Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1969 O-'RONO WEEKLY TIMES S.coSd O n m , nti. hnuer 308 Generation Gap fflowdüg the reeent Taent Show et Clarke Highl SehoI we were confronted witli the' question "Ndw whlat do you thiin~k of the generation igap?" (1n otlier wils it woas being stated that we had just wittiaeosed a programn that was on uinad beyanid us and that youth was excelltnig Vo- day more han ever before). Before we deénounce ùhks iîdea let jus say ýthat we did tlhoouglÊy onjoy the progralýin id do gîlve credit tVo se thet partidpatedý. it was a fun-filled nîlght. The term "generation gap" is today gros.9ly. over- played. t bas (alsways exàsted in our thlue and no doubt into the dila ad d &is'aat çast. lit lis a natural phen(onmiia between ybuth anid the jadWtage anîd ds part of the social behaviiolir el the huanan re. In aot it is a nevessity, for we couldmot survive if we trudged aloing in the same old rut. T'here is no dioubt thiat thbe yýonit of today is more Ruent iand freer than ever before but thmls is aliso true of the aduit age -.roup. Both are shiowVng thie sanie chiracter- isiies with the result tubat the generation gap' dcs nut wî dn. The Clartke Hig1h School sihow dïid not prove the ex- istanice of any'i genenlaâiin gap ais the adults in thbe audience were, in thfe majoa'ity, enijoying the oifermigs 0f the stud- entÈ, This woiulkl not have beein -the oae five or en, years ago if the isame proxafn i als prisented with some of 'Swba -would therè be called" toudhy drama. We dan, sWaey' ay tubat mniaiy 0f the îats woutd have beein rejected. Ilut tis was flt thbe case two weok-s age. What thbe talent àhotw did prove iwas tihat in thàs ed of ondeavoour theire cloets eie t toay in Clarke ia f of leader.,uuP, and! a igroup of ent9iusastic situdents întereîst- me i perfoinig. I'ow They Voted The elle-tion in Canit Townsuhip -is nowy Inthe plst and! qe the whofe it was ratiheur a quiet affair.. Aîthough theére appelameïd noa great issueis on the surface, it could welil lie tubat there doeis exist sie discontent. It eoulud have been tul fact thàt gave a hoost to E. C. C;opping linlis biMd for the ideputy-reeveshbip oven though le bas! nover serv- ed'ais a meiber of ouucâl.. Iâkewise Johil Veldhuis, a rosi- dento 0f eceinit mniths, iaade a fine bid for a s«at on mouneil Exporleince was apparently thbe key word howeveT for the majoaittof votons Kemchg NSrlh stiariri onono The, floiuntg is the record ;of be vote iby pilMs: Coppkng W&lkoy (arveth Châter Grey Veuid oýfle 5 104 81 O36 71 1 r%25 35 35 24 46 jaxs -- 42 .- 61 03 69 183 ----- 14 60 55 41 49 Orono 68 97 110 117 100 ----- 30 47 ý45 *'58 33, -------- 24 il 22 25 12 ine --- 31 30 36 31 ý35 NOntih 43 50 66 64 5 pSouth 4à 95 96 107 83 14hutis 381 398 640 572 567 491 Orono Sehool News Classroom Represcntativesý Grade 5- Patti Lunin, Ian Mofat andi Ken Huttoti. Grade 6- 1Vaureei Shetier,ý John Gornlsih. Grade 7 -. Jim Moftat, JOYe- 1W.erry and Eltatne Vagg. 1 Grade 8- Gall Morrison, Debra H-emSd. Sports- Chris Robinson.L Tom, Mocff at. Edtor-ýBonnie Dunl.op. Assistant Editor- Eduward Clark WASHOUT- Wednuosday, November '19 -all pupils froa gpades two to eght weiuttion an excursion to the Gain- ar aska Forest area. Thev were stuidyuinug plant life, istroatmn studuios and! .sol studies. It nat!nod al xnorniing and! the majoirity of the peonple were soalcod. At roon they )aVe their lunch andi received hot chocoliate o -warm bhem Up It was .stulli radnin atier luniel so everyotne réturiedd home felow- os! by dàsmîissal nt une ot-lock. Thils Friday there wible no gdheisi due Vo a teahers cotnvetn- tin. So kids when you get hoge teibagîgansands! sighiswatih for traveliHng velhielesý. In Orono PubiuE Seboot inter- vie»s were heild for Parents witlh ehildren firominindergorteun to grade elht.This was donc so par- eni woulid unuderstand repeSt nards and! more about their chflds The Big worSking habits, SPORTS IHOTSEAT- lIn the house leaguýe Vonielbadl teams the Cougars are ln first plcewth ten points,.lits un ners up aire tihe, Gobrag dth8 points follosved by the ,Mus tangs witih 6 iind tlhe Rcad Runaers with two poinats. The general purpose 'room ha,,lately macle an, addition of four I)aLikethall gilsans! bor- der lines for vadlieybaH. A fine selection of plants ani flowers ini artistic arrangements .are avait- RvV' e sure to visit our Show Room PHIONE 623-5757 Vau Belle Gardens Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville , ON7 ONE, S4/ TWO & THREE YA GJ.CS 4and 5 IL" YEARS...'0. 1 w Member Canada Depesit Insurance Corporatios Central Ontario Trust & Savings- Corporationm 19 Simeft. St. N., OSHAWA 23 KIng St. W., BOWMANVILLE Corne see -the better dhice ini 1970 snowmobfies The grade six (hei'd their assem- br on November 2BVh..it wasg eanside-red ta be a big succes consis§ting I)a siingsioug group >fie'd 'The-Four 'Pwinkles', a play wÈtten by iÜhe classs. a puppet whow, ianother play and a closiug &mg. The Wiüle schocl thorouglu- Iy enjoyed it so the graàde sixs wrk ivas not a Waste 0f time. The grade scv.en's are condc- ting experimenits on their own with oiil lamps, prisans and vreckg. The pupils £rom grade , ight toured Clarwke, Couptice land! Bw- manille ligih Schools on fFràday, Nicvemt.ber 21§t. We Slpeut approx- iamateiY f ourty-ufive nminutes in each sehool. Seven gooupîs 0f five pupfls were fomed. A high sehool student tnk 'eaceh grouP on tour. speed . .. stability strengLh.. . afety 1970 THE RELIABLE ONE, Available at Watson ,s Marine & Cyrle, Choose the model right for you. For the man who wants' tuxury, ihere's Ski-Doo Nord ic. For the man who likos tus action fast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the main who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the low Priced Olympique 12/3. But don't wait too long. Better deal now for best choice, rW ~ the sIgri of the fines t ~snowmiobiles, sportswear, accessories, .k parts and service. Ski-Doo. Orono uel &Lumber Ltde 1Orono, phono 983-5343 ORONO, ONT. POE9396 Continental Sadua and STEAM3 BATH GENTLEMEN ... We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. DrQp ln and give them a try Group Rates Avallable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. -1ia.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 pan. 16A ONTARIO STREET 128-2460 OSHAWA Feature Value Floodlamp Kit, Outdoor, Weatherproof $3.%87 Complete with Bulb, red, blue, yellow, groom Thursday, Friday, Saturday at- Lunn Pro Hardware Orono, Ont. Phono 983-5307 . . ............ mom- ------------- PHONE 983-9167

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