ORONO WEEKLY"TIMES,,THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1969 Orono Racile Enries ORONO RACEWAY AUG. 15 lst Race- The Little Hobo, G. Rýobinson; Sues Ann, I. McâHattie; Johny Rae L. Goodale; Brent Lane, C. Hie; Canal View Queen, R. Farmaer; Mfolly Grattan, R. 'JeQuaid; Viva Lea, R. Gassien: Pobra Sparky, Best'Buy! - Save 5e!- Kellogg's 16-oz. pkg. CORN FLAKES 39c Reg. $1.15 Value! 8c offPack 38-oz. Bottie CRISCO OIL 95c Save 35c! Ileinz Cooked - i Tomato Sauce. 14 oz Tin Spaighetti 61 tins $1 Save 6c! - Supreme Sweet Mixed Pickles 15 oz. 29r Feature!lHardwood Lump 5-lb. bag Charcoal We reserve the right te Huit quantltles R. Larabee. 2nd -Race- Mooreland 's Alice, B. Moore; Rebel Princess, B. Shea; Ima Laird, C. Hie; Little Etsel, L. Goodale; Lady Moray, S. Brown; 3rd Race- Miss Buekeye lady, L. Dixon; Ltwy Atom, R. Donaldson; Jagla, T.B.A.;Waltzing Matilda, R. Bird; Elva Magie, G. Dolly; Dusty Gail- Specially Seleeted" Canada Grade 'A' - Evisecrated W I E E R Schneider's Famous "eRED HOTS Gardenland Fanes' PEAS Assorted 14 oz. Tin 6 for 99e 17C 1Best Buy! - Save 14e! J Reg. 92c! - 13e off »ik. Sunlight, Detergent Gnt. Pkg. Javex Liquid Bleach 1 l28-oz. Jug 69C ic, T.B.A. Parkview Ann. T.B. A. 4th Race- Quarterhacýk, S. Broýwn; Lor- raine Hal, R, Rahým; Margaret Hal, R. Brow~n; ZephyrBiyG Dolly; Superior Stan, H. Coch- rane; Deputy Ohief Orr, T.B.A.; Liz Son:g, J. Williamis. 5th Race- Happy's Mac, R. Staples; Ka- wart-ha. Avalon, G. Horner; 'Cel Dana, D. MceNutt; Chester Harm Ace, L.' Brawn; Northwood Barn- ey, W. Reid, Freddie Grattan. E. Till, Thelgiers, G. Robinson, 6th Race- Homestçad Irish Fergie, M. Brethour: MVr. Hlarvey, S. Brown: Hesahoney Pick, W. Norris; Gene Put'ney, T.B.A.; Nibble Arion, D. Hamilton; Chie Clyde, R. Bird; Ricky Superior Hal, K. Jlarnden. 7th Race- Jerry la t, D. lloughly; Donna's Pride, E. ýMcKay; Bonnie Van, K. Jenkins; Victor Hal Direct, K. Clark. Public LI BRARKY HOURS OPEN Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:3 LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electrical Heating and Lighting Installations'and Repairs by Certif led Electricians lbo 2 V to 3 lb. average 39Pc l b. 6a5 C' Best Buy! - Red Rose Economv 12e off pack! -, 90 to cello bag TEA BAGS 69c Feature! - Fine Granulated SUGAR 50a lb $4.99, Feature! - Island Queen Tuna Fish 7 oz. 3'9c Feature! - Choicç Quality 19,-oz Tommtos 2 tins 49c Feature! 9-oz. jar Frenchs Prepared Mmustard Ph... BI-SH, <k... w. Harnden; Lii Buck, G. 7St. John; Ozark Jeffery, G. Robinson: MNr-r garet Foibes C, S. Brown. 8th Race- Silkway Direct, R. Farmer; Dicks Henley, L. Goodale; Molly Haw Lea, R. Brown; Victor Ili C, T.BA.; Mercury Way, D. Hie, HuEllrest Jeffrey, E. Broek, Har- riman 's Ace, L. Brawn. 9th Race- Quinte Lad. P. Stewart: Lisa Tar. J. Graham: Clancy Herbert, G. St. Jiahn; Burt Bumpas, E. MeKaY; Hieland Direct. MI. Breth- our: Oron Lee Herbert. G. Shel- ron: Senator K. S. Brown: Doc Foley, K. West. Hlorse that dîd not draw in: MirIdY M, Glenn Dec, Tl-e Enter- tainer. 