iýs intolirable hocause He menaces ou- ýway i0f tif e, d&mages our self determJnation ami -,trik- es at the root of our inýdepori-d once. The Churahes would bce paiokeid fia verllawt'In.crif Christ ias geitting full allagan ce frrorn ýail our nie min;ailChr'stIanis. The Powver ina thle Cmmunity would just turn thfe world upside down. But Christ iemands Suiti aleglance aind many turn' away beizause, theY cannot bring tihemselveýs 't dedi- cale therselveg cornpletoly. Oth- £os h-{tcy te aù.'3ubitie,, te get in wifh a h3ýailS hecteci response. But Christ sali, "He who us niot yfilling 'te fesake' everytfling eIse1 and fSodlow Me is mot wvrthy to, be My disciple." The Chrislian wirld hais trieci to plaey with Chri stýafn- ity se the misses lin soclcltySaY,' "1Chrf'stà«a'mity is not worth any- thing." They have flot seen real Christlaaaty! ,Sain the Adiveint season lot us irememhuer âan tinat Jesus cameý to a warld that was His own and te Bis ýown people and, fhey did gtot reccivie Hlim. lIn the yeiars since and in aur tirne. part of the trouible is that Chxist is nef re- rceivod. He canet even get inside )bhe sermcn wthen the prea&cher' ,wainf s te pleale the people rather f han f0o please Christ. Christ has been kept outiside of wershiP. We aIlow ways, expressions, croeds aind such, te be our aIl Tao often Christ is left on dhle outiside. Christ eau beï outside our hearling lin thle sermon foir When it toiuch- es our [ilves we reject the impuls- es tihat God would create, in us andi cause us ta receive Himm. Christ -dan bic lept outside aur actîvities. Basic te nthe effective- smoss cf eufr camnmunity visâtation was Bible sfudy, te siive the, right perýspectilve,. The pote nitial vlsflt- ors sald, "We don't, neeid this. It embariraisses us., Do nef lot us 6ie tao religionys about this." Some- times C<hiLst canne t gelt into) our Churich activities. The Rey . Cla.ke ýMe)Donald's ,work in 'Toronto is revcrsilng the trend,. Be gets ouf mb flthcstreefs, and bis people help ýhim in a way flthâlis bringing a neiw cîmphasis te the message oS tihe Church. Be tld tihe Star, 'If we can: hoild on, ,the Chuedh wiil ernerge, strouger than ever, but it will be wounded ,ad iA will be-moeohumle." A yauflh- mode fiais remark, 'We dIg- Jesus buit the Cihurcli tanins us- off." Net much wender iî tihe Churdh is rejecting ChrLet. :But Jeses me ans soneflu'g when ,we Iive Jesus oves-y day in every- ,tfÉlnË we de. Jesus said, "I dâds not icone te calu the rigliteous but àlnnjests f repentance.' Be wa- othezr lon--gs to releaseý what life the Church." *We ne4ed a renewed, there is from the casing that Chiroh. We need 'te let .Qhiist thre'atens to stiýfl e t. And the come agaJn to Bis Church. irony of it is that Chrdst stands Jesus smdi "Beiholci 1 stand at outside thiÙs debate tihat dvides (Ca±i'Inueid to page 5) Co esee the better c1olc 1,1970snw bls Choo-se the model right for you. For the man who wants, Iuxurv, xhere's Ski-Doo Nordic. For the man who likes his action fast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the. low oriced Olympique 112/3, But, don't wait too'long. Better deal now for best choice. the sign of thefInest snowivnobiles, sportswear, accessores, 8k-f parts and service;, Ski -Doo. )-8127 1 T.M. , Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-9167 mother's day gradtuation day, Cris asday and every day. Central Community Telep kone Co. To the Electors- of Cla rke Township I woulId like to thank the people of Clarke Township for my acclamation as Reeve for the municipality for 1970 May I also extend Season's Greetings to everyone. John Stone Wliliam, C. Hall, B. COMM. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday ANNOUNCEMENT - Duunville, Ontario Phone Zeùlth 46350

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