Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1f6e QRW~EEKLIÏMES Se-onýd M Regustratiuo ber 0368 Plublished every Thursclay at the office of publication Main Stret, Orono, Ontanji;o. Phone, 983-5301 Estalished .hi 1938 liy R. A. Fofrester Roy C. Forrester - Edit or andl Publisher Letter To The Edlitor To the Editor Dear sir; The report which appeared la last week's issue of your papc'r of the Clarke Township Council qieetiag lias caused son*- con- cern to the. Trustees of this Vil- lage, an'd I would assume also to other taxpayers withia the Vil- lage. The portion of the report to which 1 refer is where it 'was stated that the Village had over- spent the Road Budeet and that Clarke Township would lie charg- ing an interest rate of 81/2 per- cent on the overexpencliture. This statement is misleadiag. I amn not su.ggestîng that you didn't report this meeting as recorded beceause siace that time the Trus- tees have received a letter from the clerk stating these facts as you report them. Therefore at a speciai meeting of the Trustees I was askecl to inve.stigate andl to have published some explanation.,.so that the general public might understaad just what was imeant liv this tion on behaif of the Council. As the Trustees have not had an op- portu%4ýty to diseuss this directly xvith- the Council siace the Reeve was on county busiaess and was éînot' preseat' at the meeting la question, and as the clerk is now on vaçation, 1 Ihesitate to make this 'a controv'ersial issue, 'as it will no do ubt lie cleared up when a joint meeting is possible. Howr ev-1Ù the interim explanation is as follows: There is no special maintenance %bylaw for the Police Village of O0rono. It is ail handled under the reguetlar and suplementary by- laws of the TownshiP.' The total amouint ila maintenance bv-laws approved liy the Department of Highways for subsidy for th e Township of Carke, including the Village of O0rono. is $130'000. Out of this r.mount the Township has allocated oaly $3,000 for the Po-, lice Village, and no allocation was mïade hy the Township for Police Village construction. Ina other worcls. the Village was cut back in construction andi maintenance froni a figure of $7.600 ia 1 OIct fi $3,000 in 1969, and at the pre- sent time the Village lias sop~+ i pmaintenance, more than the fi- gure of $3,000 allocated liv the %Iownship, and if the Township uses alL of the- balance of $127,000 for maintenance. it will be nec- essary toask for further supple- ment ary authorization. If -' Ëownship cloes not spend the ful balance, then this would not be termed an overexpenciture. In past years, when the Villag'e had an uaderexpýýaditure, the author- iiecl approval eould then lie used by the Toweship. Th~e most confusiag and noss- i.bly rnisleading poiat, is where it would appear that the Township feels it would be loaninfo on which it is suggestin¶' an 81/2 ü% interest rate. The point I woffid like to maké verýy clear, is the fact that the Village' has Dlen ,tv of money to cover aay captial paymeat, and I, do not know of aay legislaion which gives a Township authorization to execute such action. If action sucli as this were possible under the Aict. then the Village of Orono couid cdaim int-cre5+ from the Township on Village surpluses over the past 3 or 4 vears, which were automat- icaily usecl against Township la- debtedness. For general information, I feel that ýthe people of Orono should know that what appears on their taxbill as 'Orono Roacis', showing a miii rate of 8.0460, andi whtel- is assumed by most people to mean roads within -the Village.' do'q "ot actually mean roads within 14 Village. This miii rate' is divided as follows: 6.7010 is a direct township roact expenchture. v7lfh ail monies beiag spent outside the village, while 1,3450 is ail that is availalile for use within the, Villige, which lias to inelucle snow removal, oiling, cuivert repair etc. The paving and storm sewçr project is a separate item entire- l.y and, for the preseni, is covered' under the ýOrono Police Xilla«"e ra-te. .l'Inlosing, I would like to state that 1 have secureci the above in- formation with the assistanc-p of a represeatative of the Audit De- partment of the Ontario Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs. Who was called inla eriier this week liv the -Trustees. Yours t rulv Eclwarcl R. Woocl-ard. Ten rural young people in Dur- ham Gounty have benefitted by being awarded annually the E. A. Summneril Scholarship of $100.00, Those having been awarded the scholarship over the ten year per- bod have been Edward Kowal of Bowmanville, Harold Yellowlees of Enniskillen, Donald Welsh of Bowmanville. Wiliam Tamblyn of Orono, James Riekard of Bow- manville, Ken Wilson of, Janet- ville. Paul T.amblyn of Orono, Bill 01,an of Millbrook, Ted Skin- ner of .Tyrone and the 1969 wîn- ner is Elizabeth Kellogg of Port Hope. The E. A., Summers Mequoriai. Fund w'as macle possible through the donations of friends of the late E. A. Summers. Agricultural Representative for Durham Coun- ty for approximateiy 29 years. This year will be the last for this scholarship and the committee la charge, of makiag the selecetions feels that the money has been well spent la furthering the edu- cation of the young people. This year's winner, -Elizabeth Ke1.ogg, has completed the f irst semester ~z the B«Sc. (Azir.) at the University of Guelph. She lias been very active in 4-H club work, community activities and has clone exeeptionally well in high school. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE SCHOLARSHIP Mr. Walter Frank of W. Franki Real Estate. Bowmanville has for a number of years provided a $300.00 seholarship to an out- standing boy from Durhiam Coun- ty, who is enrolled ia a degree course la agriculture or will be enrolliag la sucli a -course this year at a Canadian Uaiversity.,The wînaer for 1969 is Mr. Erie Bow- mnan of R.R. 1, Enniskillen. Eric will be attending the University of Guelphi this fail taking bis B.Sc., (Agr.). Eric has eompletecl 14- 4-H clubs aacl has beea very act- ive la churcli work and commun- ity âctivities adbas an excellent scholastie record. OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD SCHOLARSHIP :Tre Oshawa andl District Real: Estate ýBoard aanually presênts a $200.00 schoiarship to a worthy studeat eaýtering a diploma or de- gree course at aay recognized Canacian Agricultural Sehool, College or Veteriaary iCollege. lan addition a perpetual trophy is awarded for one year to the win- aer. The wianer this year is James Allia, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. H1e is also planning to attend the University of Guelph, takiag the coursefor his B.Sc. (Agr.). Jim has conipleted 14 4-H1 clubs andi also has a good academie record. BASIS 0F SELECTIONS. Those who are selected for the various scholarships are selcted on overaîl participation in 4-H1 club work as well as scéholastic grades andi community leadership. There were 17 applications for the varions seholarships this year. It is regretable that a nuniber Ox'ford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASON S by FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT - DAY OR NIGHT 623-57-57 Orono, Ontario Phone W83-5009 15.5 oz. Reguiar, Dry or Oily Alil DuBarry Cosmetics Half Price Corne see t1e better choice in1970 snowrnoble,-s goSI the sign of the fns snowmobiles, sportswear, accessori.es, parte and service. Ski-Doo. 480-8127 ORONO, ONTARIO *T.M.i PHONE 983-9167 Sumnaer Sale continues Fuli Stock LADIES' Arriving Daiîy, Boys Summer Slims LONG SLEEVE Size 8 to 20 SERSEYS FLABE BOTTOM Raif Prce, PANTS Girls One rack of Men's and Boy's Corne in and sée FLAIR-BOTTOM r la v NYLON FANTS Sho rt Siv SkoesJerseys Sho'S Inthe Latest Styles Handstiched Leafers1- lthe latest colours 13 F i To~s SonsLti. THE ASIO STORE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Newcastle, Onftarlo ------------

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