Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, IUURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1969 Ievitable Choice (Oontinued froni page 2) tion is the iquor industry. The Governaient will not assess the fact that'the huge income froni fiquor is anade simalil In the loig run cost 'of the destruction it cre- ates. So you and I will pay a much higher figure to overcosae the bad effect it lias on societty. The first look is one of proft but if we look beyond, iwe find that 'ire pay a mighty higli price for it. People contend for freedon to uxse ýdrugs. Look at the eventual cost andit lis horrible. Look be- yond the present to the eost 01. leowerlng of the moral standards of today. Take a look at the hist- oryof past generatiens and see what lias happened. When we lowver our moral' standards we pay a very hugh price. Like Lot we end in disater ifwedo not agk, IWhat price ,do I -PaY for it.-" The second teaptation was te inake a selifish choice. Lot had an association with UbrOlimsa tnan 0f God 'ivhose influence eeOuld 'have kept Mmi up te whist hie> should have been. -But Lot chose to tura froni Abraham - and te choose selfisÉness. The man who Iiad the essential jaeianness that miade hlm Iinterested ýoaly in hian- self, liad therefere a moral near- sightedness thaït kept hi'nm from intelligeuitly estimating his own interests. Lot chose the green, well watered valleY adjacent, te Sodom, a city filled with wlcked mien. It was a fine country te make fat sheeip but it ras a poor place to risk one's fate. In iits hanian aspect it wa's no garden. Lot had an unhappy conscience in Sodom. But his ýdislike of crrupt things wasn't strong enough that he got up and get Out. Instead lie stayed, complaining but aîso con- pranmising until the wickedness Of Sodon led to its destruction and he lost al l is possessions and barely got away ýwth lhis own life. He Was caught in a collapse brought about by the environment and influence he had chosen for lis f aily. Abrahami, meanwhile, who liad given generouslY when Lot, was ooncerned GnlY to gn1aib, had. gone into paths that God could bless. 11e built an ýatar to the Lord. There eught to be an altar in ýevery person's 1ff e. This is the inevitable choice, to ehoose for self or to dhoose the 1Ifle that God can blers. Wlien we choose as Lot chose, (howfo'oisth to pray for (led te blessu us. We have al- i-cady rul'ed (out the fart that Gad can, beeause we ehave ChOSen a- gainst it. When Lot tooek the 10W road because it iras easY, Abra-ý hainiteok the highircad where iLot had ne steady wil te fo, that is through the ehoices, day by day, which a man makes by asking not 'IW'ihl it pay." but "It is right." There are alwiays two classes of mien; and every main needs te co'n- sier te which one lie is tending to belong. Th1e danger ia beconvhig like Lot lies in the fact that a mnan gts there by degrees se thnt lie may net realize he lias ôhang9- ed. The Psalmiist SaYs, "Ble.ssed is the man who waiks net la the council of the ungodlCIY,nr stands ini the way 0f sianers, nor sits in the seat of the, scornful."> There's a pattern. Walklng by. Standing near. And eventual'ly slitting a- inong. It Is a pattern of life We can see ina evenY generation. And the ýgeneratiens are ike a mirror in lwhich we can se curselves. Then there was the teaiptation for Lot te the f aster, gayer hIfe. Sodon stands for wealth, WerldhIi- aiess an'd sensual!tY wiere the swinging set iras, the progressive Mn soclety whie cMPaigne$ for thi. lowerlng -0f Standards and who boasted Ia the freedos cf Per- eiations; lVMany Young People, wantinîg to, be near the glittering type of hf e that i5s s superficia, f lad eventua Hy that they bave been puled in.. Young married couples, playng with disaster, iwant te be part of the jet set. Af- ter a While they say, "How oan, we pull he pieces together? How oaa we make meaing out of the meaningless life we're experienc- ing?" They stand with Lot of old. mhey wer'e eonfronted with the ineviahie choice and had chosen wrongliy. It doeesn't matter what age, that's the inévitable choice for each of us. Not, "What wMl it pay?" but "Is it riglit?"' We may cheoose -to be ignomlnt, but the ehoice s stili there and we &akeit ýone way or the ther. Generations tare - ike a nirror ini whieh we can see ourselves. Two mnen stood at that point lù Ide. One Chose selfisihiy for wliat le coeud get out of it ian material gain and lie made bis way te dis- aster and todk ethers with hisa. Anothier man mlade a clioice as best ie could in accoirdane with thie w41 of God and lie was bies- Io~w muceh diffrence Is there in Lot and the Mnister who car- ries out his dutiý- jiuat for p.ay and, then becomel a destroyer of sauts 0f men? Or a teacher ivho teaches just for pay 'ad thus sac- rifices the youflg minds andi characters in is charge? Or the doctor so concerned about, in coïue he allows h.eaJiih and Ide to be wasted. Whit is the difference betweeai Lot and the eanimunity wvho sees only dollar signs and sets up Influences which eventu-, ally rob the coimmunity of safety andhigh standards? Where is the dffrence between Lot and the nation which helps ta set up and cultivate gre.ed and- worldliness and sexuîality? Tke end in every case is disaster. Abraham's choice poits ta Christ. And Christianity sees in Christ, one who aise faceid the in- evitaible choice ta give up His ai- legiance to God and dii return ini- 'herit the kingdoms of the world aind ,who was able ta Say ini action and in words, "What does it prof- it a mian if he gain the whole world and give up Ms ewin seul?" -Jesus took the higl road of re- sponsibility'and service. it was the ]if e iwhih God could bless, well, every nman and every woMan and we are called to take the stands before, that choice. WMl saine road. If our impulse is to you choose the Iroiad whieh pays' take tliat road, then the blessings in inaterial things? Or will you of God will be ours. But miartk it choose the road vohieh is riglit? FLOWMERS..... è 00 Funeral Arrangements Wedding Arrangements Hospital Arrangements FREE jËoDELIVERY! Drop In and brews around sur Large Groeeh«» Showrom for tropical plants, seeda, pottlng sela, pets, rwotug hormon etc. CALL COLLECCT DAY or NIGUT 623-575 7 VAN BELL.E, GARDENS LTD. 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