<-"r~ -~ -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THU;,BlAY, AUGUST 7th, 1969 Cr~i opcoSu Trhe financial c-iises involVingý the Nortubi ri-. 1ýai-1 nilDurhaw. County Boardý' of Eduction and the 22? uicltisin theUn- itei o rPdjdnlz of threefir ayt fi cation levies o i):, Nineteen of the rnuàLici-a!ties out of the 22 w-r lro5 , -' ,-hI the meet- ---i hjhýii b"'d ilch i- man J. M.- Rolph describe s9 tion to the prrbkntwhr' would not cause undue dîfficuities to the municipalites. The board passed si.esolution askinç_s. thp miyr;eirslities to for- ward part of' the education levy bv Auqust 15 e9ch xv .r sud the re-isinder on 9. monthly basis. The munlýeipal representatives 1'd+hq th,ý iterest on the monev the board h9(t to borrow was approximately $500 per day. Mr. Rolph said the board wa s rf csto late to thie muni- r;~;~~do9nte thp fbnt 1iat tho- hoard coulil demend reguliar pay- nionts. ies,.whichh sd invpsfd tax mon- ey_ at a seven per cent rate of in- taxpaver Dqid for it sU vh-thor it ""sf"edîr'sH;nri r r the mur- who avg hr. 1iteestcharges a o"he said. The problcm, .he said, 1eyvfwth the muaicipalitipsx who onlv col- eted tanxes *st thae nfl nof the NPqr. Thev. lu tom. would have to borrnw monp~v to make am t to tii" board, if payment was de- Th e sohool boa-cd was present- ed with a resolution whidi as Orono Building Contracter <Brick- Block Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Tule ORONO Floors 983-5441 Picnic Supplies DISPOSABLE PLATES and CUPS KNIVES and FORKS TABLE CLOTHS CANNED POP, ICE CREAM ALL KINDS 0F CHIPS CHOCOLATE BARS Middltons drawvn up at this week's session of Uný'ted Counties Council, stating that ail municipalities ïa the two counties agreti', that Decemb-ýr 15 bec the-edue dtnfor' th piyn nt of school WbQ Ird lk ýýs arnCthVat ") 1oo baio.ibv the bordfo ny p:àýme-nt nade in advanccý.. m B OXIl-)I said that the board, couid flot giîve discounts because it was anilga practice. 1Ree ve Ruth Clarke, who repre- sented Port Hope town council at the me îting, seid the whole mat- ter went back to the provincial government, which failed to pro- vide re.gu1ations regarding the date of payment of the levy. "The board can't help but be in -a mess with the present Itax payment system the wiay it is. At present there are no teeth in the provincial government's legisia- tion. It -is flot the fault of the board nor of the nwnicipalities. We have to develop a nattern for tex payments," she iaid. Q uab rorse So To Be Feauret r o ai r The. Fridey progrem at the LDurhami Central Agricultural Fair in Orono hbeê rn bokraered thsyear with a main attraction which will bc presented in front of the; grandstand. The feeture, is a regaistered Quarter Horse Show which will star£ et 10:00 ami. andl continue throughout the day un, tii 5:00 p.m. This addition shoulil gîve the Friday aflernoon show a lift for in th-, past.it bhas lacked a major grandstand attraction. The Quarter Horse show is a full show in itself having numer- ous sections in the Halter Class as well as a performance division, for junior and senior western pleasure riding, junior and sen- ior reining competition. trail, Erg lish pleasure and barrel race. The show also has a Youth Ac- tivity Division for thosé 18 years and under. Here the young comn- Burley Bus Lines Sign Agreement To Seli Business One the the largest school bus and.charter bus lines in Canada 1has:signed a purchase agreement 1with Burley Bus Lires Ltd. Charterways Bus Lines Ltd. is w aiting for approvial of the De- partme 'nt of Transport before the final sale plans are settled. ý 1Melville, Harris.ý manager, said that Keith Burley would remain as president and he douibted that there ýwould bc any change in staff or on operation. "If the bus ilne runs profit- ably and suiccessfully who wants to change?" lie aske'd. 'ýBasic- elly everything avili remain the same at thc station." . Mr. Harris declined to disclose the amount of money involved in the transfer. "'The figure is sub- stantial," ,he addcd. Burley Bus Lires, with 100,ve- hicles including school and char- ter buses, has been in operation in the area fur mary years. It is the largest independently owned lire in the district., Charterways operates a service as far west as London and north to Sault Ste Marie. Mr. Harris said it wes a large organization and completely Canad;ien owned. "The new company,"1 he said. 'has quite an array of intelligent and well-educated people. It is tremendously progressive and pro babicy one of the largest seChool husline in Canada." The two companies have no in- dication when the Department of Transport will -foravard aipproval of the transaction. -Evening Guide Mrs. F. Brimacombe Follnrwiag an ilines nf two months in Bowmenville Memor- ial Hospital the death nfMrs. F. Brimacomnbe, age 95 years, oc- curred July llth, 1969 A daughter of the late Wm., and Eliza Elliott, she was born Mardi. 