ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THU!RSDAY, APlUL lOth, 1969 Townlship Meeting (eontinued from page 1) eday pUrn, .ng set at 100,000 gal- lons. The mosti recent plan of sub- division for development of land by Sunnydene Estate north of the Orono Cemetery was placed be- fore Council. The Plan now shows two entrances from the sub-div- ision coming out on the Taunton Road. There -is no direct access into Orono. The plan was re- ferred te the Clarke Township Planning Board. A recommendation that Sunny- ç1ene Estate grant a total of 9.24 acres of land (not suitable for building) from the proposed sub- divfision to the Township plus a sum of $10,000.00 was filed by counceil. Counil gave first and second Assessment the whole Province. H1e said the Pr'ovince feit that a form of prop- erty tax was stili warranted and that assessrnent should be based at current values. H1e believed that property tax reading to a 'Dog Control by-law. Catholic Sehool, Toronto; P. J. I- vay, supervisor of students, Ai- ministrative Head R. J. Bruce, and W. H-. G. Charette, guidance head, Fisher Park Hift Sehool, Ottawa; Miss Frances Craig and Messhs. Enns and Dodds. The workshop was one in a series conducted throughout the province by OTF. - The Canadian Statesman on working farMS shouid differ î.ûm that of non-working farms. lle said 'he forsaw tax concession ,i .")iking ftarmns but that a pro- posed Capital Gain ýTax could be a charge* when the farm soid.. Mr. Hewson stated that much p ~eshas been made in the ,ssussment field. inequalities, which exist hie said, have been chiefi.ï esLabished on a political basis. In the past he said the gov- ernment has given the direction with municipalities having to hear the costs. H1e said neîther staff or equipment has been avail- able to be able to carry, out re- assessment programis. In answering a question on es- tablishing the value or assess- ment of a property it was pointed gtqt that such is determined by studying actuai sales in the mun- icipalit<ý betwecn prudent pur- chaser and prudent seller. Here flý sai Lle County Assessment iuüparýtrent has access to ail sal- ,,p- ýs païd, descripti6n and iflOi~dS .hýuh are regi>tered with the registry office. ~viï....~wOn aio saL..;d that in many cases a farmýr is a sp ,cu- lator and that definition at tIies is qutte difficult. He also said that with the information, now available to the assessment de- partment an accurate valuation of a property can be made by the Assessor at present-day values. The speaker was întroduced by Mr. R. D. Morton and thanked by Mr. E. Copping. IMVany new tities are offered thîsà week. They include a dozen oï ý;ntei*est to young aduit readers -a grab bag of rnystery and dog THE WRONG BOX-Hilarlous mystery spoof, starring two bum- bling villians and one elusive corpse. -L uE SIIAGGY DOG- Screen-- p ay Intobgok, adaptation of W., iîisney's zan. spy movie. Illus- trated wiith plots from the film, BLACK SPANIEL MYSTERY - Teeneage twins, a champion ,pup, a haffling theft. SHAG - "No-account" staghound regains the confidence of lis mas- ter. BRISTLE FACE- A funny look- ing hound proves he has the cour- age of a champion.', BEST BUY! Save 30e. - FREEZE DRIED FOR FLAVOUR! 