ORONI) WKEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER llth,, 1969 CltarketaOrie 0f Three Not Giving RegionalI Approval Three munJipaities bie,4hitt sgordless of whether thev like it or to the metliod of paying crt, heott, Muicipal Mffairs Miister Oghawabaseid regWnatl' eiern- larcy -UcKen>uý,zh indieated in a ment. study xil have to puv re- 1tter VQ the study"s executive SA fiVE 20o~ LAWN MOWERS TORO 21" WHfIRLWIND - Fingertip, start, hand propelled 3% H.P.. (Reglar price $146.95 Priced now $117.45' (Save $29.50) TORO 21"1 WHIRLWIND - Key-lectrie start, self propelled 3%k H.P. (Regular $299.95) Priced unow $239.95 (Save $60.0.0) LAWN BOY DELUXE 18"1 Formediumsized lawns. This mower offers quality of engineering. (Reg. $93.95) Priced uow $75.15 (Save $18.80) LAWN-BOY DELUXE 21" t cuts a broad 21-ineb swat h and carnies al -the qua4ties of Lawn-Boy engipeering, fingertip start, quietn-ess, adjustable handie, and eut (Regular price $115.95) Priced xiww $92.75 (Save $23.20) ROLPH HmARIDWARE'm PHONE 983-5201 ORONO, ONT. commiittee recently, 1"The casts attri1yutah1e ta these rnunipalifis will have ta be paid as the study progresses and murân!P(1iMtes are blled follow- inýg t'he twelfth rnonth," sgaid Mr. Pickening and CIarke townShlrbS have siaid they widil pay onIv .if they are eventualY included Ln an lage of Nwa t1e has indicated it does not wànt to paY at al.- Oshtawa-b'ased reigio6n and the vil- Osbiawa Area Planniniz andi De-' velopment Stud.Y ëxecutive coin- mittee rnembers, vdted to-asic the three mnunicipailtiles ta reconsid- er their -positions. Con. C. T homas, Oshawva. said she was concerned about 1,h#at will happen after the twelfth rnonth of the §4udy if the three niuniciaRties refuts'e to -iav their share. "This conmittee lias to mnake a decision, - 1 don' 7t think thev. the re municipalities should be entfitled to a vote," said Con. Thomias. "If they're here as ab- scrvers thiat's fine, but when 'it cornes clown to a vote anvbodv not making a financial contribu- tion shouldn't be enjiùled to" The province has aR)reed to participate in thie $850,750 study and wjll contribujte 100 Percenît of the region(al governmerit com- poanent, - $110,000. In addition. the peovince will contribute 75 per cent of the, cost of the re- maining coinponents of the àtudy. $555i575. The 10 municipalities în the basic study area will contaibute on a per capita hasis, 25 per cent of thé remuaiing components of the study -- $185,175. -Mr. MeKeougli s4d he mas net tive conmttee suggestion that the prepared to agree to an execu- province absorb -lisses throuZh municýpalities not 1 a.yiing their share.' III would hope tbhat the muni- aipalities in the basic study area adting through them executive coxu- mttee xii be able to readih an inâtefirn arrangement to meet this prob1emi," swid Mr. N1tKeourËh. -,Oghawa Times Bob Yeoman's P 1lumbing - Heutingý RR. 1, Orono PhoIne 983-56Z4 1- 24 HOUXR'SERVICE - New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specializing in.. HlOT WATER HEAI"" -& sfor Big Action: fun-pack ed, excitement-fijled act ion; trail-blazing action, huntîng, ice-fishing and tow-skiing Action!1 Above ai,'6is for Absolute Rliability. Alouette. The Big'7 The Reliable One. WNatsons Marine and Cycle, TELEPHONE 983-5343 ORONO, ONT.. - - - -~w~~- ~ - -~- -~ .- Custom Gardening Services Ploughing - Disking - Cultivat- ing - Levelliig - Earthmoving Custom Landscaping - Weed and Grffl Mowing Post~ Hole Boreilxg - Snow Remoý,a1 STD McAFEE RR 2, Ipowmanviile 1Tel. 725-6024'