Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1969 ce - - - See Agenxy fer AN classes of 'personal and ComiuercislCoverares Office: Mal. st., Oreso lmu. tM4754 PHNONE 983-598 Ores.. Ontario PAINTING rAIPENTRY IEMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS laterior Exterior CHARLES RïID. Orono's Licenseil Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales, Conmult me for terms. and dates PRIONE ORONO 983-5914 FamIIy Memorials Ou quallty and servie bavez motbiag té b. Leuret À~the P«sm Who b.aght frm a, a m.gbor, flend aor r"ltye The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street I !ATSODN'S 'Marnel and cycle Oroeo Phone 983-5343 PkINCE CRAFT BOATS i Alouette- Snow Mobiles McCulioch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to a makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS ADMACHINERY PLJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins I Phone 786-2552 B y PLUMBSING ad HEATING O Sacs and 'Service !,4 HOUR. BURNER SERVICEe GULF FINANCING ILow Interest Rates u Phone: -- I Tyrone 263-2650 QmOvile Chattertonj 4Electrical 'Contractingz IElectric leatins.- and Service 1 PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontàrin ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and G erry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTI,\G ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO'- HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELEU'TROHOME INGLIS -' THOR -GUARANTFED SERVICE- iHamiltons Insurance beui u pire, Package P*mces« Fideltty Bomd. First Mortgage Lean% 'Sadie Hamiltoni Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers 1 <l mited , Manufacturer% of Cenetery MemnorialsJ j 318 Dundas Str-eet Bait WHTBY, OxNTARIO Buidin Ha use? Ior remodeling your present - one, then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 ORONO FREE Ladies Day, Sunday, December 7th 'Acres Rcstaurant'. Every lady accompanied by a gentîcaimai having dinner will receîve, bers fre~e. Dinner served from il to 83 p.an.a-c TANKS FOR SALE 1000 to 5000 gai. Tanks for sae Phone 623-5756. b-c FOR RENT Semi-detauhed home, bedroom, timing ýand dindng room; vmodern kcitahen and bath, Picely dcr ated - very primate. Phone âfter 6:00 p.m. 983-5511.- c-tf FOR IRENT Large New Store; rino Busiýn- ess; FPll, plumbiing - fllectrie Heat. Perfect tloaaüihn for: Furniture Store; Plorist; Clothing. sto. e; Shoe Sto:e; G1f t Shop; Antýques« Phognr after 6:00 p.m. 9835511. c-tf FOn RENT Oebcdro ý tet.An4 ab'Le Decemibur it.ConpetelY rede~ted hu't -JcIhydr inl-- e'ludocd. $0prmn Kei'th Trcgunna, Mi lst., North at Di-ksQin. Phone 983-5542. a-p FOR SALE Heavy duty low-bed traler, 9 f t. by 6 ft., inew tirets, ideal far sports car or Ski-doos. Gallaifter 6 'dkphone 983-5270. ne NOTICE St. Saviour,,s Christ-m-as Tree .2nd social evening w41l be held Frida5, December lZth ýat 8 P.m. at St. Savi*our's Sunde ayShool HauJ. Silver 'colieton. bp TENDERS Tbuders milI be received by the undensigried unWil five o'dock December 1M 1ifur the ýSUIPPdY Of fuel oui for tihe onom Aien-a for the '69-70 seuan.. Orone A mâteurAthie ic Assue Russeil Maj<>r, Box 103, Oronb, Ontario. ne Painting und INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING aFo s ean dependable Job" Cal Douglas and Gary Simpson, 993-5104 JACK, RICARD REALTOR 99 Ring St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Seffing cal WIL F H.AWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board' WANTED 1 C»ýese, Rabbit's, Ducks and al kinds of poultry' including pig- eons, ohickens and ail types of Bantain pouitry. Phone 983-5324. d-50 c NOTICE Looking for a Hall for your Chistmas or New Year's Party? Phone 263-642. b-c NOTICE TrY our Tasty Celypso Ohacfkein Dinnër $eciai, on{ly $1,25, Sat- urday, ilecember 6th- The 'Acres Restaurant' a-,c CARETAKER Appucon4s Win be x10elved for &É thn Carétaker for- Bow- ianvàle Secenclary Slx>oà, uintil 5 in. Fiday, Deemnber 5tlh icaice and qu'alicatfions teo: Mr. M. A. MaLeod, Business Adma'nistrator and Trmsurr, Norhurb-r~nd and .Durhain Comnty Board of Edication, Boyr 470, Cobourg, ont. - NOTICE Orono Landscaping. Qardon Ser- vice andc Snow Plowing. Phone 983-598. . t-f NOTICE Alterations anid "an sewine. