W'NiW~U TMETHUr,ý1Y, SE ýPTEM-,BER llth, 1969 ~- ~ 4~~~ChAUIiIEDiM MI Milison Insurance Al, lases f personal CmereMI Çoyerages G.rd SimpsonI 'he eOres. 183-8s O0"», o3turl ]PAINTING CALINTKY REMODELLING ÔENERAL fEPAIR8 bIterier Exterler CHARLES R- I'D Aucjre and Valtuatoi Spoiaitiz. iii Farrm and Furnitare Sales (C.mfflt 7nifor terms and dates PHONE 010È4NO 98.1-5914 Memuments and Famlly 1Memerials OMquflty and aemvIee eaves aW&gUt» b. desirel ' Q ~ JRUTTER GRANITE COMPANY " Omr*Sterereet Orville ChattertoDi Electrical Contracting Electric Heatint and Servie IIONE 983-5546 or .993-594e ORONO, ELECTRIC Herb and, Gerry Duvali ELECTRICALC ONTRACTING; ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL'APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEERD SERVICE- Harnltons Insurance l Servicej Package 1eleiee Firet Nertgge LeMu aSadie Hamilton, Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 68-52 Manufacturersofe Cemetery Bemerlals 318 Dunda s trem t WIYONTAMI Buiding a House? FIoyd Nicholso FOR SALE One' Shallow WedIl Jet Pump. One 30 gallon tank. AIL pipe fitting.s and valves. býike new. Phane 983-5891., a-p FOR SALE, 2 large, table lamps (EngIsýh). Phone 983-5538. a-P P LUMBING and HEATING Saks and Service 24 HIOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINAINCINO . Law, latares R$e Tyrem* h3-nU HELP WANTED A responsible housek!eepef', cap3able of complete charge, for profe ssi.dnial fanaily with babv. Mus"t live-in. Privaite room, bath and TV. Apl:Box 300, Qrono.Weekly Times. a-c VISIT FIIED'S FRUIT MARKET Best quality sweet ýcorn for fresh use or freezing; also aipo1es and ýpears for sale at NOTICE Orono Landscapig and Garden Service Phone 983-5598 h.] h-36-p NOTICE ORONO TRAILER Sales.and Rentals Oropo, Ontaçrio.. Phone 983-5974 Truek,,Camper for Rent. Nursery Stoctk-> 1 vergreexi, Flowering -Shrubs Box Plants Landsaping ad S.dÎ RiCID8ON'S NUISEET PectypO4 ,Ontario Phone 983-5180, Oromo MON 0, ONTAIO WR BUY ANDSILL 1FI' LD Il jPhene 63532after 6 p.m. J.ACK REALTOR M ]s Dw l., a.g WRILF HAWKETI YIFOBN@»»ARU E.crzwEU TATIY or ý» .1 Abwa =-û t, b§ e m %uts B14 WHITE ELEPHANT SALE Mo'-ig; many, items to seli; furniture, toys, clothing, miscel- laneous ai4icles; also needlecraft on displ>ay. Sale to be held Sat- urday afternoon. September l3th at farm house beside Ski-Uoo Shop, Highway 115 and 35. Pihone 983-5040. a-c CLOSED Sev3tember lSVh to 2th Lola's Beauty Shoppe 9835303 a-p NOTICE Sewiig, alttrations and repairs done at homne. For women - alter- atm-ns in skirts dressses and coats. r For ,nîen - turn shirt 4collais andI cuiff s, shorten and lengthen tro- sýers and drapine and back searns. AIso zippers and poekets. Mrs. M. Downs. corner' Park and eChut-ch Sts. Phione 983-5493. I d-38-,e Calyoiir licensed Plurnbing & Mechanical Contractai who selis, instails ejad guarantees C'ARMAN PLUMDING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Oreno W.ý FRANK REAL ESTÂTE LIMITED 21 Kiug St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 92341V74i Fort Hope Office 8n54548 For promptcesurteous, effici- eut smee, wheu buylag or seliIag ad fer the largst sel- ectimof e preperties lu the arle C.matadOeueAr" Roy Fo.Mer 983-5801 Dane Found, 623-3965 Ândy Suteh ROY Strong 983-91191j 52 r il Bethany RIDÊ WANTED A ri de 10 Bowmanville at 8:45 a.rin. and back to Orono at 6 P-ni., Monciay thrpugh Saturday w'th the excepion of Wednesday. Please Phonpe 983-5845. lkank you. a-p ROOM ~WANTJED Rooin wanted for Young mnan in Phzone 4 Ring 32, Bethany. a-p FOR SALE Walnut Dfresser. Good lmirror, excellent condition, Other ar't- icles for sale. Phonpe 983-5013. FOR RENT Undurnisbed apartnient for rent i Krby. Phone 983-5329. la a-c FOR SALE Blue Acrylic pile three-in-one Sno-w Suit. fits to 2 years. Hall price $10.00, Mrs WilIîs Barrablail Phine 983-57,36. HIMP iWANTED 11atwa nted towork ful tirme in feed »4i. Apply aanhan arners County Co-op, Ocüno. a-c WANTED Wonian wanted to do light. housekeep)ing ,,and baby sitting. Phone 983-5962. a-c NOTICE Exlyeriienced Apple Piokers wanted.'. Fred obr'ist, phone 983-5628. a-c E. L. STEEDS, Contaactor Ail types of work: Roofing, Cernent Work, 'Block Layin'g; minor clean-up and Tule beds. Phone 987-4088. b-37-c COMING EVENT Newcastle Lions September Dance Newciastle Cornnunity Hall Satirday, September 27th. Danýnrg 9-12. Bar prfvileges and Prizes. c-38-c NOTICE The ,Acres. Restaurant iqs open weekends only: Friday 9 a.m. to 1 ;a.m; Saturday 9 a.an. to i a.m.; Sunday 10 a.mn to 9 v.an. This Saturciay, Sept'ember , 3th, ail the Fish and Chips you can ent for only 99 cents. 3-C SIGMA-C GET ACQUAINTED NIGHT Corn'Rm-st;' Suinday, Ocetober 5., AUl boys fnn the age of 12 to 15, weleoxe to join. Tue: 6:30 p.m. Place: Main Hall nf the Oronoý United Church. a-c, THANK YOU The Signa-C Boys Club wooid Mie to express thedr thîankq to ahl who participated in the Dunk- A-Person %arne at the Orono Pair. THANK YOU The O0rono Hockey 1Mthe- lý -x- ecui -'e wish to express theïr ap- reatio ail who assisted and donated to the Penny Sale. Aisa thanks te ailwho purchsased tick- ets to nalke our gale such Oron Hockey Mothers Ex.. Sept. 8. 1969, Dear Sir: As President of the Durhamn Central Agricultural Society. 'r would like to express any appreci-- ation to ail those people wffo~ helpe.d to make thîs Yleâr% faùr Bo sucSe&dul. An endeavour Ellve this takes an enormousaaounit of finie and effort by a lot of -people bnth be- fore and after the fair. .The generous co-opcration tihat, wtas received from everwone who h'ad anything to do with the fair mïade t'hings run very snioothly. 1 wn-uld like to add a sipecial word of thanks to our secretarv. Mrs. Charlotte Rickad and Man- ager Mr. George Carson for their innumxerable hours n-f work that they put into this endeavour. Sincerely. Bill Tamblvn WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles MeCulloch CHAINSAWS Repais to a makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englnes OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMSPING OUT ECPTIC TANKS Sort 1T.epkim 1 ue 1"&Un LYCETT plumblng & H.ating PUONU US587 Mm~e, eJ