ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1969 Sec for Ai l casme of persocWa and ()ommercW C»Çoerages Offkce: maIn-st, Orgue Re& 9U34754 Gord Simpso Phene Or.ee 3588 t j PINTINk CAIFEIT REMODELLING GENERAL LEPAIES CHARLESRD Aaeti.aeer and Valuatuî Spemiallze iFarn. and pEONE ORON@ e83-51914 M.,umeuts ca.d FnmilyMmoas Ont qualy and servic e aves nothig-t. ho deslred ~the peenuWho bought frein 'a &Wghbour, frlend or relative Die RUTfER GRANITE COMPANY lis flutade a gft PORT BOPE, 'L..rgemt ilspiy tu sontieru ontado" WATSON'S Marine and cycle MeCULLOCH BOAT" & NOTOPNS eNA»' SAMI IYIACO PLOW POITS AN» MACHDolEIT PUNPINGOU~T mort T.pkn8 7304Mu8I LYCETI Balles PLUME!rNG and NEATINO 24 nous SerM ivlies B-A FIANCINQ Tyr»!2e 283SM Oaille Chatterton Electrical Coutracting Electric fleating and Service PIIONE 983-5546 or M8-5940 Orano, (Ontario ORQNO, ELECTRIC Merb a"i Gerry Duvali ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE - Hamiîltonsî Insurance Service Ftr Package P.eiOO FII.elty Rend, Lff. O Fira Mrtgage L.aas ~Sad1e Hammiltomn BOX 133 Phono 6683552 Stafford Brothers cemetery Memorla 318 Dundas Stre et m WHITBY, ONTARIO BROWNIE Anyone wishing to buy addi- tional boxes of Brownie Cookies, they will be available at the Odd- fellow's Hall- this Saturday, April 26th from 10:00 - 12:00 noon. a-c WANTED Experienced Router or table saw operator wanted for wood- working plant. Apply South Plant Curvply Wood Produets. a-c WANTED Two W'aitresses and two Dish Washers, part time. Saturdays or Sundays. Apply Mosport' Restaurant. Phone 983-5559. a-c WANTED House wanted to rent, as soon as possible in Orono,. Bowman- ville, Newcastle area. Phone 983-5623. a-p WORK WANTED Custom ploughing, discing, corn planting -.nd any type of ground spraying. Phone 983- 5284.' b 16-p 1 m,i,P5 FOR SALE Dried shclled Coin for sale. ~rpick up or dlivcry cati Bob Carmuthers, RR 1, Bowmaft- ville. Phone 623-5485. t-f VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET We specialize in quality 2ipples, Red Deliolous, Spys, Russets and many other varicties, at wholc- sale pites. Fresh Apple Cier, Ice Créain. .79c half gallon. t-f ORONO, ONTARJO ANTIQUES WB BUT A»8UL Toya aMdidue IF M 8OLU .. CALLUS WB FAT CASH! hS... 983410orw 623-3128 JACK, REALTO0R 99lag st, B. BWMANVULLE Wben BEaI»g or seliIng cl! WILF HAWKE RSPRE39NTATMV 983-274 ven*.rs of ;lskawa &Md is- kiot Roi! rtate EOU'd WANTED Items for the Green Elephant Table ait the Horticultural mýeet- ing Thursdýay, April 24th -at 8 p.m. in the Main Hall, Orono Un- ited Church. If you don't have slips, bulbs, secds or plants, you may bring baking. The Orono Junior Band will entertain. Everyone welcome. b 16-c Tenders for Oil Furnace Tenders Will be re2eived until May lth, 1969 for the installa- tion of a, new oul furnace in the Orono Manse Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. The work to, commence the last vlaek in May or early in June. Tenders to be forwarded to Mr. H. Cobbletlick, Box 126, Or- onQ, ,secretary of Board of Trus- tees of Orono United Church. ac FOR SALE Toy Pomeranian Puppies, also Toy Poodie, $75.00. Candu Kennels, R.R. 1, Ennis- killen. Phone 263-2997. a-c NOTICE The Senior Citizens will meet in the Oddfellow's Hall ou' Thurs- day evening, May lst at 8 p.m. Cards will be played. Corne and bring a friend. a-c PENNY SALE Saturday. , May 3, in Kendal school auditorium by W.I. A loy- ely Colonial Lady quilt and miany worthwhile articles. Corné and bring your friends. Ticket draw starts at 8. b-16-c WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAMO VIN Table.ts or Liquid. The sinigle dose treatmcnt for pinworis. Avaitable at Stutt's Phiarmacy. m1- NOTICE FàSh 'tand Chlps - ail yeu can eat every Saturday nW>gt at "The Are" for 99cents. t-f W. FRANK REAL ESTATE, LUMITED Rlealtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 92».174 Port Hope office 885-4548 For prompt , Court»»u, effi- ont service when baylng or seiliag andi for the largest sl ettion of , propertiela he ii ires Contact Orone Area ROY Fouter 983-580 Roms Gilbart 983-5538 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r 1 BethaJ FOR SALE Refrigerator in good condition. Ideal for a cottage. Phione 983-5409. a-p PLEASE ATTEND Red Cross Volunteer BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, May 7th 1:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Lions Centre Bowmanville b-e STOCKER SALE Stocker Sale at Durham County Sales Arena, Orono, Monday, Ap- ril 28, selling a large number of yearolds, 2-year-olds, grass oows, and calves. Sale to commence prornptly zat 1 p.m. Plan to at- tend this impôritant auction. Lawrence Hiarris, Clerk. Charlie Reid, Auctioneer. a-e FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. andl iVrs. George Dunlop take, ple ,stâre in announcing the forthcoming marriage of theif eldest, daughter. Dorothy Anne, to Mr. Bruce John Mercer, only son of Mr. and, Mrs. Bruce Mercer. The wedding will take place on Saturday, ,May 31, 1969 at 3:00 p.m. in Orono United 'Church. a-c FORTIIÉOMING MARRIAGE The forthcomning marriage is annouieed' of MViss Susan Noella Boulard, Tonito, daùtghter of Mrs.' Audrey Mielke Boul4rd, Hudson, Quebec,, to Clifford Janes Long, Toronto, son, of Rey. and Mrs. Basil E. Long, Orono. The wedding wlll take place on Saturday, May 24, 1969 in Orono United Church, Orono. a-c VICTORIA HOLIDAY Weekend Specials to BOSTON or, ATLANTIC CITY MAY16 TO19 Tfours arc priced from as low as $4.00 per person! For Brochure Contact Jury & Lovel 19 King St. E. Bowmanyvilic - 623-3182 Orono Trailêr SALES and RENTAL Phon 983-5974 CHARLES STAPLETON R.R. 2, Orono h-Ton Truck Camper Priced: $1195.00 Oxford STONEMASON S Spedallzln aU hindi et STONEWORK aMd FIREFLACES W. al» do Châmney 4 i LYLE VWEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quallty Electrical Heatlng and Lightlng Instalations and Repaira by Certîieti Electrilans I Buildng a Honse? ortmnllisPr"" Floyd Nichissu 9 fi"l âo