17. 1874, or the Eiliott homestead, north nf Kendal. She attended MeLean's Sc'hool. In 1896 she was married to Fred Brimacombe ýwho predeceased her inÀ 1952. After her marriage she went to Èîve on top the hili west of Kendal where the y fann- ed. Shé'~ was a meinber of the Kirby Chureli and organist for the Sundav Sehool. She had seven brothers and three sistcr. alnf' whom prede- ceased lier. S She was always cheerful and friendly. The funeral service was held in Ororw United Ghurch, July 14. Hec minister, Rev. B. Long of Orono spoke of lier keen mind and her appreceiation oif spiritual val- ues. He said that, she had servcd God faithfully and, looked forward to the hf e beyond. The palibearers avwere Mr., Ern- est Bryson, Mrs. Jas. Rutherford, Mr. John McKelvey, Mr. Roy Pet- ton. Mr. Wmn. Reid and Mr. Law- rence Grceenxvocod. The mary betifull flowers showed the esteem la whicrh she was held b.y her mary friends. Shewas laid to rest in theOrono Cemetery.- Friends attendingz the funeral came frnrm Thornibury, Oshawa, Toronto. Port Hope and Bnrwmgn- ville. Rev. L. W. Kru/use The dc.ath occurred suddenly Julv 22nd. 1969. as 'the resuit of a motor accident on the Mac- Donald-Cartier Freeway, near the town of Bnrwsanville. nof Rev. Lorre Welland Krause of R.R. 1, Orono. 11e was in his 56th year. A, son of the late Mary and Hermar Otto Krause, the deceas- ed was bora August 21, - 1913 et Pembroke and was married there August 10, 1940. A resident of Oshawa for six ye'ar he had lived in the Orono area for less than a vear. I- e d also liveil et West Hill and SudbUZY. The deceased, who had been aimployed fer the past six Yeers petitor competes in showmanshipi et Imilter, western, pleasure and wexstern horsemanshp as well as competing in a harrel race. Prize money is quite substan tial being $20, $15, $10 and.,S5 in by International Cartage Co., ives a former pastor with the Pentecostal Assernblces of Canada Durin-g his, pastorate he helil charges ir Espanola. Elliott Lake, and Exeter. H1e attended the Eastern Pentecostel Bible Col- lege at Peterborough and was a member and board imember of King Stzeet Pentecostal Churcli. Oshawa. H1e is survived by hus wife the former Marjorie Lindsay: five daughtcrs, Miss Sharon Krause of Vancouver, Mrs. Paul Ripley (Hlélen) of Marmora, Miss Judy Kause of Hajrisburg, Pa., and Misses Barbare and Brenda Yxause of, Orono. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Robert Kelman (Lyla) 'of Harmer, Ontario and Mrs. Mel- ville Wilson (Violet) of Sudbury, two brothers, Wallace Krause of Pembroke and Wesley.Krause of Rosetnrwi, Saslç., and a grandson, Daniel Paul Ripiey of Marmuora. Mr. Kraus; rested at the Arm- strong Funeral Home untîl Thurs- day, July 24. Thc funeral iervice was held in the King Street Pen- tecostal Ohurch miith the service conducted by Rev. Hudson Hiils- 'den. Interment was in Oshawa union Gemetery. the verjous classes and this should dawý a good turnout ln the show. Numerous trophies are also provided. A ringmaster will keep bis audience in touch with the happpenings througout the show. ther features for Friday in- èlude the schooi parade with ba- ton t.wiriers,, floats and decorated bicycles.,There is also to beaa new feeture in the f orm of a pet show In the Dairy cattie section there will again be the out-standing Durham Black< and Whte show along with the new feature of the Ontario-Durham Jersey show. To this one adds the Sheep show and the Rabbit show as well as ail the events connected with the 4-H Club day. The Fat Calf Show is again sch£duiled for 3:00 p.m.. Not to be forzotten is the popular Poul- trvshow Wýhich is one of the best in the province.. The midway is to be in full op- eration and a special children's pony race is seheduled in the af-- ternoon -activities. OQther aspects of the fair wilI beon displ.ay inside the drill shed in _Zdn. h*eedlework, baking, junior work, flnrwers, fruit, grain and commercial displays The Pop- ular art display is again' beine pl'anned. Look for more activity at the Orono f air on Friday. September 5th, 1969. I. We dding Stationery, When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete lime of Wedding Station- ery handled at the Orono Weekly Timnes. ..A complete line of Invitations, Announoements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Reception Cards. Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-5301 Orono, Ont, For The Widest Choiîce, lmpoirted Tobaccos MATIS BILLIARDS and harhrsbop