544 Attend Orono Rances Five hundreýd and fortv-four -at- tended the harncss races at Or- ono on Friday and blet a total of $21,061.' The foilowing are the resuits of the ninýe events: lst Race- Mighty Betty, Gillian; Sue's Ana. Mellattie; Robra Sparky, Larabee. 2ud Race- N'wood Freddy, Reid; Freddie Grattap, Till; Rebel Princess, Shela 3rd Race- The Entertainer, Drew; Home- stead Irish Fergie, Brethour; Parkvicw Ann. Glover. 4th Race- Ricky's S'pr Hai, Harnden: Jer- rýy Hat, Roughly; Bev Sue Ruth, Norris. 5th Race- Bonnie Van, Jenkins;, Silkway Direct. Farmrer; Liz Song, Willi- aýms. 6th Race- St'ling Graýttan. Downs, Lisa Tar, Graham; Quinte Lad, Stew- art. 7th Race- Billy Frost, Lowery; iln Direct. Brethour; Waltzing Matil- da,B-d 8th Race- Debbie Spencer, Drýew; Bonnie Delight, Robinson, Jim Dusty, Fines. 9th Race- C'h'r Harmh Ace, Brawn; H[an- py's Mac, Staples; Thelgiers. Rob- inson. Orono Juniors PITCHER'S RECORDS- won lost tied Paul Joncs ----- 6 3 1 Mike Carinan ----2 0 O Bob Foster ----- 3 2 0 Doug Taylor -----1 O 0 Ralph Hodgson __ O01 i Totals ---- - 12 5 2 I.P. H R ýS.T. W Jones ------ 83 57 24 83 34 Carman ---- 43 44 27 39 15 Foster ----- 28 45 36 18 17 Taylor ------6 4 3 2 5 Hodgson---- 6 5 6 7 5 Abbreviations- I.P. - Innings pitched H - Hits; R - Runs: S.O.- Strike Outs; W .Walks. Kenidal News Mr. Bert Thornpson of Mooso- min, Sask. is vissting with Mr. Arthur Thompson and Mr-. and Mrs. Ken Soper as well as other old neiehbours around Keuidal. Rev., T. Sneignjove baptised the daughter of Mru. andi JVrs. Allan MacJýea n. She was christened Susan Marmaret May, last Sun - day at the 9:00 a.m. service. There was a zood service with a num- ber of visitors. ýSeveral said th ev enjoyed eoîning to church early, on a fine summer mornin.-, The Warden's pienie was in Orono Park last Saturdav. The weather was fine and. a iood crowd enjoyed the chicken diinn,,r Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carscadden have left by motor for the East Coast for a vacation in Vi"'iniia and Nashville Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ýGeach and Bonnie are vaeationing south of the border. Miss C. Stewart entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don Tansley, Mich- ael and Jeanette, as well as their three friends from Inin. on sun- day. Mr. 1Puss Littie is home fram the mines in Levark, ivhil o - strike lasts. Levack is 30 miles west of Sudbury. ForîÔhe,;I Wudest Choice Ipted Moacos A ISBLARDS and urbrshop' SepicnTank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE IHARDY Leskard, OntarjoR ' Telephone 983-5266 Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phione 983-5249 Orono Cusom Gardening Services Ploughing - Disking- Cultivat- ing - Levelling - Earthmoving Custom Landscaping - Weed and Grass Mowing - Post Hole Boreing - Snow Removal SID McAFEE RB 2, Bowmanville Tel. 725-6024' INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMODELLING "For a clean dependable job" Cali Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 Wilia C.HalB. Comm. Chartered Accountant Phonîe Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day, Wednesday and Saturday Who4>,tle Cut - Up Chlckenhuawfauket'lb. 430 COWORNISH'S RED& WHITE