Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TfURSDAY, MAY 22»d, 1969 Government Recogrnà zIs Municipal Tax Burden- Box Platnts NOW AVAILABLE We take orders for Arrangement s for Weddings aud Funerals The Corporatien of the Townichlp of Clarke By.Law No. 1613 NOTICE IN THE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1960, c. 296), and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Township of Clarke for approv.- ai of its Restricted Area By-Law 1613 passed the lSth day of December, 1968 Appointment For lHearing TUE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD' hereby appoints Monday, the l6th day of Juine, 1969, at the hour, of haif past ten Wolockin the forenoon, (local time) at the Council Chambers, iu the Township of Clarke, (at Orono) for the, hearing of al parties lnterested in supporting or opposig this application. DATED at Toronto this l2th day 'of May, 1M6. S EA L M. Fraser ACTING SECRETARY Tonnh e Corporation of the -Towaship of Clarlke Dy-Law, No* 1592 NOTICE IN THE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.0. 1969, c. 296), and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by The Cor- poration of the Township of Clarke for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1592 passed the 23rd day of May, 1968 Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO, MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the l6th day of June, 1969, at the hour of haif past ten o'clock in the f orenoon, (local time) at the Concil Chiambers, in the Township of Clarke, (at Orono) for the hearing of al parties Interested in supporting or opposing DATED at Toronto this l2th day of M4ay, 1969. S EA L M. Fraser ACTING SECRETARY M The government reeognized ithat the local tax base carried too much of the finaneiing burden for the provincial-municipal sect- or as a whole, Minister of Mun- icipal Affairs, Darcy McKeough told members of the Northumnber- land Progressive Conservative As- sociation at the annual mieetingc held in Warkwortih recentIy. The minister, outlining the pro- vincial tax refonms, said the un- due refiance on prope.rty taxation was clearly indicated by the con- linuing financial squeeze on mun- icipalities and the increasing de- mands for provincial relief. "A major reform objective of the province, therefore, is to in- crease its financial au pport .for local governments in order to -e- duce the burden of financing which f ails upon the slow-.grow- ing and oppressive property tax"I he said. Ontario intended to i-aise its average level of support for ele- mentary and secondai-y education Gainiing Practical Experience Grade 12 students of the Com- mercial Course at Clarke High School are gaining some practical experience with placement in of- fices of local businesses through- out the area. Students are now working in to 60 per cent over a three-year period, beginning in 1970 and '71. At present the province's legis- lative grants provided about - 45 perceént of sehool board finances. The increase in provincial sup- port, of education would, repre- sent a permnanent Èhift in financ- ing fmn the local tax baue to the provincial tax ba".s. Mr. McKeough sa-id the long- run goal of the province was to as'3sume a larger-shaire of the fin- ancing for other local se rvices as well. This cauld not be ach- ieved immdiately eas h Province siinply (bd not have the financiail resources to make ia- creased transfers. As the new tax system hegan to produce additional revenues, some of it would be transferred to local governments in the form of inereased grants and pay- nients: "if the end result la simp- ly increasing local spending, this will neessitate centrai review and control measures."1 Property taxation in Ontario stood in need of fundamental re- formII, perbaPS' more so, than any other areas. As the Smith Coin-, mni'tee and the Select Committee clearly showed, the present prop- erty tax was grossly unfair and inefficient. The proposed Provincial actions to reduce the burden of finianiag hie said, which feil on the proper- ty tax and to offset its regressiv- ity via personal income tax cred- 1-ts would substantially help thc shortcomiings. "Reforni of asses&ment 15 the mosit=cruia foc it is the founda. tion upon which subsequent re- forma ia the other areas must be based," lie sajd. Oro»no Rcceway 1May 30'1 1969 lat Race - Miss Buckeye Lady, L. Dixon; He's 1Honey Pick, N. Os- borne; Judy Ann Grattan, p. Stew art; Bonnie Van,, G. Robinson; H-1arrnan's Ace, L. Brawn; Rickey Superlor ilal, K. Hai-dca; Rob- hies Gal. J. Williams; Burt Bump- as. T.B.A. 211d Race, - Dorreen Mar Mie, W. Hannah; Dick's Henley, L. Goodale; Glendale Joe, p. Stew- tart; Carol Knighit, F. Beechinan; Ozark Jeffery, G. Robinson; Cape- own Shelly, 0. Burrison; Canal Vîew Jet, T.B.A.; Lorraine Hal, R. Rahai.' 3rd Race - Quinella - Mindy M., D. Hie; Jagla, W. Norris; Quinte Lad, P. Stewart; Don Orey' G. Robinson; Miglity Chance, B. Hicks; Lynn D Dale, T.B.A.; Sup- erior Mark, B. James. 4th Race - Liz Song, J. Wil- liams, Hooter Valley, F. Alexand- eT; Hi Vic, L. Goodale; I.ghting Dai-es, I. Çochrane; Happy's Mac, R. Staples; Chester Rai-m Ace, L. Braiwn; Rod Wyn' Todd, G. Shel- don. 5th Race- Kim Marie Hal, S. Brown; Wil Lor Ace, J. Williamis;' Le Scota's Boy, A. Niehols; Dust Proof, G. Wetherup; Jerry Hat, G. Robinson; Erin Spencer, W. Norris; IÀi Buck, G. St. John; Barricade Rosie, E. Wilson. 6th Race - Quinella -*- Simicoe. Boy, G. Robinson; Janey Atoni, R. Hicks, Gene Pueney, T.B.A.; Joe Johnson, D. Hic; Righ Triple, S. Brown; UTnique Richard, D. Fer- guson. 7th Race - Ed's Son, F. Beach- ia; Molley R-ay Lea, R. Brown; Prim A May, O. Burrison;, Gene Town, S. Brown; Rob Ron Chief, W., Brown; Parkviiew Ann, R.ý Glover; Romested Pat, ýE. Adams. 8th Race - Victor Hi C, W. Norris; Kawartha Cathy, G. Horn- er; lancy Herbert, G. St.'John; Waltzing Matilda, O. Bunrin; Danny D Dale, G. Robinson; Ka- -A complete line of Invitations, Anriouncements, Thanlc-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Reception Carda. Oroino Weekliy limes Phone 98"-301 Orono, Ont. the Orono Hydro office, the Township office, Curvply, Orono& FÙcl 'and Lumber and others. Tl4is,practical experience is parti of the curriculum at the Clarke> High School. PX" Wiliam c. Hall, B. comm.' Chartred Accointant Plun. Newcastle 987-424 AU day Wedneday and Saturday, Wedding QStationery Weoml ne of:eWed tîo Qer handled at the, Orono WeeklyQ Ilmes. ýD DX XX DM DX »X DI PX DX DX »X Be wm...emNosuEi wn' DXFUEL QIL PuoNE N8-un4 »X »X »X. DX mm »X DX DIDDX X Dx- 1 -

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