Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1969, p. 4

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ORÉNO WEEKLY..TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l8th, 1969 There's ',More Sciptu'r Lesson - Matthew 19: 16-30. TDaken fr-om- a sermon by The Rev. B. E. Long. Receetly the Moderator of our Ohurch remarked, "Let's do away with sermons and if neccssary Snnday Wo.rsrip." An Anglican Bishop said. "The chureh, as wc know it, is in îis' death throes. In a very short time Iit R bc no more." Mrtjles deaiing witlh the scicntific research on the rocks brought back from the moon voiced the hope that the "how" and the "when" of creation would soon be known. Sueh comments as these have hiad a disuieUig effect upon rnany, but as 1 reflect upon them there cornes a very gtrong feeling that' no ma4tVr what we have experiencedI, are experieneimg, or wiil experieiue 1there's more." The chureh is not dying, worshlp is flot out. and the "first pineiple" behind andi in creation has not, nor will noV lik- ély be explaineti or pushedti o1 one side. The Bible is the record of man's belief that there is more to Mie than grulbbing fora living or for sucess. 1V is a record of man's efforts to experience and inter- pret the "Power" wich is the « "Iirst Principle" in ecation and It is toc big to compreliend. So the Bible points Vo Jesus Christ who came Vo interpret the nature of Goti. Think of the history of the Jewisgh people. From ltime Vo irne they were ini very hard and dif. ficult places. 'Often hey becarne discourageti andi turnedti o man as power, nations for protection,, andt o the worsihip of idals- when they had been called to worsliip the one .and only Goti. In tirnes, of, prosperity hey, gilaw weak in their relfigions response and greaàt men caledhem hack to Gýod's purpyose,l ime after ime, as recortird in the Sriptures. In one way or another they saiti, "Look up into the heavens. See the gre-Rt expanse anti the great beauty there. Realize there is far > more VIian yon are expressing or living." When Jesus etm*e. religion hati tujrnet inl upon itself, concerneti about ways anti customns. Jesus carne o show what true religion is. 1He explained. "You shall love the Lord your God with ail your heart, soul andti mmd." Then H1e saiti, "There is more. Feeti the hungry. Care for he necdy. Give ahome Vo the orpihans. Iîve at pence w , ail men" In the Scripture Lesson he rmch yung man carne o Jesus with >an eager and inquiring mind. F(eelng somnething missi.pg he saiti, "Wbiat must I1 do o rually lire," Je'sus -laid, "You know the commandments",, the young man saiti, "I've kept hem al rny life. WhaV else *is there?" Jesus said, There is one hng more. You've got o put your religon into prac- ice. 11ave compassion anti con- cern for oth er men." The young mian went away sorrowing because he founti this so difficult. 1 hink whien soiety looks at t're church, iV can sec that in oo many ways we, as the Crristian Churcl across the woriti, have been phonies. For instance we sing, "Guiýde me 0 Thon great Je- romeh," when we go our own way. We lov.e Vo sing, "Take ime Vo be lloly," and in our crowded lives have hardly any time for hoiness. We sing. "Maku mv ife and let it be consecrated Lord-o Thee," then we 7spend it on other t'hîngs. We say, "Take my voice and lt it sin.g," and we can't geV enough menmbers for the choir. We sing, 1Take my silver andi my zoiti." hen wu ncjtdh ur napurse with The reuai Ch.urcjh is nv,4.- in its death thnoes, just th e phony Chiurclh. W'e pray for. instance, "Our.Dather",, then we act as if He were mine alone. We pray, "Thy Kinzdom corne" then we start seétting up'our own kingdom. We pray,, "Thy wll' be done," then we Igo outVo in&Lst. on our own wilL. We pray, "Forgive oue trespassesî"- then we go on hold- ing grudges against each othezr. ,In our message the Church has been too concerned with "be good" and too littie concerned wth "diing good". We have been too coneerned with rying to nut each other at ease .rather than to bc a grelat deal trouble%1 about the great need that is always a- round us. The Church that Pra-t- ices this kind of thing is on the wav out. But the real Crurch is nDt. Chrisianity bas been its great- esýt in the times When àt wawz~+ ieizud the most. When Îihe Ohurch hlad o go through trials of lire in one way or another' it became its greatest. The true Church will be called out and given a chance to bring God's message 'to the world again, acted and flot just spoken about. Y'es, there is a great deal more thian most of us take from our association and re- lationshiip to Christ, more than wve take out of our wor*sh ser- vieeý8s; miore we can do'ýsomanit- tedý Ch.istisans. Most of us have struggled in that pe. ial area in life and deep within us is that urge to be wliat God wouid want us to be, realiy Chrisian, really living the beauty of the life of OhrÉist. Yet how often we kniow failure. Among us are those who go through some very terrifie &truggles. There is great hope for the love of God is far more than most of us eve comprehend. In expgiaiiotion, 1 turn to' two passengjrs on the ocean Iinei. Tihe lilile girl said to the older one, "What is the horizon?" As they talked of its beauty, the older one s'aid. "took ouit where the sky seems to touch the water. That's the horizon. And when you get that far, it wll, be away beyond You aglin, and when you reaeh that point, it will be way beyond you aoain." So it is, with the love of God. 'In our feeble struing to ive tiat love and experience it, and express it, let us noV think that we'ever draw fully from it. There is far more theti mwè can ever comprehend. A great ocean of God's love xvhic4h Jesuis came to reveal, which H1e cails us to cx- perience, noV ondy for our own blessing but for the blessing of the wmorld. I would hope that we in the (iûontimtcd page 7) lntroduicing automobiles to ligh your tire From Buiçk for 1970. The GS. The GS 455. The Skylark Custom Sport Coupe. Automobiles o really light your fire. ýweeping, sporty lines. Glistening, powerful looks. And plenty of performance. Ail these Buicks simply drip with luxury. Carpeting front and rear. Rich, lush fabrics and vinyls. Instrument panels a spaceship would be proud of. Altogether lots of features Vo. excite you. Perhaps hough, you'd prefer one of the fuli-size Buicks, typified by the' superb new Electra 225 shown above. IV has an improved three-speed automatic transmission. A new cooling' system that should neyer overbeat. A new radio antenna hidden in the windshield. A hew, more powerful engine. Here's the same kind of' traditional Buick quality you'll find See your local authorized Bukkc in ail 1970 Buicks. In Wildcat. Le Sabre. Riviera. lt's this quality hat's made the Buick name mean se much. We want Vo be something you can bel ieve in. And we hope we always will be. B uick 1970. Somethîng to belîeve un. clealer BX.1700 Cowan Pontiac - BuâIc LIiewtedi 166'KING STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Men, are you looking for a New Fait Suit I have ail my new fall samples for you to see. Drop in and have us measure you for your new Fail Suit now. Fleet Streeti or Botaay 500_ by Canadian Clothiers Mode to measure Suit We also have a fine selection of one or two pant ready made Suits, Single or Double Breasted. Ready-made Suifs $59094 uP Co-ordiniate Sets> yes we have them Toms & Sons Ltd. NEWCASTLE, ONT. The Fashion Store for- the- Entire f amily TELEPHONE 623-3396 'i

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