Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1969, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMIBER 27th, 1969 Ottawa Rqiort (Conitiniued from page 4) and thc'nýeN'rthi. Gompariiativeiy speaking the MVemiber, for the Yukon (Erik Neilsonu - P.C.) has an'easier task. The Y;iun is equal in areia to the four Aln Province's. The pop- ualation is 16,000, oneha1f. of whom live in the capital, Whitehorse. Incdetalythe morniing,,we eft Wbichosethe temperatutre, was 26' below zero. The Northwest Territocies and 4he lkon are both experiencing rapid dcevelt)pment with new min- ýes, oil and gas depusits bein.g op- ened up aut an unprecentedl rate. The Fedjeral Governn&rnt heov'IlY subs~~dizes bOth territorieal hi tax opultionbase is no, yet ad- equliate for them to be accorded il provincial status. Whiie in th-, otwstTri tories 'Ar, ChréienSigied an a- greentwth Coinc and the proicingfor the epomn and training of residlents oyf the Northw\ýest Territories. The ag-reeLment coyers thle Cern- inco op)eration at the Pine Point [Mines neýar Great Slae Lake, -Similar agreementS wll no doubt be signed with other companies' in the'north. it is important to en- sure th'at the native 'population are given the opportunity to take '.FRANIK REAL'ESTATE LIMITED Reaitor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 IToronte 923-'174 l Port, Hope office 8854543 ent service when biiying or Selling and for the. largest sel- ectioei of properties hi the Éontact Oreno Area Representatives Roy Poster '983-5801 Dane Pound 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Stronz 52 r il >Rethany ad'vantage of the new employment op'portunities. After ail, it is their "land" aund we have to ensure that they share ln the benefits of it.s developmentL. Naturalist Speaks At Kirby i M'eeting Mr. Gerald MeKeating, execu- tive director of the Ontario Nat- uraibts, was the guest speiaker at the 01ajke Township Citizens ConinÉatt andl Ratepayers lue. on Tuesciay evening of this week in the Kiby Public School. About twentydive were in attendanee to hear this noted naturalist. ~Mr. Meoeating s5poke on man being in harxnoniy with the land and he fur4lhered bis message with ,some finie ooloured sid. Theseesids showýed .m-anl's de- struetinas vwel!1 as bis' iigin harmony %wth isuoinu The speaker raÀid that you could not alvways measure the maue of a ti-ee byv the numbI4er of board feet it contained. lie said he often saw old trees as a true mtuseuim pleefe. He ottiIned the p-lessure, beng piaeed on the rural areas and here referred to the inieciastng use of showmobiles. These machines weire no doubt do>ing dam%ge in the eouitry riide but on the other haýnd hey were a good form of fantily recreation. Again to show confliéting resilts he spoke of the need for gravel anid sand but that, such develop- ment il, nat controlied did scar tre acea in which they were 10- oated. The latter, cocud also de- fvabjate swrounding PnýOPeOeis. The speaker spoke. out against tihe indisciimiiIate use of herbi- cides andi pesticides especialiy a- long tihe roadsides. fHe said we eaa effeot some control as indiv- iduals b y prodding. our municipal goveninit and our, MLAs.e Air. McXeating informiei the meeting thrat th'e N'aturalists of Ontario nOw owned a few tracts of land xhich were purclhased to preserve their unique properties in p3ant life anfd animal life. Ile sraid tihat the people, have to become ever 'increasingly con- crned over pollution and conser- vatdon. Rebbekah Lodge The regudiar mneeting of Heath- er Rebekali Lodge was heid Tues- day, Nivrnter 25. There was a-n exeelient turn out and ail Sisters are, working -hard znd pjanr«ng .for our big projeot of thei year, th.e anniual Bazaar to b,- had Satucl4ay, Deuember 6. - 'Two nejw mmbers wM1 be iniiti- ,- aiet a meeting in January., 1 Thereshouldhe a aew Canadi- ari Fiag f1y(ýv(g from the I.O.O.F. Hi-'l ivery shoiitdy. Visitiag Committee Convenor SE -ar Julia Jackson, Vice Grand, gave, a reporit of. her work for the paSt two weeks. Marns were coilebed for the Christmas Party to be held Tues- day, December 9th. Arrangements were competed for the banquet w.hich is being catered to SaturdaY, November 29. Birtihdlay greetings wer? ext-'nd- ed bo Sisteirs Ilattie Wilson and Mildi'ed Raiaey. Sister Hazel Stapiciton, Noble Gnjand, *)used Lodge and a&soc- iable cup of tee was served by the committee lu Charge.,, ORONO, -ONT. KmRE CLU1IIERS as SWIVEL ~~*" ROCKERS as Iow s99 as$3,9 s BUNK BEDS COMPLETE s99095 SEE OUJR CHRISTMAS LINE: 1 * :0 LAY-AWAY -NOW, FOR CHRISTMAS - AND, SAVE$$$ Furnfture Discount Hwy. 115-35 ai Newcastle Cut-Off Poe9741 PHONE 983.9167 Corne see -the better choice in 1970 snowmobtles Choose the model right for you. For the man who wants. luxurv, heres Ski-Doo Nordlc. For the man who likes his action fast, thero's Ski-Doo TNT. And for the , , man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the low oriced Olympique 12/3. But don't.wait too long. Better deal now for best choice, go Mthe sign of the fInesi t ~I ânowmoblles, sportswear, accessories k k-00I parts and service. Ski-Doo. Orono Fuel& Lumber Ltd. LAMPS -CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES TABLES -DESKS -ETC. Oxfrd BRIC KLAY ER STONEMASONS IV. Schmiahl 983-5606 Specelizing iail kinds of STONWORKand FIREPLACES W. aisO do chiïnnev Renafrst 39" BED S Complet. with headboard, footboard and mattress.................... Barn ýM wâ- 4m"- -- ý 1 - :à 1 1 1 1 , Phone 987-4715

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