Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1969, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY-TIMS, TMJESDAY, lNOVEMdBER 27th, 1969 Candidates Speak At Nomination Meet Those noinated for positions on Clarke Counnil at the nomin- ation meeting last Friday apoke to an' audience ef some fifty inter- egted ratepapers in the municipal- ity. Mr. J. Veldihuis, public school prineipal at Ne Wtonvllle Public Sahool a4ated that lt would be his intention, if aeected to council, te support sound financial spendfing. 11e said lie had a good insiglit in, toecducation where again careful s'penkng of tax dollars was a nec- essity. He referred Wo Clarke TownsMup which was now on the verge of enteing an industrial area and lie said lie was aware of wha this meant. "Above ail I pledge mysIf te, represent the wishes of the people," lic said. Mr. John Stone, fairmer, wlio was nontinaited for reeve and couneil stated that council was noîw a big job rcquiring plenty of time. 11e said that regional gov- ernmcn ,was about te break and that a lot of tinte and study would On Decenaber lut For Councll, CLARKE TOWNSHIIP Having been on council for. the past three years 1 feel that 1l arn aware of the problems facing your coinmunity lu this era of change. Your support of my candidacy would be*appreciated Vote For... x Teacher 32 years of age- Married with 3 clWldren - iKeenly interested in Mun- icipal Affairs 1 pledge f air representation along with sound spending of your tax dollar Voti.g Day December lst For Deput Reeve Clarke Township Council " For a Valld Zoning Rylaw " One acre Zoning- * lJiited Counties Area for Regional Govt. bave to lie spelleon,.tbds issue. Mir. Frank Gray, farmer, who was nominated for couneil stated that lie had seSved on couineil for the Past three pears and was a- gain asking the support of the el- ectorate in the coming election. Mr. Ted Copping, fermer, nom- inated for deputy-recve referred to the Glarke Township Planning By-]aw 1517 which was passed by both cousteil and the minister. This' by4law, he claiijied, was nev-. er repealed wùen the ther by- lawr was passed by council and on thàs count lie qucstioned the val- idity of the new by-lawe. 1He said lie hàad lot been able to get an answcr to titis question. 11e said lie was in faveur of building by- laws and zoning by-laws 'if they were fair and representative to everyonc. Mr. Rod Carveth, farmer, who twas noinrnited for dcputy-reeve and counedl stated that lie lied en- joyed bis past three years on, couneil. lér. Crveth reported on the position of the road depart- ment wàthin the township and said titat the, township nlow had a good fleet of trucks and equip- ment. H1e alse referred, toi the snowiplowing syeLicm and that the Toswnship now had tweo truckis equipped for sand.ing. In speaking of the gravel ptit which was pur- ehased, for a sum of $21,000 lie said, that alroady the town&hip had taken, eut $10,000 worth of gravel. "Thàs was a good buy," lie said. H1e also referred to the Road Needs Study, which was benefit- ing the Township and also the fact that the Township had 170 miles of roads to maintain. Mr. Robert Chater, f armer. was nominatcd for couneil. Mr. Chater s§aid that lie had previously been on couneil for a- period of six yeurs. H1e spoke of regional gov- e<rnmc'nt as the first considera- tien for the Towaiship in the cern- Leckharts Public School News On Wednesday evening, Nov- embenr 19, 1969 Lockhart Public Selinol held Open 1-lus-e. The children chose as the themae for the decorat.ions' the "'History of Flight." This we feit to be appro- priate because the astronauts of Apolao 12 were at that time on ing year anid that local Planning ran a close .second. H1e said that council sliould think wiselY and woll teo what type of devekopnment they wanïted in the Townsihip for the future. $25.OO 41Reirement ii Pensions payable et 65 In 1970 thie Retirement Pension age wil be recluced frôm 66 ta 65.. if you arei 65 ...if you've been contributing ta the Cancca Pension Plan, and if you've retired [rom regular employment, contact your Canada Pension Plan Office now. If you wilI be 65 in 1970 Set in touch *with your Canada Pension Plan Office three months beFore your birthday. The people there will help you iii out the application form that starts your pension cheques coming. Theyil explain- how yoiur pension is workecl out . . and when you become eligible. You'IllSet cli the onswers to questions about your retirement pension. Payment is not automatîc. You must apply. The address of your nearest Canada Pension Plan Office is listed below. Your nearest Canada Pension Plan Office lu: 2 the moon. The chlldre)n,,working together, decorated the hall with mobiles, nodeis, pictures and atonies. The grade l'a cecidcd to make bail- oons tc represent man's eurliest travel in balloong. Grades 2 and 3 chose to writieilustrated storý les bn what they woul'd take Wt the moon. Grades -4, 5, 6 chose to, miake rockets and the latest equip- ment, Grades' 5 anl 6 also nvade a bulletin board on the fIrst men on the mioon. To top it al the dhildfen showcd film strips on fliglit. The teachers were very happy to sec se many parehts out. We childrcn were proud te show OUr parents wdtat we had accomplish- ed. Marie Andlrews, and .Janet Lovekin. eward For anyone, offering infor mation, wbich, leads to the conviction of 'those persons damnaging Village property, also the saine reward paid to those persons g1ving infor mation that will lead to the replacing by the quilty parties of 'the articles they re- moved or damaged. ý.1ronîo Police Trustees Ditabilify Pensions payable for the first time Disability Pensions for contributors ta the Canada Pension Plan will become available in'1970 for those who have contributed for 5 years. Generally, ai persan is considered ta be disabied if he bas ai physical or mental disability that is sa severe and likely ta continue sa long that he cannot gel steady work. Benefits will olso be available for a disabled contributor's dependent chul- dren. TheCanada Pension Plan afsc, may provide rehabilitation nieosures where practîcal. Eligibîlity for a pension will be based on an ossessment of an appli- cants medical condition. If you thînk ycu might be eligible fora Disability Pension contact your nearest Canada Pension Pion Office. The address is listed below. 2800 Eglinton Avenue L EIone Paza &aQrboroghtail 266-7727 ISSUO ky TRI DIARTMENT OP HMTIOAL HEIA» AI>WELFAR *M * 11ONOURABIIJOHN MUNRQïMINLSTER In the Canada Pension «I an- wîII1 take thwo&imorta steps forward for your benefit

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