ORONO WEEKLY TIMXES, TIIURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1969. e ei See Mis.u Insurance Age.cy fer AI classes of personal and Comme>rcWa1 Çôverages Orne.: Mau Kt, Orome le.983-575 Gord Simpson n Oree, u-ri. PAINTING CARPENTI , REMODELINO laterim IExterte CHARi'.rLES RZAD Aneîn.- and Valuatoi 'Speiz. in Fanu and Oea"x me fer ternis awd dates pENE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves notMu-g t. be desfred &* the person who bought fir.m ka neeb.r, friond or relative Vu RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY U3 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE 'Lu!pst ifrplay in southeru Ouiarto" 'WATSONq'S Marine and cycle *roa P"]ono 98U-5343 MOCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORI CHRAIN SAW8 Repaira te all makes of Lawn OTACO PLOW POINT& AND MACINEIT LYCETT Plum bing & Heating [ PHONE 9350 Bornes PLUMEING a" MHEATINO 0" MdI UIE SRVI 1&A FIANCING L" &"gram Rates Tyr... HIMM Orville Chatterton Electrical ontractiug lecttric Hea«thig and Service PERONE 983-551 e 83f Ore», Ontarl. ORONO ELECTRIC Herb andi G.rr Duval 983-5108 ELBCTEICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. -RADIO - RI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A.- DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - "THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltons Insurance serviceI Package Peicles O First Mertgage Lew 0 8Sadie Hamilton fiPhoe ,98t-5115 Box 133 Phono'668-3552 Stafford Brothers. Manufacturera of Cemetery .Memorials 318 Duidas treet Haut WHIBY, ONTARIO Building aàlieuse? or yea e u Vr present FydNicholson FLORAL .ARRANGEMENTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS A New Baby Birthdays Get Wefl Anniversaries Phone 983-5251 CON VENIENT PRICES FOR SALE DsI.d abUMel a S d vekrai. Waor £le t e dva aM Bob Canutb&u. El1. Boumêmi- vve. Phone 623-6«U. t4f FOR SALE 19,54 Chev %/ ton truck. Good condition, Mechanical safety check Phone 983-5249.a- FOR SALE Coal and wood Findlay' Oval cook stove 'in good condition. R1easonable price. fPbone 983-5437. COTTAGE FOR RENT On Kosh Lake. Fishing and swiniming. Hydro, boat. Phone 983-5639. FEMALE HELP WM.JTED A woman required for house- woork in well-equipped aduit home. Please Phione 987-4563. a-c -GARAGES TOO EXPENSIVE?" TRY US! Repairs to power lawn mowers anid small gas engines; also will, trade, buy, and seli used mowers and parts. Very reasonable. 'Ward's Repairs, on Highwav 2, next to Lancaster garage. Free pickup and delivery foi' Orono, Newcastle and Newtonville arcas. Other areas 10e per mile., a-p ORO NO TRAILER Sales and Rental Phone 983-5974 Orono, On±. Nursery Stock Evergreen, Flowerlng Sbrubs Box Plants 1 Landscaping and Sodding RICHARDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone93-1,Oon D. ROGERSON «ONO, ONTAMI ANTIQUES WU BUT AND 8L *OMd Ga, Chia, Plue Arta"e Te"aMi OdIUou ]Fy MoOL... CALLUS WIN PAT CASE! Phone, 6235342 after 6 p.m. JACK REALTO1 R' N igst., E. DWMANVILLE WILF HAWKE NOTICE Omon, Landscaping and Garden Service Pihone 983-5598 VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MAItET Geraniums and box plants for sale.,Also MacIntoeh and Spy Ap- pies. Fresh apple eider, ice cream 79e haif gallon, t-f M- Vour Esso Home Comfort Specialist Says- COOL IT! Insta1 an air conditioner in your present warm air furniace. Free estiniates for condmotable living- this sumnmer. HARiVEY PARTNER Phone 983-5206 Orono CARD 0F THANKS Lorne'and Jennie Bowins would like to thank everyone for cards, gifts and good wishes and for making our 25th ýAnniversary a happy one. a-p DBuy Rubber' St-amps frons ORONO TIMES W.FRANK' REM. ESTATE LIM1TED Realtor 21-Kin St. W. flowmanville 62.3-3383 Téronte 923-,9174 Port Hope 'Office 885-4548 Fer prompt, courteons,' effIci- eu-t service wheu- buylng or aeliUug 'and for the largeat sel- ection et proerties hi bthe area Contact Ores..Ai-en Iepretentattvea 1Roy Po.Mer Dane 983-58011 ~Found, 623-3965 Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-9119j Bethany) FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE R.R. 2. Orono, Ontario,. i' 4" ,announce, the forthcoming mer- ï'iage ofbiùs daugliter Julia Mar- ina te Roiiald' Lawrence H2arrs, eldes± son of Mn~ and Mrs. Lawr- ence A. Harris, RR. N., Orono, Ontario. The wed£hnjz will tRke place on August 9, 1969, at 3:30 p.m. in the Orono United Ohuroh, Orono, Ontario. - BIRTU GACELL-Loell and Hilda are pleased to' announce the ar- rivai of their son, Brent JameÈ, on Monday, June 30th, 1969 at Oshawia Genenral Hospital. A brother for Beth and Janlce. a-p ISHII-Brien and Lynda (nee, Peurs) are happy to annoýunce the birth of theïr baby 'daughter. Nancy Lee, born Tuesday, Juiie 24th, 1969 ,at Oshawa General Hospital. ,a-P DIE» STEWART-At marnwood 1Nurs- àng Home, Bownianviile on 'Fr1-, day, June 27th, 1969 Esther Col- ville, Orono, aged 95 yea-s. Wife of the late Robert te-wart , aunt of Mhlson Cowan,, Toronto and Oolvilleý Evans, Orono. Seýrvice was held at the Mor-ris Funenal Chap> el, Bqwimanville on Monday at 2 oclock. Interment Bowmanville Cernetery. a-e IN MEMORIAM BALL, Mrs., violet- In loving mernory of a dear sister who passed away July 4, H6~t8. We cannot bring thýe old days buck Mhen we were ail together:, ,But secret tears and lovine thoughts 'Will live with us foreve* Lovingly remembered bv Edn'a and Grace. n IN MEMORIAM BALL-In loving meniory of a dear mother and granchnother, ýViolet Bail, who passed away on juuiy 4tih, 1968. There is a link death cannot sever. Love anýd remeinbrance iast for- ever. Ever remeinbered by Rena, Len and faniily. If Pays.., to Advertise in the ~Times' PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tempklns Ph... 786-»52 o'Woiofflii il- mil il! q 1.