ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSPAY, APRIL 17th, 1969 See Ago.cy for Ail casses of per»"ia and ù)mmercaal Cverages Office: Main St, Or... 98-508 Kt& 903-754 IGord Simpson nom.. Or... 983-8 0rOntarfe GENERAL LEPAJS bkterîer Extererr CHARLES REID, Grs',LiCeMed AUCdentIuda"v aluetuî G.Swutt me fer tenus and dats pEONL? OBONO 983-514 Meumms and, FamilyM m ral or quality ad service leaves »tbing t. be desirel ~*&0 eromwle bought hmei tamIgbord reiid or relatve rEw RUTTER GRANITE ýCOMPANY 73 Outulris Shwt PORT ]NOM 'Lietdisp"la hSethera and Cycle la i M;f aw LYCETT ORONO ELECTRIC Berb »dl Gerry Duvali 983-108 ELBCTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC REATING ELE.TRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. R6ADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINON ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR, -GUARAI1TEED SERVICE- IHailtons Insurance ' Service- Package Policl FilIty Dnd. LI&Wty LUe Fîrot M.rtgage Leam Sadie HamiItonfi Bo" 1133 Phom«68-m52 Stafford Brothers Mauaturer 0 318 DuadasSht roM t WHrYE, ONTAIIO Buiddo a Homs?! Or~I 08% uii Pl unbing &Ieuting Foyd111eï SAIL BOAT, FOR -SALE 19 ft. Lightning Class, dacron sales with spinnaker. Good con- dition. ideal for rac2ing or family boat. Includes talr Phone Bowmanville 623-2473. a-c F OR SALE Round Oak Diningroom Exten- sion.Table, 3 leaves; chrome 5 piece kitchien set; coffee table; one bed 48 ins. \vide, springs and mattress. Telephione Orono 983-5203. After 6 P.11. Phone 1983-5928. FOR RENT Pasture for young cattie, by the head, for the season. Phone 983-5585. a-p FOR SALE 1965 Pontiac Laurentian sedan. Automatie Power Steering, radio, c1eck. Mechanical certificate. 30 gal. glass lined hot water tank. Phone AI 1blard 983-5041. b-15-p FOR SALE Dried shelled Gou for sale. or ç4ek mp w dèlivery eaUl Bob Carrukhers, RR 1, Bowma!n- ,4lle. Phone 623-5485.,t- VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET W e specialiize in quality apples, Red Deliejous, Spys, Russets and many other varleties, at, wbole- sale prices. Fresh Anle Cider, Ice Cream. .79e hallf gallon. t-f De ROGERSOI4 ANTIQUEts WR Buit A»I SUU ou1 Gnsi~Fb rtce Ir M 5OI... CALLUS WBE FAT CASH! JACK RICARD REALTOR n "a. m.L lIe.Rsln eSlmg el WILF HAWKE TOUa RS0»ARIA REPBMSNTATIV 983-574 ilgembors Of hawa m8"T~ kîet Real meatte Bomr* iane W.FRANK REAL ESiATE LIMITED 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 9=3-1741 Port Hope Office 885-454 For prompt, courteous, effld ent service when buylng or .eUlng and for the largeut MIl ection et propertle latu th ares Centact Oro» Ar« zRprnmtaue Roy Foster 983-M80 Rose Gfflart 983,55w Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-9119 52 r 11 Be7)m rLUMBING M HEATUG bait:se al kýerdc. 4 mIoutci rtU'R E ERvItt B-A Plihi\pA . N Ci~ Tyran*eM2450a Hlapipt.a 63-2288 SUMMER IIELP.WANIFI) College student needed until September for 5 p.m. to 1 ýhft. Apply Curvply Wood Prouu.s, North Plant. a-c FEMALE HELP WANTED Splcer Operator. Apply Curv- ply Wood Products, North Plant. a-c WANTED Experiýenced Router or, Table Saw Operator wantýed for wood working pliant. Apply South Plant, Curvply Wood Products.ac WANTED Items for the Greeni Elephant Table at the Horticultural meet- ing Thursday, April 24th at 8 p.m. in the Main Hall, Orono Un- ited Church. Il you don't have slips, bulbs, seeds or plants, you may bring baking. The Orono Junior Band will entertain. Everyone welcome. b-16-c U.C.W. NOTICE The General Meeting, will be held Thursday, April l7th at 8 p.,m. in the Main Hall. Mrs. John, Knox, Hampton, Presbytery chair- man of Supply and Welf are wil be our speaker. Everyone wel- come. Please note that a bale will be packed alt the Church May 7. b-15-c WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAMO VIN Tablets or Liquid. The single do-se treataient for pinworms. Available aýt Stutt's Pharmacy. m-'16-p NOTICE Fàsh, and Chips - ail you ean eat every Saturday tight'at "The Acres" for 99 cenits. t4f VICTORIA HOLIDAY to BOSTON or A TLANTIC CITY MAY16 TO19 Tours are priced fromn as low as $46.00 per person! For Brochure Contact Jury & Loveli 19 King St. E. Bowmanville - 623-3182 Orono iTrailer SALES and RENTAL Phon 983-5974 CHARLES STAPLETON R.R. 2, Orono, 3/'2 -Ton JTruck Camper Priced: $1195.00 Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S SPeclalnhialkiads of STONEWOEK a" 1FIEPWLACES W. al». do Chluney Orvle, Chatterton Electrical 1Contracting Electric lleating and Service iPHONIE 983-SM4or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario LYLE %WEST 1ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quaiity Electrical Heatlng and Llghting Installations and Repairs hy Certlfied. Electriclans ANNOUNCEMENT The marriage wîll take place on May lO0th, 1969 at 3 p.m. in, Orono United Church of Margaret Jane Hicks, daughter of Mrs. Jane Hicks and the late Edwarcl Hicks to John Wayne Winter, son of Mrs. Helen Winter and the late Gordon Winter. Relatives and friends welcome at the Church. a-p, CARD 0F THANKS My sincere thanks to' each kinci and understanding person Who in any way helped smooth my pas- sage thirougli the troubled waters of iUiness and sleavth Into the broadl highwýay of pae and con- tenýtment. Viola Noden. a-c TYktO -SIGMA-C PaperDrive ~ êpril1 These boys' groups wilI colLec't at the curbsidle any papers or pop botties on Saturday morn- ing, Aprill9h F-