Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1969 Trouble (Contiliued £rom page 1) progress reportbsd been pregenit- ed at Oounty Co>unclil Iast week eoncerning an Unite-d Counties region. It was suggesed in this report, stated Mr. Walkey, that the municipalities wthia the Un- ited Counties coasider amalgama-, tion. Seven arceas' were suggested withPort Hope, Cobourg, Hope Townsbip andi Hamilton Town- ship formîpg area No. 1.'Aria No. 2 would comprise Darlington, B'ovanrville and Cartw-right; ar- esa 3, Cavan.' Souh AMonsghnn, Manvers and' Millbrook; area 4, Seymour, Perey, Camnb'abeford andi Hastings; arec 5, Alnwick, lialdimand, Cramahe anti Col- boi-ne: ares 6, Murray and Brigbt- on Townsbdp and Brighton Vil- lage; area 7 would comprise the mundcipalities of Carke Township and Newcastle, Deputyrceve Walkey statcd that be wanted to sec Clarke stay witb the rest of tbe United Coun- tics. for regional govcrnmcnt. Hie saiti a vote taken recen'tiy ai the United Gouncil showed that it was unanmous with those preseni that thoee now in the Unitedi Counties stcy in thîs ai-os for, reg- ional goverament. Incresse Remuncration In spesking to the meeting Ree-ve Roy Foster staieti that as lie w2ss' not running in this elcc- tion b 'e hbat une peFint he .would like to make andi that was thc el- ee'orate shbou!kl eceuragc coun- cil te pay themiselves a deceni re- muneration for the time tbey have to.speni on Township af- faims. Hc aise thanketi the people for the oppoýrtunity of bsving scm yod thcm on Council andi at, the Umftcd County Counril. Planning llearing leputy- reeve H. E. Walkey siiti iba thibe 0MB was to re- surne is hbcaring on planning in Clarke Township at 11:00 s.m. December 101h. H. E. Walkey re- ferred to the increase in interest Kendal 'News The Kendal Women's Iimtitute met at th,, home of Mrs. M. Mand- ers on 1uesday ec4en-ing,INovem- ber 1lBth. lihe roll cai was. 'fiiave you visàted a neighhour this week?" The motto, "Il is bo-tter to do soenething and fail, ibein tD do notbîng and sueceed." lihe topc w'as given by Mrs. H. Fo_;ýer and was on "Dental Care." During the busIness it was decid- cd to give the church fifty dol- lars. The cburch funds were low after paying off in full the par- sor agae debt. Christmas boxes are to be made up for the "&hut in" folk. Next meeting the members will ex- change gifts. The meeting will be held at the home, of Mrs. Wm. 'Mercer in December. There were edight meinbers preisenit and lunh was porvided by the President, Mrs. J. Hendergon. The funeral of MVr. HarvevY Farrow was on Novembeir 25, '69. Sympathy is extended to the family. Miss Susan Thompson of Van- couver is visiting her uncle Mr. Arthur Thompson and her aunt Mrs. G. Cathcart'for a few days. Each neighbourhood bas two or thiec peope who take the lead in planning andJ carrying out com- rates which was nGt anticipated when the budget was set at tbe firsit of the year. In speaklmg on zoning by4lavs, be said, that this s.xcetion of local municipal affairs had flot p-og-'csscd as bc bad thought it wauld. lHe further 5tat- ed tbt he, was some'wh3t confus- ed over zoning and what was the righ thing to do but he said some controls w'ere necessary. Hie said tbe next stcjý in planning would be the f;ormaeiion of an officiai, plan for the Tiowsbiip. I"We have bired a planning consultant to assist us," he stated. O.P.P, Report REPORT, Newcastle,> Ontario During the week of November 16Lh to 241h, ,the. i\ 0weàse De-, teh uribves'ÀeatLd l. aseln- dents ia wheh tj chasrges were laid. Pïopýý.ty d:rnagerxc-i $5000.00 resulteti from these ac- cidents. Ase invcstigsted were 60 genertal occurrences, several being againsti impaired Drivers la wbiôh several charges were laid. _-is Lac ilo'Jeday -.uson approach- es there tsecms te be a grester aumber of this type of, complaint. It would seem a shame te spoil a family's holiday scason jusi be- cause you hati that extra drink or two before going home, se if you are driving, do not drink. Flashing Liglit, Siren, Mean "Move Over", How ofien have you seen an ambulance caught up ln traffic, despite thc faci that lt's on an cmergency run? Incidents like thIs are f'ar too comnion, and it was for ithis re- son .a new ameadment was intro- duced on Sepiember 1, which stip- muniiy activâtic's. They give their talents froc that everyone max' enjoy the event. Su'ch a person waswas IVIrs. Jans' Ricbardson, of Pouty'pool 'o passcd away ai the age of eigbty-sîx. lier funeral was onMody November 24. Tihe oder folk- will rememnber that s(he cme tbKendal with an orchestra la the twenties; sfic was the pianisi and Russel- Edgerton wa's the outstanding viollnist. Tliey also playcs-I la rone to large dances. She played for the Christm~as, concerts, chwvrch serv- ices anti ladies meetings and doz- ens of wedclings. She had s bubby- linq over sense of humour andi ready Jrish wit. She will be missed by ail who kaew hier. UNITED CHURCH Mosport Park.,Plans $15P,OOO- Club -House 'Planning for tbe consltruction of a club house at Mosport Park h4avlng a. projectcd cosi of $150,- 000M00 ias now been undertaken. To be 5oaed o as to provide a cIlear vicw of the Start-finish straight wit'b access to the pad- dockar, the new club bouse 'will be equipped Witb modern diningý facilities, showers, 5wim-, ming pool arça and lounge. Dr. Irwi.n M. Fin'eberg, the Pres- idenit of Mosport Park Limited, statel:, "This projeet is being under- take.