-woom.1 ý w mmm lwom« www lum WqýNNMO êmmqmm. "yý ý " wm emium 1 go mpmqp«nouwgr Sme Miflsom Insurance Age.cy MI lasseof0persoual and Cmmu-drC*aoverages Office: Main St., Oroe SGord Simpson PhonoOren. 983-536 Ore., Ontwie I'AINT!N* 1 CAPWNTT REMODELLINO CaNBRAL EPAME blomi atedai CHARLES REID AKud....r and Valuto Spedahe in Faru and P5r. Sales 6it sme fe,r tums and dates PHONE ORONO 983-361 Monuments and Family Memorials mt quallty and service leavel nothing te b. desired Aokb therses who bought tram q amelghbour, frîend or relative lA. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 71 oatari. treet PORT HOPE *autdisplay In southeru and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 MeCULLOCE BOATS & MOTORI CHAIN SAWS Repaias t. ail makea et Lawn Mweu and 2 aid 4 e7ele OTÂCO PLOW POINT AND MACHINERY ILYCETT Plumbýing & H.ating I PHONEI 983440 BYAM PLUMRING mil mTING IA md serve 84 HOMURNIERSERVICE S-A FINANCING u) L.w llatoSt Rtes Cu~ - ----s Orville Chat terton Electrical Contractiug E-ectric Heaing amd Service PRON£ 98-5851 r 98894 0ORONO ELECTRIC' .b md. G.ry uv * LUCTRICAL CONTRACTING ECLECTRICEATING ELECTRICA&L APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTIROHOME 1INGLIS -. THOR, -GUARANTEED SERVICE-_ IHamiltons Insurance '0 Service u LtabUity I Lite FIFist Mertgage Les t!Sadie Hamiltoni Poe983-5115 u Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 31à Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO i NOTICE Orono Landscaping an, Garden Servie Phone 983-5508 VISIT FRED'SFRUIT MA Geraniums and box pland sale. Also Macntosh and Sip pIes. Fresh upple eider, ice 79c hall gallon., 1CARD 0F THANKS "A- Special Thank You" kind d relatives, neighbours and friends; also -leather Rebekah Lodge No. 334, Orono, for gifts and well d-25-p wisheË, during my stay in Pincess Margaret Hospital and isince re- turning home. JLKET A sincere Thank, You, Marguerite Cowan. Ita for a-p cream t-f FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS A New Baby Birthdays Get Weli Anniversaries Phone 983-5251 CON VENIENT PRICES FOR SALE 1965 iChevelleConvertible, tur- quoise, V8,auto, radio, whitewlalls, safety helits. 'Certified. Phone 983-5539. a-p VISIT FRED'S, FRUIT MARKET Excellent quality Sweet Cher- ries for sale-. Also- apples, ie eream 79c half gallon. t-f SPARE TIME INCOME ,Reillng jand collecting money frùor NEW TYPE higli-qua1itT coin-operated dispensers iYour areia. No selling. To qualifY YOU must have eur, references, $600. t» $2900 cash. Seven to twelve hours wéekîy can net excellent monthly incoine. More full tisse. For personal interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING LTD., 3o2 OUELLETT1E AVE., 'WINDSOR, ONTARIO. Inelude phone nimber.. - WANTED Baby sitteir for pre school twî,n boys. Live in or coffnute. Must be availaible year ronud. On Taunton Rd., 2½Y miles frorn be available yoar round. NOTICE Lolas Beauty Shoppe will be ciosed for Holidays JuIy l9tih - 29th. a-p Phonle 983-5303. Your EssQ Home Comfort Specialist Says- SCOOL IT! Instal an air conditioner in your oresent warmi air furnace. Free estimates for coniotable living this summer. HARVEY PARTNER Phone 983-5206 Orono Nursery Stock Evergreen, Flowering Shrubs Box Plants Landscaplng and Soddhng RICHARDSON'8 NUR~SERY Poutypool, Ontario Phone 983-5180, Orono D, RO"GERSON «0140, OPffARIO ANTIOVEo WB BUT ÂA» SEI£ O Ghass, china, Pin. Arti"e v MrrsOL ... WB PAT CASH! Phone 623-5342 ater 6 p.m. JACK REAILT1OR WMon ming or ss .g ma WILF HAWÙýJKE TOUR o«Oe AI RubJer, Sta mps £rom ORONO TIMES W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realter 21 Kig St. -W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 92.3-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 fer prompt, courbUS., ettici- ent servce when buyhng, ar sefllzg and for the largest sel- ection ot properies ln bhe area Contact Ores. Area Roy FWeier 983-5801 Dane Eound, 62343965 Andy Sutch Roy strieng 983-91191 52 r il Bethany RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Farl Duviali will be plejased to receive relatves, friends and neighbours at their home in Leskard, fro~m 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 on ' Sunday, August 3rd, 109 on the occasion of theàr 5»t Wledding Anniversary. Nô gifts piease. b-c CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish ta thank friends and rel- atives 'for the cards and visite with special thanks ta Dr. Mceen- zie, nurses, iVasonie and Rebekahl Lodges and Rev. Long, during my stay in Messorilal HospitaL Carl Tennant. a-p CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish te express iny sincere thanJrs to frîends for the niany cards and llowers- and'a, speeWa thanks ta Mrm. Patty Mercer for' bringing m home ater my se in the Bawmanville Hespita. A, special thuùks tg iny many friends, i Shiloh. *a-P Mrs. EtweIL IN MEMORIAM IE4STABROOK-InIoving mess- ory of Joei (Joey) Eastabro6k wýho passed away three years 'g% July llth, 19)66. A silent star shines o'er a grave Net very far away; Where sleeps the one w a forget As it dawns three yeiars, ago W- day. lie would not wish for sadness,. He never c ared for fuss;. But just to be remembered And ýloved by ýall of us. Lovingly ý remem.bered by moth- er and dad, brothers and sisters. a? t., Advertise in the TimeS' PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS' Bet Teulms' h..781&»Z5 Building> a fluse? FIloyd ,Nicholson ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY lOth, 1969