ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUBDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1969 Grout for "Cuva@ Swamp âim m noiunced receitfy tha ap iý"xova lihas been givein by the jnourabIc George Kerr, Muîlst- É,er nýfEniergy nnd Resourcels -Man- ïugewntn, for ia provinoiallgrawûtof î,$2(ý,250. Vo the Otmoabele Hegio.n c',asexmatdon Auhoniity. 'The grant is for the land Oi- fquieilion sadheme No. 4 in Vheieav- MUra mp waip .Oneeiroabcku Larea. ',Me -iuthoey prxooseKlVo aquie a mube~r edddiVionai prIipe&Ii1ie -4n 'flic Cn Swaimp. Since 1964 ,the P i ~r ha~s aqfr 766 sacrer tbhe Caqwaîn SwFýniiP a tfor wLiide putiposes and Pfor the "WânteIý!ý,ihafdIn oecaiiycf rhis 4m t i:, Ihim water~sf. ofJaok- 'tson Onck.i The ipreseaTt purchase ,,vàl1 ad'd 549 acres to thle conser- -vation ai-en. AII moniber muiofiipaliticsIae lbeien deisifgnaeted as beiiiefist1ng ý*d 'wLII be Imeid the AuthoentY's 2shaei of tihe eo-t in tihe sim-e pro- ¶>»iýtIoh as the ýadnüiistatibon W. FRANK REAL ESTATE Bealtor ,21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Pert Hope Office 885-4543 For -pomut, courteou&s, effici- ent -service whefl huyîiig or selling -and for the Iargest sel- efflon -of properties in the Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster -983-5801 Dane Found 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 ROY Stronz -5<2 r il Bethanv Oxford Up And Down Thé Book Stocks NEW BOOKS, DEC. Phb ADULT- Jejiâe --by dRaph G. Martin, a biography of Lady RRmndolph Yoa- by £nnest Wo-od. The ScreWtape Letters- by C. S Lewis. The Tinie Jkppers- by Robert Sdive~'~g(Science fictioi thriller). h Chairs, Occasioni Dining-Room Suites, IBunk Beds, Mattresses, guide ta, modemn be hockeyý Stoniesjof ?avôUrite Operas- by Clyde Robert Bulla. Hurray HRome, Çndy- by Meid- ci-t »ejong (Iist Amio~an win- ner of the làtematioqyËIla ans Ohràstiîan AndersoSiAwaind. Whe She Wg Good--byPhitUp I-ow ýDo You Sparik A Porcupine Roth. b oM od B,3n Hur,,- by Lew WiLlace. JUNIOR- Face-0f- by George uIlivan, a The G-ihost of Five Owà,Yarim - by Wilson Gage. The Nightingaile-~~by fans, Chwis- tlan Anderon., ai Chai 4 ssorte .5pce.j *KIN1JJPRGÀPTEK and, PRE- SCHOOL Tikki Tikkii Tembo- by Alene A Bastl <iieu--by Peggy Pawdiish. The Case of tie Cat's Meow- by Crosby Boin"ia1. Favouiite Cbnistmas Songs and 'Storiets. Littie Red Rdi"g Hod- by The Brothers Griaiim. The Tomten and the Fox- by As- trid Lindgreun. Olga Beauchamp - w i *11 g i Country .Don's Furniïture,,.,Discount"Biarni H IGHWAY 35 -115 AT NEWCASTLE CUT-OFF ALL EXISTING STOCK, MUSI GO!e Featuring:, Recliners, Rockers, Wood rrs. d Rug,>, Bedroom I SuiesEnd Tables, Sf udent Desks,. SuiesOffice Desks, Etc.. TOM19RFI70 STYýLEC IUN! BUY FOR CHRISIMAS - SAVE$$ HERE g -r--- ïï4miiffl wl , ., 1 Illi , wim ------------ - , ïl , 1- ni" Il