Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jul 1969, p. 3

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~~~~~~s~.. %. - - --s- ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1969 Wedding Stationery When planning yc>uïý wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete limedo Wedding Station- erýy handled at the Orono Weekly lIimes. êýA complete line of Invitations, Ann.ounoements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Rýeception Cards. Orono Weky Time Phone 983-5301 Orono, Ont. LEGS OR BREASTS C'OUmT UmP -CH 1O KE N l.5 9 Fresh from the, Bakery Red and White Sliced 24 oze Loaf 21c ASSORTED FLAVOURS 'Haif Gallon bce C reant Suaaspun 79a BONUS BRAND Garbage Bags 10~g tpk.390 CAMPBELL'S Tomnato Soup 10I oz. tUns 250 STEAKS Good Size OmàRAN& GES doz, 55C SPKCIAL PACK! Twin* Pack 24 oz. Plus 8 oz. Free Mir iîquid, Detergent 69c Dog Towel Offer' Dr. Balard's Champion SAVE 14e. 15 ounce Uin Dog Food 6 tins for -79c SAVE 13e. BATHROOM Ballet Tissu. 4 roils 49c Feature! ROSEDALE KERNEL Corn 7 12 oz. tins $1 lb.$1 M09 $1 a19 Specialiy selected Tender, Juicy, wel trimmed, full eut Round or Beneless Boston style Cut MAPLE LEAF - FULLY COOKED - Cryovac Halves DINNERma mS OORNISH'S RED& WHITE. We rervethe zigt te SUit tumti"h Ph... 83-530, (ro». Up And Down 1 The Book stocks NEW BOOKS, JULY3, 1969 Aduit Non-Fiction Bosie Woodwo>rkinig Processes by Herman, Hjorth Sett cf the 'Antarctic by Regin- aid Pound Aduit Fiction I, Roberto by Elizabeth Gray Vining Bowmanville Break by Sidney Shelley- -( byased on an actual in- cident that eccurred at the Pris- onerlof4war-oamp, -in Bcwzi-an- ville) The Heritage by Franées Park- inson Keyes Boy's and Girls Kavik the, Wolf Deg, by Walt Moérey Andy Buckr.am's Tin Men by' Carol Rynlie Brank The New Tenants by Margaret' MacPhersàn Hfawaii, Gem cf -the Pacifie bY Oscar Lewis Away, Went Wolfgang'-by Vfr- ginia Kahi Blaze :an d the Lost Quarry by C. W. Andersen My Dog and 1 by Nancy Lord. Since your have readthis littie note you will kaow that it would pay to put your message in, the Orono Weekdy Times. Convention te the Prime IVnister to attend its celebration on Juz].e 24h. It ,was ýan act ,cf terronism directed at the maWho is giving leader- ship towards a united ceuntry iVhere ail are assured of basic freedoras. A wanton and incem- prehensible act which led. 4ghc Prime tMinstcr -te say "I feel tlIat it belongs te, the people them- selves and the autlheities te con- aider ýwhat would Ibecome of a state where indàviduais respea- sible for such acts of .tcrronisrn would come into power." Washiagton columnist Car T. Rowan recently wrote: "We dling te the dreamn that we can have peace on earth, eood will toxvard men.' But a realistic look at hu- man bIehaviouir ilaal parts of the world raises the question of whe- ther there is any hope for mon- Ind." Iluman behavieur notwithstand- imz, there is ne qucý§tion about a hope for nanind and Deace on earth amoný_ Jehe-vah's Witnesses As an expression cf their confi- de(nce, the Witnesses wrill soon be 6,F»0,. Vote A suammary of the G.F.D. vote held on June 24th in Durhiam Oounty Shows only three polis flavouring the formation of th *e General Farra Organiization,. These poils were at Orono 89 to 9 Hamp- ton (137 to 75 and the Agrieultural Office poli cf 117 to 42. Millbrook and Weloone w ere, strong againrst the formation of a G.F.O. Millbrook voted 108 to 46 agains witih 'Welcomie voting 119 to 29 against. *Most "Yes" ballots ecast for a G.F.O. with eompulsory checkoff aise favoured Marketing Boards having a vote on the Provincial Coundcil cf the iGF.O. They voted 446 to 139 In faveur. This group also gave their suipport to mem- bes-ship being automatie whien a farmer pays a compulsory check- Of. The 'Ne' ballots :gave a 'no vote of 279 te, 217 that Marketing Boards bave a vote on the Pro- vincial Couneil'of the G.F.O. This greup like the 'Yes' greup favour- ed automati-c memberslfrp.when a farmer'pays a eempulisory check Off. Report Fromn Ottawaj Russelli;C. IHoney, Q.C., 3MP. NorthumberandDurhn 'We have seen a paradoxical situation la Canada in 'the past week with reference to the fu- ture of the constitutional disculs- siens which haive ýbeen going for the pjast 18 months. Following iast ýweek's meeting of the Prime Minister and Provincial Premiers the prospects for agreement on constitutional reform which le ads to a stronger federalism seemed very bright in Canada. The. at- mosphere wvas rudely sbatt ercd on the week-end when terrorists expioded a bomb at the 'h"d- quarters of the St. Jean Bapti ste Society is Sherbrooke, QuebepC.I One of the prienity items of Prime MIvnister Tr-udeau in udis- eussing a new constitution is en- trenched in a Bill of Riglhts. Stick action would guarantee the free- doms of speech, religion, assen-, bly and so on. The rigiit cf Ganadians te as- semble for a lawful purpose ýwas serious1y ehailenged by the Sher- brooke bomb which resulted in the St. Jean Baptiste Society cf that city cancelling the invitation ClijfourI I.lloend Plumbig& 1 mechanical Coatract.ri Who sai, Intalla CAMAN PLUMBING ANDU HRATING Phono 983-5207 Oreno e #YWICT E /SA MD Albort's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 93-5249 Oroue Custom Gardening Services Ploughing - Disking - Cultivat. ing- Levelling - Earthmovifti Custom Landscaping - W... and Grass Mowlng- Post HolO Borelng - Snow Removal 81D McAFEE RH 2, Bowmanviie Tel. 725-6024 SIMPSON 'S Painting and Decorating INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGINO REMODELLING "9Fer a eean dependable Job" Coul Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 holding an eight-day "Peace on Barth" International Assemhly.ilu B'uffalo. NewYork, and area Wît- nesses will be present as dele. gate's. Benjamin Savelli of R.&. 6. Bowmanville, presiding niinister of the Bown'ville Cong-re-ation, will lead the local delegation t the ass effmblrY. which wiIl be held July 6 - .13 in btsfialols War Meim- rial Stadium. Clark. Public LIBRARY HOUES OPFfl. Tuesday 6:3» .8:»0 Thmrday 6:30 9 :30 Fridy 2:0 -5; 0:30 - 83

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