-n by Mosport in thc hope thait the consent will be given by the electors of the Towntaip of Clailke permitting tbe sale of lh- quor at 1licensed dining or cock- tail louage premises. The prooos- ed ]ayout will be designed to mccifthe rigid andi strict recquire- ments of the Liquor icOence Board who control and adninister the. granting of licences. We believe that tbe Council of the Township of Clarke agreed te subniit the question for the sale of liquor at licenseil dining louag- es or cocktail lounges in fuetber- ance of their belief that the growtb and development of mot-~ or sport in Ontario requires that modemn convegniences bc made a- vailable teo ail spectators hotb bec- ally, and nstionally with the con- sequential benefits that wlll lie derived by the Township of Clarke througb i'nerased assessment rev- enues ant i geatei- retumais to the electors through inceased expend- iture of funtsin -athe locality." To i9pel any' confusion wth respect to the hiquor vote, the el-« ectons will not bc voting on the esablisbmcent of hotel beveriage, <s y '~Orone Pastoral Charge Iflkdster Rev. B, E. Long SUNDAV, NOVEMBER 30th O0rone Umited Chucb.-. sunlay , fttnl it 10:00 Service dt 11:15 amn Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 a.m Sunday Sohol at 11*00 Ji CHIILDREN'S SUITS Sturdy Nylon one-piece suits for ch ren with long zipper front. Qullted lin throughot, Ziltop dxawstring hood1 grey pile Iining. Storm cuffs. Navy or Sizes 4 to 6x years. >Priced from $12.95 to $15. SNOWMOBILE MITTS Lined leather Mitts for aduits a children, styled with long zippered cu Black o4ly. Aduits, per pair ....... $12.1 Children, per pair ..... $9.! u,,lates tbat drivers must stop as close to the rigbt hand sicle oL the road as possible xvben an, am- bulance, fire or police hca flas'bing a red ligbt on tbe roof. Prcvious'ly, ibis was onty requi c-,d wlien a bell or siren was cprat- ing. The ncw amendmi'nt is amed at ensuring thet no driver can ig- nore an emergency vebicie ursdr the pretext that he did not hear the sgren because of bis car rad'- io, or other distracting noise in-. And'neyer again wilI they say HEY DAO ... HOW COMIE THE OTHER TIheres a lot to be said for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. Blut for the thrili that beata al Ibrilis, consider thils: you drive ito your yard. It's wintery cold and a little afterdark. The family doesn't know youre bringing home a spankin' new 1970 MOTO-SKI lnothing wrong with making that kind of decisioi- on your own!). You walk loto the bouse lyawo once or twice) and say Io the kids. "Hey kida! How about bringing in those bundies from the back of the car?"' sWdc the- car. There is ýa fine for failin, ý'.o pujil off to the rigb{- hanr' side of thec rcadw'ay for an .ý -,ec~y vehicle. Under the geneiral penalties section of the llighway Traffie Aet, it cari range fTohn $20 to $100, ecording to the n' eaee of fines. REMEMBER: Safe dnriving week, Deceinber 1 - 7. D'rîve witb just a little more care and. make it a saf e week for everyone. 1<105 ALWAYS HAVE ALL THE FUN?" That's the kind of ibrill that young folks remember best about growin' Up. -But itas juat the beginning. Wheil you buy one of theae 1970 >famiiy lovin. MOTO-Stuc, yoo'iI make them, like they're "the other kid".' The une that always bas al the fun! A free c6py of" Story of the Ex- clusive Track" wili put you on the right track when you buy a snow- mobile. Gel the story from ROLPH HARDWARE Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207 THE POWER,-,EDBE ~K (--y MOTO SKI h.,if) NOW AT VOIR- ,DX ServiceStat'io0n Blghway 35 and 115, lust nortlh if NewcaM,4- F«ttg . .. . Premiuma Quality Products -AT THE MOST REABONABLE PRICE8 Steve 011 may be JIeked uxp lua ay quantlty per gmflm ATTENTION FAIIMERS aud TRUCKER S-à afe.unt O« gmaoli.Mtudl" ifuel. PHON~E 87-4U1 Vote... GRAy Clarke Co'uncl December lst Three Years Experience on Council Your Support Would Be Appreciated MEN'S SUITS Two styles in Men's Snowniobile Suits of tougli Nylon, waterproof and wind resistant. Quilted lining throughout. Convertible split hood lias orlan pile llning. Jumbo zipper froni neck to.ankie, long zipper leg open. ing. One style lias expansion pleat at back., Navy or bitte- grass with red taim. Sizes M, L and XL. Priced from.......... $28.50 to $35.00 LADIES' SUITS Similar to Men's style only with belted front in navy and bluegrass with red trim. Sizes 18 and 20. Priced at .................... $27.50 il-SNOWMOBILE BOOTS hng Tops made of sturdy Nylon, bottoms haisof rnbber. Corrugated soles and heels te Bay. resist slipping. Pull-on style with draw .00 laces at top and adjustable strap over in-, .00 step. Felt liners included. Bluegrass only. Men's, sizes 6'tQ Il ... $14.95 and tif. Boy's sizes,,i to 5 .. $12.95 .00 Women's sizes, 6 to 10, $13.50 .95 1 oui' il 0 -1 -mi liom 0 m, lm ý 0 lellwulioum ...... . ..... À" nMSTRONGS

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