8 ounce jar MAXIM Instant 6 BEST BUY! SAVE 4e - Assorted (Strained) 43/ oz Heini, Foods 4,for 4 c BEST BUV, - Save 6e. - Orane, or Grapefruit 48 oz. Treesweet Fruit Juices 43c Selvilie Orangei 24 oz. jar Shirriff's Marmelade 53c SAVE 6e. - CREAMED 2 lb plasic Brown Bear Honey 2 l.69c SAVE 6e - Solid White Meat Saico ,Brand Tuna Fish 7 oz. tin 43C BEST BUY - Save 24e. - Skim Milk Powder Instant Mil-Ko 3 IL pkg $1.19 Save 22c! i1lM. bag Maxwell, House Roasted Ceffee 77r GUY 0F THE WEEK! Aluminum Lawn, Moulded Plastic Arms Chair $3.49, with $5.09 Order SAVE l5c - BATHROOM TISSUE Royale 4 Rolis 59c Reg. $1.8à Value! - 30e OFF PACK For Automatie Washers, 4 lb. il oz. pkg ALL Detergent $1,39 SAVE 20e - Mirage Liquid, 32 oz. Size Floor Wax .$1.29 PEATURE! SEA HAVEN TINY 4 V oz. Shrimp 491c Quaker Cereals 39c NIX or MATCH - SAVE lOc! HUNNY MUINCH, 10) oz. pkgs. CAP'N CRUNCH, il oz. pkgs. QUISP 8 oz. pkg. - QUAKE, 8 oz. pkg. 'Specially Selected' <Tenderloin Portion> "FOR ECONOMY" 1Meaty LOIN PORK, CIIOPS ..... .... lb. 79c Burns, RINDLESS BACON...... pkg. 79c LOO%.' Pure Vegetable Oils! Margarine 2 SUNSPUN 1 lb. parchment Pack Save iOc! 6 to pkg. Minute Breakfast 69c Deliclous Chinese Foods!' Feature! - Chicken and Shrimp Dragon Dinners 65c Feature! -Party Egg Rolis each 69c "FRESH FOR HEALTH!" FRESH Gireen Cabbage No. i NEW BRUNSWICK Potatoos No. 1 10 Dag lb.0 90~ 29e Tasty Green Onious 2 buaches ic Florida Indian ]River Grapefruit At Their Dest 6 for 44)c Save,6e.! - Cooked Libby's 19 oz. Tins Feature! - Evaporated, Carnation Spaghetti 2 'for 47c Milk 2 tali tins for 33c Save 4c! - Faney Quallty 28-oz.Tins Save 20c! - St. 'Lawrence Libby's Sauerkraut 29c Corn Oul 25 oz.tin 59c 3 to 3% lb. Avg- 69e lb.- SLICED BEEF LIVER............. lb. 49c LAMB IN A BASKET.............. lb. 29e PORK IIEARTS ....... 2 lb. for $1.00 (200 to 225 lb. avg.) 6 3cIL We reserve the right to limit' quaities Phone 983-5201, Orono BROKEN FANG-Story of a, dog branded kilier by, everyone but his master, and how he lives up to "Sioux Chariie's" trust. BIG RED-Classic story of an Ir- ish setter- first book 'of the fam- ous series. OUTLAW RED - Actîon-uacked taie. of, a champion setter who be-' comes a hunted outlaw. DOGS TÉAT HAVE KNOWN ME AND OTHER WAGGISH TALES Ail about dogs.- fiction and non- fiction, mostiy humorous - by famous authors. WHAT HAPPENED TO AMY?- Well-written mystery involvinLe a famous author, a missing secret- ary and romance. HIT PARADE 0F MYSTERY STORIES- Top stories by such masters as Agatha Christie, High Pentecost, Arthur Conan Doyle.' THE AVION MY UNCLE FLEW- American teenager's 'duil' sum- disecovers a pistol hidden in a mer in France livens up when le loaf 'of bread. Mystery-adventure. Tncludes 1beginning French voca- bulary.. ADULT 'iCTI0N- A Most Private Intrigue- Rosten The Beaut.y of the World - Tracy The Egg-Shaped Thing Hodder -WilliamÉ. Thursdaq.y's.Foliy - Philips Funeral In Berlin'- Deighton Melîssa - Caldwell The MaZnificent Ambersons- Tarkington Always Kili A Stranger- Fish ADULT NON-FICTION- Stinking Creek The Back-Yard Horse Automotive Mechanies. Animaiýs of Australia. JUVENILE- Swamps And That's Why Leaves Services Ploughing -Disking .' Cultivat. ing - Leveiling - FEartlxmovlsg Custom Landscaping - Wee4 and Grass Mowing - Post Hole Boreing - Snow Removal sm MNeAFEE RR 2, Bowmanvle Tel. 725-6024 Up And Down the' Book Stacks Roasts - Steaks- Stew - Hamburg - Cut and Wrapped BoRAN DED SIDE 0F BEEF CORNISH'S RED & WHITE SIMPSON'S Painlm nd Docorati.g INTMUOR - EXTENIrfl PAPERNANGING R.ExODELLING; "Fer a cdea dependable job,, Douglas and Gary muâàffl 1 --A-