Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1969 Second lass Mail Registration Number 0368l Publisheti every Thurstiay at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 SEstablished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Publisher Paving Started There is plenty of activity on the Main Street of Or- ono in the business section this morning as we go Vo press. The paving of the Main Stret is in full operation and no doubt will be coinpleted before niglitfall. This will certainly ehhance the appearance 0f the street which over the years hias becomequite pok manked, anti searred. Much Time Useless The House 0f Parlianient in Ottaw<a are certainly in strenuous debate these diays over the controversial bull and Rule 75C. This proposti legilation does give the Govern- ment power o lunit debate at, their étiscretion an any piece of leglslat-ion. There appears to us arguments on bath sides of the Rule. In the first case there is anti avaSs bas been a great loss of time andi energy in needless debate. Often this de- -baVe is mustered more for politicai reasons andi to gain syin- pathy for a particular party Vlan sounti reasoning by the in- dividual. The tiebate often grows ta what soineone xii cail a 'filibuster' and it is hs type of debate that shoulti cer- tainly be ruleti out or at ieast controlleti. The new bih will do this if it passes thec bouse in its present condition. On the other hand debate is a part of ieniocracy andi .withaut it we coulid be In the sanie'position as Russia a Country wth a parlianient with no use or say.. Certainly no question shouid be tiecided until it has been fully dIscussed. Anti everyone shoulti be gven the opportunity ta speak for or against. Hnwever given this opportunity there must be sanie forin of curb o lhaut abuse of tine. One niay also consider that through our democratie system we do give the right Vo gavera to the party having the niajority in the biouse even thougili hey may represent less than majority of citizens in Vhe country and under hs systeïm they have the rig'h Vo govera ad« no hampereti by a group whicih in effect must represent a far lesser nunube of citizens. The Implications are no' doubt mudh greater Vlan we reahize andi this is beconiing so of many pieces of fiegislation at aU l evels of governaient. The average citi- zen iË beitng lst with conmplexîtY. * However in this case we do favour a curb on useless talk andi filiibusters f or they serve no purpose other Vlan ýto waste tinie. There are important tbings Vo be done in picst areas. The problein, of course, is how much i Vie and what is important o one may flot be to another. Local News Mr. andi Mms B. Preston and Mr. Nrman Griffon. Oshawa, spent Sundaywith Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Morgan. M. antiMms. Percy Morgab anti Roy spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Preston at their cot- tage, Lakeview Park, Oieinee. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Lvcett andi Lanily are h'olitaying at their jottage, Lake St. Peter. lMr. andi Mrs. H. N.Junker and Mr. Everard Sandeson, Preston, visiteti Saturday wMt Miss Alma Çutteli andi other Orono frientis. Kudal News Mrs. Thomas iStevens enter- tained the Kendal Unitedi Clurch Women in lier Toronto home on Tuesday. July 2nd. They toureti the United Chuxrch Victor Home gor girls and the Gage Home for senior ladies. Both are locateti in beautiful olti resitiences on sDa- ojous park-like [grounds. Then they visiteti the Don Valley Mus- euim, a wonderfui outing for ev- eryone. Report From Ottawa July l8th, 1969 by Russell C. lloney, MV.P., North- umberland - Durham. As Parliament draws close o ,a summer adjournment it might be useful to look at some of the direction our Governanent has ta- ken'in the past year., Progress lias been made toward a better balanced federal system, more sensitive to provincial coin- petence and more reflective of the linguistic dualisin of the pdp- ulation.' Mvucih bas been done ta evolve a more democratic andi efficient Governanent by way of reforin of the functianing of Parliament, the Cabinet and Caucus. Rule changes now being debateti in the bluse of Commons hopefully will pernmt the Government to pro- ,gramme legisiation and àlt the saine tinie preserve the riglit of the Opposition for full and objec- tive debate. The Governinent is carrydng out an extensive review of our foreign politieal, econoanie andi defence .poliies. Most of the studies are rontinuing but already new direc- ,tions are emerging. In the politi- cal fiel'd we are seeking Vo recog- .nîze the Comm'u'nist Governinent ,of China. This does not mean the Governient iapproves of the CoMimunist Governinent 0f China but it does acknowledge that this Governiment is in fact in charge ,o the affairs of one-third of the Word's population and that ths country is potentially an imnpor- tant trade partner. In the defence, field weý have decided in genlera1 ternis about Canadian participa- tion in NATO. In the trade and ecomoenic fieldi we are stepping up our activities in Latin Amer-, ica and the Pacifie Riai, ~Mueih remains Vo be donc, par- ticularly in the details, but these are, i ndications of the broati ar- eas in which the Grovernaient lias ;been moving. Drop in fer a Refreshing MiIk Shake Cotfee CHOCOLATE MILK ORANGE DRINK and ail SOFT DRINKS MATIS BILUARDS and Brhrsbîp Oxford BRICKLAYERS The Year's Newest and Most Exciting Accessory- IT'S'NEW -- IT'S COLOURFUL Party Platter Holds Standard IPaper Platýes and Cups", lias siots for KYnif e, Fork and Spaon Ideal for serving both Indoors and Out. No more hot or fllmsy plates to handie Excellent lap tray 4 Great Gift Idea - Tough, durable plastié, Avocado, Honey Gold, Tangerine, Turquoise 35e each 4 fer $1.39 Carry-Al DBags f rom tough Naugahyde Regular $9.95 -Limlted QuatitY- Only $7.,77T STUTU'S PHARMACY, Orono, Ontario Phone 9&S-5»G I -, Wedding Stationery When planning your wedding lm sure to view the beautiful and complete lime of Wedding Station-, ery handled at the Orono Weekly Imes. *A complete âne of Invitation&, knnouncements, Thank-you carda Serviettes, Matches, Plac Card, Reception Carda. Ornoeekê-Yl Times Phone 983-5301 Orono, ont. 71, -C ;7- al, -1

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