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park ancl Church Sits. Phone 983-5493. t-f licened Plumbing & Mechanical Conrractoe w)» sels, instalh CARMIAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phoene 983-5207 Ore-ne- REFINISHING OLD WOOD I'tave - vourite piece of' furniture refindshedl for Christ-I m'as, Cali 983-5596. b-48-ce COMING EVENT Pot Luel< Dinner, U.C.W.,on Thursday, Deceinber 111h noon,, 12:30 pn. SPecial lVuic, CO-istias ,De-- votione, Pay. InStailation of nemr Briing, yao«ilavouite dâsh for, lundh.a-C COMING EVENT Heather 6ocia1 Clüb Annual Ba=aar Mtd mea tur&ay , Dec- dnxber 6, 2.30 p.ma., J.O.O.F.. HalL Corne oM4 joli, your fr*nds for a hPpy bour then ejy a delle- loua kmhindat, the tea room set up- li fýeÈve -%urunmi4ugs. .There mwl b e anýrnv ateffngr pre'tty -anid:sci1atee on mile. Ithëdai,,s wMEl ho made, eoln- nienidhg atfour û'clock., Oiiders 'are s«iii beiug taken' for hiktisCakes; phone Mrs.Gor- don Wâtsoii, 98à,5343 or 'Mr$.- JaMels Majô, 0843-5842. a-c TIIANK YOU We are anxà'ous Ibo show our- apiajin ta hose persons who suntkrtied Gutr recent project of- canhvsfng for the Caaiadian Na-- twoaral insttute for the BRlnd. HORTICULTURAL NOTICE Don't foc-get the Hortiltural' Ghrîintmas, Show -on Thwrmday, De- cember 4th, ini the Majin Hall of' -tihe -church 26t 8 -pin. Slides of Io- oal interest andc others will be Shown. glass 1 - .Christanas Mobile, a fi- mnt of a Chiistnaas Carol or, Stor. Class 2 - Dining 'table centre- idece, dres-sed ail avound. Not to excf-ed,10" in height, 14"1 ii, length. Candles may be higher.. Clasa 3 - Chistmas Gift box,,- wrappgd, net to excced 16". Glass 4 - Christnia Table Place- Tag sitably decorated. Class 5 - A door d-eccratkin. Ck4 6 - A -gift item. Som-îdried maiterials nust be inmcludýd. AUl entries reeeived 7:30 pi.. ORONO JUNIOR GARDENERS'> Onopno Unîted Çharrh, Tuesýdy,- Dezenulber 1&th, 7,00 o'rloek, lass 1 - CblnsTenas Mobile, a fi-- gurine -made of cardboard, tc, be huing Up with a string (etc. SaRiýa Olaus,ý , Reinder, ta'ee,. bird.) Cbass 2 .- Miniature Arrange- ment, not over 4" hlgh. ,Class 3 - Mantel Arrangement . any size, front view oniy. Class 4- Christmas Tree decor-- ation. Class 5- Christmas Card, muGt have sûme natural material on its cover. Clas 6 Your Scrapbook, should, be decorated. tP1eage brdng your parents and- nriends. Lunch wfll be served. Lunch an(d, gaines. b-c-- DIED STARK-At Memorial ilospital, - Bowmanvile on iSaturday, Nov- eniber 29, ,1969, John :Stark in bis 56tih year, beWoed hushanc of' r&Donothy, Logan, Rit 1, Newtoný vile, dear- father of Wayne, Terry' anld Su§an. Fruneral was f rom tfhe Morris Funeral Chapel, Býowmwn-- villaonTu'es;àay, December ZndI at '2 ocloek. Intenment Grono Ceantery., Donations Vto the Can- adilan Gahicer Societyli bis inieti- ory .wouid be apprec'iate.d. DIED WITE-At Maae'niia Hootal -Bdwmaanvle, OnùTro on, Satur-- day, Novenaber 29th, 1969 Franchi,- Benjiamin IVte, Oronù, Ontailo, li hs 89th year. Belioved hueand' -of E-va Byers iand dear father of' Dois (Mos. D. Grýahain) Oslhawa,, Ontaio. Rested -at the B-arIo«w Funeraif Home, '(rono, -Ont. for serývice Tuesday, Dedeimiber 2nd at 2:00 ipn. Intenment OCroco- Gemetery. D.ROGERSON OjONOONTARIO ANTJlUE8 I I WRB uy AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles! Toye and Oddltles 9 IF ITS OLD... I CALL US WB PAY CASH jPhoae623-5342 after 6 p.mZ LYCETT Jlumbing Heatinz I ............. k M»49 4& "quemp- -qqw»pý --Ugmw- --mm- Âe v

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