Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Aug 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1969 OR 7 OWEEK YI E Second Class Mail Registration Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, 'Ontarjio. Phone 983-5301 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Publisher Tlie Great Pine Ridge Festival o f the Arts is now well on its second year of drama performances and as witb its d,-i'ut in 1968 the three productions denote quality an fine entertaininent value. Theatre productions such as those in Newcastlebave advanced in quality and deptli as bas other undertakings ither in the world of sport or inthie world of the arts. Wider avenues are now open and prof es- sional guidance bas taken tlie tarnish from the amaiteur status. The Youth Theatre now la operation in Newcastle is one eieamsple of our advaacing progressla achievement. It also denotes a sense of, dedication a~d the acceptance of a chalIlenge. It is particularly amazing that youth can aecomplish such feats as they have in the drama field in Newcastle. Youthful aooomplishments are mountinj, every day and in many fields of endeavour. The Newcastle Youth Theatre is but one outiet or one exemiple. 11Although we are flot amazed at this youth aceom- plishinent, we are amazed at the'case andi competence which la on display on tlic Newcastle stage. The productions con- tain the bounce and spontaneous exuberance of youth, with a depth of quality and an air of case. Ail one bas to dIo is sit, relax and be entertained. Adding further to the production is the fact that many of the p)erfonlmers are from the district and are even residents of the Township and the Village of Orono. Their Échievement certainly warrants your support at the box of- fice and we know that they in return will provîde you with a fine evening. THE BATTLE AGAINST POLLUTION 1 One of the most urgent matters facing Canada today cs the control of air and wÏter pollution. The provinces are kecnly aware of this. So is Ottawa. But the co-opeAation 0f 'both levels of- governinent, and the municipalities,, is essea- lial if the probleni is to be succcssfully attacked. Tiine is running out anj immiediate action is neces- -sary if the ugly tide is to be senmed. At their annual meetiiQg ln Quebece City, the premiers laid tbe groundxvork for a joint anti4pollution campaigu. It is hoped that Ottawa will now accede to their wishes and establish national minimum standards so that the fight can 5be co-ordinated. .The main resppnsibility for cnforcing pollution con- trol rcsts-witli the provinces. The premiers undcrlined this and made it plain that they are flot asking Ottawa to usurp their role. But Ottawa is clcarly involvcd through the depart- ments of resources, fisheries,' agriculture and transport. And, lanflic case of boundary water, the external affaira de- partinent enfers the picture. Ia the liglit of tbis, if is regrettable that Otfawa bas nof yet cmbarked upon a national watcr program that pro- vides for anti-pollution measures. The Pearson Government promiscd such a move la 1967. The Trudeau Administration ,is also pledged f0 l"solve the pollution problem." A -suitable national policy, however, bas stili to be unveilcd. i Air and water pollution is no respecter of interna- tional boundaries or provincial borders. Canadians who live alongside the Great Lakes are affecfed- just as much as Am- enicans. he pollutcd air froin motor exbausf pipes or fac- tory chimacys can lic just as harmful la Canada as la the United States. Wliat is badly needed is a co-ordinated Federal-prov- incial programn wifh Ottawa providing some direction -and funds, but the lcadcrship rcsting with the provinces. Ontario is probably the most progressive of the prov- inces la attacking pollution. Its record lanfthc water pollu- tion ficld is remarkably good, due largely to the co-ordinat- ed efforts of the Ontario Water Resources Commission. But there are stili big pockets of serlous pollution, like the. one in Hamilton hlarbor, and those la the Northern Ontario paper eonvmunities. Onjrly reccntly, George A. Kerr was appointcd energy ýan.d resources minister and assigncd the task of creating and cnforcing an anti-pollution program. This is an indica- tion of thc importance the Robarta Goverament is giving to this problere. But Ontario cannot do it alone. Ahl the provinces and Otaamuast co-operate. And political pressureý must be brougliht'by Ottawa on U,. federalý and state goveraments for intern ational control. New York, Chicago and most, of the larger US. cities have be 'en seriously bit by watcr pollution., Smog over Los Agneles and oflier big ve ntres lias reaclied alarming pro portions. The California senate recently served notice that gaoinc-powered automobiles will be banned from that stateý withia sig years as an anti-pollution move. The Ontario Goverament will also impose tougli new automobile exhause controls starfing with 1970 models. Dr. Gordon Vichert, an Eaglish p1fofessor at MVc- MatrUniversity, warned -nt long ago-that cveryonc on eairth would ho dead by thé-, year 2069 if -flie pollutiot of watcr and air continues at ifs present rate. This may be an exaggeration, but it points, up fhen aecd for a- determined andcomrolensvopr.ogram la Canada. Tlic provinces are showing the way. Now if la up to Otfawa fo play an active part.t Ontario IHousing Corporation xiii build 65 family units near the south plant of General Motors Trade Minister Stanley Randal announeel in Toronto Wednesday The building,-,s are part of the 238 homes thi corporation agreed' to build last year. They wili be built in the Mal- aga-Erie-Cordova Street area, said Kathelcen Middlemass, Man- ageess-treasurer of the Oshawa Hrs Is How It Is At 1h.- Plays Now that the three festival plays are out, you may be wonder- ing which to attend. If you like musical co&edy, "The Boys From Syracuse" is definitely for you. 1 If you're the swinging avant- garde type, take in "The 'Good Woman of Setzuan" and sec excit- ing theatre. If you enjoy the classies, see thý. Festival's uniusually fine pres entation of "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" and if you're a real drain enthusiasth or yout supporter, see ail three! After al-- ewcastle isn't as f ar to drive as Stratford. There are no swans in Newcastle, but when the dramna is stimulating, who needs swans? Oxford, BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S 8p.eali i n al hindi of STONE,:WOEX mad We al»e de Câa Housing Auitbority. Tecityappie a year ago- last April fLo trc Ontario Housing Corporation f0 build the bouses. Construction on 173 of the rent geared-to-income bouses lias alrcady bagua at the south end of Ritsoa Road. Mr. 'Randali also announced that about 260 f amily units and 29 senior citizen units will bc built in otheýr Parts of Ontario, Evnwtheflicnew houses, saidý Mrs. Middlemý.as. there is stili .1n urgent needý for more. She thinks the city will apply again once_ the 238-house pro- gram is completcd. Rents for the bouse are as low as $32 a month for persons whose family incomý docs not exceed $192. by Varân Belle FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT D- IAY OR NIGHT YOUR HEALTH VYour doctor's prescriptions are filled here only With poduets made by rellable companies wro possess pharmaceutical know-how. It is your assur- ance of top quality. STUTT'S PHA AC'_ýY Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5009 w <H Titis Weeâk Pro Specials PRO SWIMMING POOL, 48"' Round- Regular!$4.98 ~ Perey PRO SALE $3.98 PIITICO PLASTIC PAILS Only ............... 48c. ~ T V LIST $349.0 ONE WEEK ONLY - " oa 29.OO CASH AND CAR PCA!Rfiaaors ALL TOYS, IIALF PRICE, Quantity LimitedStos LIFE JACKETS -50% OFF. Fezr -Watch for 'Every. Week Red, Hot Specials- Ls 5Pc LUNNÏ19PR0 H ARDWAREÉ ORONO, ONTARIO PHIONE 983-5307

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