O,, iNO WÉEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 1Otih, T6 Oltawa Report Russell C. Honey, M.P. The new policy of the Govern- ment on Indian Affairs was an- nouneed to the House of Commons recenitlY by the Minister of Nor- thern Developinent and Indàan Affairs, the Honourable Jean Chretien. This new palicy is an important * tep in crýeating,Ï a condition whereby lIndians will be treated the saine as ail other citizens and be br-ought into the main stream of Canadian lif e. Froin the 'early days of this country, a trustee relationship de- velûped between the' central Gov- erninent and the Incian people of a highly paternqlistie initure. The new poiicy changes this by prýo- have the right to>ianlag-e their own affairs to the ;aine exteýnt' thiat their fellow Canadians man- age theirs. Under present condi- tions they do not have anything like this degree of control over their land, their funds, or',* in fact any of their responsihilities. Opportunities ýare presert dlay in Qlanadian society and ned directions are mien. The Govp-n- ment believes that Indian people miusI not be shut out of Canadian life and must share in these op- portunities. Truce, euaJitv w"e- supposes that the Indian people have the riglit to full and-" participation in the cultural, soc- lail, economic and political JIde Of Canada. The pcolicy proposal iii be re- ferred to the Standin on"- of the House wherc it can be tror- oughly discussed. Mvr. G-4;'Ti seeks the support of the motiZ for the aims of the poiicy, tûe, goodwill, the support and ~ ergy of the Indian people, tà,- support of ail Canadians and h co-operation otf ail Provincial Go-y ernients. This new palicy will engend.er a great deal 6f debate amo'- Indians themselves and ail Cana- dian people. 1 personally support (Oontinued page 5) o o I o., = m I m I-b o ~1 c I-b m c -f c 1~ = ô M% w w00-0-0w .... .z r z wm I