Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY. BECEMER 4tb, 1969 Report O. Farm Assessment AIex Cauiers,' MPP, Dulham Report of the Committee on Farin Assessdent and Taxation The report of the CouiittéeOn -Farin ssie&smient anid Taxation ,submittLed te the Honourabie Dar- cy McKeoughi and the iegislature ja few ' day-q ago will no dou'ot wlhen tranislated into legisialtionl prlovide soine effective so1ufiùn,ý ta t'he prablen'î of f arm ass nment 'and taxation. Theru Ls general gremn hat the phipe-rlty tax on wýorkinlg farms ehiouýId 'bcecoideraýbàiy lbw- er tihan on mn-am Tpete becaise of thie imited 'ai1àity of woyrking farnis Vo àpay taxes out of current in:coinke. Tc limitation is inostt apparent ini those agdeiuk'ur, ai areas of tle proviîre located i wha't might lie termed "Urban The Proj4i em first aiPpealeèd fi the Me'trýfiDo 'Irontü area and how covers aji(« afiton Peel, York and Ontarlo Counties.1 Its effects' 'are- now beig expes-inted local- iy 1âoýhkXUt the Gounties 0of Durfham and Northumbherland, The Conuîttee's reco0mmenidaý tionis are based ons two Particular assumptioins. (a) That t he province or Ontar- ioe ither by î tseIIfor In cnue t'tion -with the Fcderal Governraeot, will introduee In the near future a capî'tai gainis fax. (b) TI-at assessîment procedur- es -will be gejînerailly iiuproved and standardized'as a resuit o& the ti,ýlsfer of assessmnent adm-inistLria- tien to tJhe provi4nce. RedannendatonNo. 1I tif the report defines "farmland" as land deVotled Ca tihe p>rodueion of p]ants and aninials itseful Vo nman inîelidig but not lins'ted t» a ranige of products produced bY tihe agnriculturafliduistrY. A propeiity shail net le con- oiîdered "f annland" Unleffl: (a) It :contiains at toast il acreS wivhl are a unit except for div- isi>oa by a streat, road, raflroad or by seater. (b) If îît contains less than il acres, it lias 'Produeed an aver'age annu i gross revenue froan agri, culiall produets o! at ieast $2,OO0. over Oree VreeYears Pre- Eednlg the year cg agsesment Or grs s ae «! such piiodues or at kze~ $2,000. ilthe ydlar préced- mng the yelar of assiet In addition to fann land it is recommendeld that pefiet tiax treiatment ýbe extended to for- eit lianidsanarid ther lands used for CconserVation purposes. Reconmendatiioas reiated to asessImentictucle: (1) Thie tax base oi faTrm IrlOp- ertieca be market vaue mSeaSS- menits sub e'ct to a mnaximm de- termincid by tI' e application, to thie land cýf tise followig sched- A proposed Schiedule of Farîn Land A,%ssesîsni. Rates Sili Grade Rate per Acre I 200 2 185 3 145 4 60 5 30 t3 20 'i 15 (2) 'Tlle value of tihe faîrîm resi- dence lie re-ox¶ded sepýarteiy ahd inelluded as a specii entiity in the nbaxinm t ax base)o4 thse f ars. (3) Tise value of tihe frm Ou't- building be recordoed separatel andi ncluded as a speielfice entitY in tihe maximum-i ax iyane of the faim. SaWtrday evenfng i the Orono Oddfeilotv's lali the KendailMid- get iBasebull ub were hosieured with a banquet an~d presentatd.on having earlter t'his year won the Oiitühio Chaaupionship i theur division. Parents and supporters of the teami were present Vo enjoy thie ev;'nitng aind to congratbulate the ,youthifui affhietes' o'f the. Ke dal district. A 'furkey banquet svas served the gatherlIng 'ohich was fobowed by the presiente.Aon od the trophy 'mi the prels:.-i2ation o«jaikets o, the players, cea&ches nd ' alnag- cus cf the teani. Mr. Grant Wad'e of ewtïil acted as chairmaoin forý the even- inig andd intllroU.ced th., head teble xvhicih ieue r lfs. Maurice 'HailtaeII, Mr. and Mrs. Raýpli Kenriedy, Mr. am Mrs. Cecu iaîàrveii, Ar. aind rI l 3 ,Jir Gilmer, Mix and r.Ând Wiade, Mr. and Mrs. Joln hoip son and Mr. Ted Stanik.. Mr. .im Gii1er, pagt pcie' ORONO ARENA S? Sponsored'by the Orono Chainber of Cor of tihe Eastern Ontaiïo Basebail Assoitoii ongratulated tihe Kendafi team for thek~ achieve- ment this year. H1e was reniinded of the fact thatlie himselLf had sitarted ipllaying 'banebafi hfi Kend- aI and-thiat'he owed nmtch ' nnmber of loaders lin tbat coan- mundty ,Who liad pcomoted bail baii tihcouoit taieyelars. Mr. G&lmer reniind'ed heplayers that they did carry ia respohibilty to younçger 1Paii3 who often looked up to th'em niow as .Vtheir Idois. -Mr. ArnioIl Wade presented the Ontarlo Chaan'pionsip troïplhy to BÏdilRobins on,, captaàn of the tïain Who i tunn thanked tihe peopie of KenldaÊ,, the Kemndail Re- creaitioqi Asusoiation und th e Clarke' ToWnglhip Reoreiataon Ais- soicidon wlho thnlough theïr ef- forts aréd support had m'aide it poissiblefor.tihe team to enter and suiece-éed in the! r Champdion- ship 'bid for this year., The teain ,preseùted their ecoaches and main- aéer with gifits'in appreciation of Kendal M'idgets Honoured At Banquet - SATURDAY, DECEMBER l3th - 2 t. 4 p.m. NOWMOBILE RIDES (Weather Permitth-ug) ninerce Santa will be tÙere for the Youngsters ther iwork with Vhe club dunitng the seasoni. Mr. Jun icn er iade thbe pres- eMbation of the jackets to the players and tean officiais. Mr. Cedf Garvetih f£dowed by pre- senitd.g the pliayers with tihe On- .,,àmo OhiaimisbfP Cresai.SMr. OarVeth aiso pi eesentVed StPeven West with. the Most Valuable piasyelr trophy wMelih Steven had- oitganed in- the NewcaMlste Cvice 11of1iday baÊeb ai tomÙnent.' The r evenihg was coniuded the gftfor; m'others day. àgraduation day Christmas day and every day. Wvilliam C. Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Sa3turday rANNOUNCEMENT i Central Commun ity Telephone Duunville, Ontario Phone Zenith 46359, Il Ils I Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 For Your Shopping Convenience the store Will, remain open umtil 9:00 p.m. each day excepting St -Si urday commencing MONDAY, DECEMBER 8th and until the night before Christmas MT IOrono -.5c f0 $1.00,,Store Phone 983-5401 "Your Chieistmias 'Shopping 1Ieadquarters" Santa's Free ýChristmas Skating, Party m 7u

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