Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Oct 1969, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLV: TIMES,: TIWR$DAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1969 HEALTH UNIT TAKES ACTION ORDERS REMOVAL 0F FATS CONTAINING DEAD ANIMALS The firm whùich bas been de- positiug bodies ýo! animais at a "make-shift" depot in the gravel pits west of Newtonvllle has been ordered to stop, by the Northumnberland and Durham He'lth Unit. Henry iRood, publice health in- spector, saiid on Thursday that the deadilune for the removal o! the "ldepot" mwas set for Sentem- ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premium Quality SGASOLINE SDIESEL, SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps avaiabte CALL COLLECT 668-3341 DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY William c. Hall, B. -comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and-Saturday Septic Tak .Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 ROUI SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, 0Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 ber. '24. Legal action would, be taken if the firm, Gordon Young Ltd., Toronto refused to niove. Resid!ents of the jarea had ai)- pealed Vo the. 'health unit shoMty after the 'depot was set up four weýeks ago. They claimed, thiat fhe dumnping of the animais' bodies in large vats was .a "heaith haz- Trucks brouoght the dead bodl- ies to the depot thýree times a wee< from slaiughter bouses in Belleville,.-Peterborough, Lindsiay and Toronto. Thýey remained in the va-isoverniight !and siometimes as long as a. day and a hall. Rvan -Devries whýo operates a dairy fiarm 400 yards froni the site of the vats said. the stench was teirrible when, the transfer froni the trucks to the vats toiok place. lI-e said two 'o! his dairy cows had died 'anýd the vet beleived the pollution from the' vats which couid have bleen trans!erred bY Mies, was resýponsible. Keath Gray, xvhose 'home is Clarke Public LIBRARY HOUIS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. LYILE WS T, ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quatity Electrical Heating and Lighting -Installations, and Repairs hy Certified Electricians I closest to the- detot, said the "stenli just ifidled the bouse,." The residents got together and forrned a picket line at the en- trance ta the depot, but were un- able to stop the trucks unloading the deaci animais. Mr-. Rood -Inspected the depot and said there was deffinitely a he'alth hazard. Under a new air pollution act, he said, odour ýwas now considered a 'hýazard to health. Pollution an'd disease <ould have been carried by flies end other insects froni the ýdead bod- ies in the vats over 'a radius o! hall a mile There 'were no rats in evidlence when the heaith inspector visited the site but lie said it wouldn't take long for thieanto get there. lHe took pictures of the vats, which were,'openl and three-quart- ers fuli oaf parts o! dead bodies. The pictures miii be used as evi- dence 'la the event of a court hearing. 'Clarke Township 'Coun cil lias aiso issued a icease 'and, desist order on the conipany, niot 'only because o! the health hazard but because the idenoût is located on land which is not zoned for that pirpose. The land is owned by Leland Payne of Newtonville, w1ho said that lie didn't kno4w anyvthinm, a- boaut the idepot, lie just leased the land to the compauy, -Evenine Guide $1,000,000 TOWER PLANNED PY BELL Bell Canada, in Oshawa announe- ed a heavy expansion. program Thiursday night, incoluding a $1,- 000,000 micro-'wvave tower, Prob- ably ln the southeast section of the city. K. R. Wltherden, manager o! Belils Oshawa Brandi, told a pub- lic affairs meeting in the Gen- osha ýHotel that the tower shouki be complete by 1971. The tower wvill ,be'a relay station for the communication circuits hetween Toronto and Montreal. A central Ontardo distribution office *will also be esta'blisihed within 'Vie next 18 months and the present paymnent office on1 Victoria Street will be re'located on Simcoe Street North,..off Ring Street Mxr. Witherden said sonie new electronic switching or nImemory equipment" wüll be. provided ta Oàhaw.a custürmers within the next couple o! ye'ars. The equipnient aRiows, transf er (>f calls from o ne place ta another tibrougli a memorY Ibank itheý Belloffice. For examnPle if a pDer- son is attending a party at a neigibor'S bouse, a cail to the empty home will be transferred. BATTERWOOD SALE DISAPPOINTS MPP fligappointmnent that Batter- wood Ettate 'had been ýsold mno private hands has been expressed by ,Alex .Oarruthers, MPP for Dur- 'lie said thàt lie and RuSsel1 Hloney, MP for Northumberland- Durham have 'been negotiating xith both ' levels o! government, provincial 'and federal, in an ef- fort to create a national. historic site 'at Batterxvood l in emory of. former governorýgenerat, the late Vincent Massey. "1We hoired the tWO levels o! governiment would ýhave come to some iaqreeinent." lie said. The Dunhan MPP said the an- nouncoment 'of the sale o! the prtoperty, to ýL. Robert Marten. Port Hope, had been a "1complete Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orone SIMPSON'S Pain ting and Decorating INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING "For a etean dependahie job" Cati Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 s Specially Setected . Value Checked . Branded fuit eut OR IOAST ROUND STEAK".lb. 95C For Meat Loaves or Burgers Special t Cornish's, GROUN» BEEF lb. 590 BURNS FAMOUS 'You'Il eijoy the flavour Beef & Prk Sausage lb., 59c Best Buy Save 23çi 24 oz. jars BABY DILLS or SWEET MIXED TRI-VALLEY Bicks Pickles 2 for 89c FANCY HALVES PEA HESReg. $1.39 vatke - 14e OFF pack INSTANT 6 oz. PEAHESNescafe, Cof fee $1.09 28oz tn 5c Best Buy Save 18c. Tomato or Vegetable 10 o Aylmer Soups 6 for 69c, Best Buy Save Se. Wagstaffe or pectin Best Buy Pre-priced 69e. giant pkg. STRAWBERIY or IASPBERRY Aylmr Jam 2 oz.55~Surf Detergent 2 IL 59c Best BuY' Save 32c. Save 9c. Coating Mixes 2%/ oz. packs WhiteSwan Tissue 84$1 Shake !NI Bake 2 for 49c OO R'NISHbf »m ' %rmLmRED & uWHITE We, reoeve the right te luft qattiPhono 9 .34M, Orege surpaise" to hlm. The gover$ment departments concerned in the negotiatiens, ho said, liad.,heard no word of the sale or impending sale faom llart Massey, who was responisible for disposàng of his fatlier's Canton property. plant Now FOR SPRING BEAUTY We now have a full stock of BulIbs for your fall, planting TULIPS, HYACINTHS, DAFFODILS, CROCUS ETC. ETC We also have individual pot- ted bnlbs for forcing inside Enjoy them in your hom e Orono Phone 983-5242. WHEN THINKING 0F Gft THINK 0F MATT'S We have a good choice of MEN'S, LADIES' WATCHES WALLETS,, LIGHTERS, BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT, TOBACCO Many other interesting, items mATTS BILLIARDS

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