Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1969, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 31, NUTMBER 5 Weekly Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TURDY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1969 Orono Fig4ure Skaters Pa ss Skalntïig T es t s 7Eý,rI-l0f ,ýCounty On Sund<ay, January 2f6th, the Orono Figure Skating Club heldt their first set of Caniadian Figure Skating Association tests for this season. The &iowoving skaters weýre successful: Preliminary Figure - Nitia Tais- Ma. First Figure Lynn Lowery. Pro. Dances: Dutdh Waltz- Margaret Mof- fat, JoAnu Tonnant, Oathy Wat- son, Chieryl Watson, Marcia Low- ery, Catheine Bunting. Canasta Tango - Donna Kn'app, Cathy Wats,-oi, Cheryl Watson, K-im West. Juipior BrOnze: Fiesta Tangoe Tracy Stutt. Willow Waltz- Kathy Gustar, Gl',enda Tenuan1t. Ton-Fox - Kathy Gustar, Susan Wfest. Nanicy Forrester passed ber Ist figure on Satuircay, Februai;y 1, ~at the Broolinr Skating Club, where she is a memnber. At Orono School Last Thursday ovening the Or- o Publie Sehool lield their Pub- lie Speaking Contenýt te cýihoose speakers for trie Clarke Town- ship contest and aise luna Junior Thvisiou for competiion at a later date dmn Bowm'nanvi-lle. Il te .Senior gnou-p and te ad- vance Vo the Carke Township contest, David Gilbanik, spoaking- on "ýIrreg«ularities cf the English Langu-age" and Carol Chatterton Speaklug on "The Womanly Art of Self'Defense" were chosen by the judgces, Mn. Buain, Mrs. W. Baiïey and Miss P. Varuta. Chonyl Coruisb was ebosen lu te Junior Division froin six con- tentants being John Cornîsh, R-en- nie Calanan, Cathy Millson, MVtaureen Shetler andi Judy West. Bourde Partner comnpetedi in the Senior Divisionl. Lived To Be 104 A pivate funeral service was held ini Wh4tby for Mfrs. Frances L. Jackson, who died Thursday, January 23rd at the age of 104. Mrs. Jackson, a resident of Fairview Lodge Home for the Aged,Whiýtby, was iii ouly a short time prier te ber deatit. The funerai service was condueût- ed by Rov. John Smith, mninisten of St. Mark's United Church. In- termeut was lu Cobourg Union Slie ls suvvived by a daugliter, Mrs., F. Kelsey (Isabel) of Osh- awý arand two sons, Roy Feston of Markhamri andv Russell Foster cf -Peterborougl. A dau-ghter cf the inte Richard Bullied, a native of. Devonshire, England and Isabella Gilroy, a native cf Belfast, Ireland,- Mrs. Jackson -was boru November 7, 1864 in CClarke Township. A nos- ident of Whitby for the past 12 yenrs she spent most cf ber 11 in Clarke Townshitp and Cobourg. Mmi-. Jpcc-~ni etained dean memiories cf Pioneer life in the district. She attendeci sehool lu a log school bouse, which was sel- doma open more thaun six months iu te yoan as the chilîdren heà te assist thuiir parents on their fanms. On more thani one occas- ion' site voiced an opinion which might bu termi-ec ierhonpilaophy cf life "You- really don't havýe to go te sebool te, learn. You should -et youv fnameword there and thon listen, anid read- andi On1te occasion of ber lOth birthday site received the cou- gratulations of ber family andi host cf friends. She aise playeci two cf ber favlorfte tunes, "Howv Flirin a Foundation" andi "I Know Witom 1 Have Believed", on an accordion, tulling bier visitors slie pref erred sweet melodies ratiter than 'the imore modern tunles. Mir. Jackson was a resideut of Orono at eue time and a reg- alan attendant at Orono Unitedi Chundi. 8Try For The Public Sehool Speaking Contest for the Township of Clarke Sehools was helci on Tues- day evening in Kirby Centennial School, Eight peted for the sentiug Clarke ham fInals to 'n u tion t warning9 that parts of the d Counffties could' endi up ti'he Quinte areia lu the'ev- e't cfrgional government un- less s;omne action was taken. Vo 1 the .ouny.tieýs' identity, was made by Mayor J. A. Heenan at a nin 'g of the three major mun~~ylite f bte Diamonci Tiar g1e held lun the Unitedi Consbuýidig recettly. The Cobourg mayqr said reg- ion 1 gveruentwas inevitable and r- longr a mth. Portd oe Clooîirg and i amiltontowshi wereý the thnrýe rmunicip,,alitieýs whiich couldfoi the nucleus cf grwth, the or of regional gov- erin-ent in th'e counities. Themein was callediwt theplnnngconilsultants recent- ly. aproted 1by Unitedi Counties Counil, u ite aim was to suythe offici!ai plans of Port Hope, Cobourg' -and Hamîilton Township lu an, effort to co-or- diniaee cin as one entity. Mayr eenanp said if plarts of thie United Cou'nties were put in Ltie Quinto areaý of regional gov- ernment thIey would ho Vite farth- est away froi-n the seat of govoru- mont xvhich wouldl be Beilevilîle. HeoSspoke of the lack cf goveru- mnet mnyspeI'nt luthe are-a: "We sh'ol oi]tjtt he4 provincial goverument know there is such, a place as easteru O(nt'anio," ho SaI id, 'land e soudstait te pro- tuot oun identity as a unit., île suggestedi thait au assoss- ment bho mado of, eaeh.municipal- ity lu the Dia,%md Triangle andi Pilnng of growth areas shloulci ho beneficial te the eutire area. Mayor Micnael Wladyka, Port H-ope, said that planning now wVould save a lot of headaches Inter. "We s'hould compaýre ou' ofLficiai plans andi create a develz opmnent aven whic,wii ho rec- ogniized by bte province, se that we wiil not just disappear," he saici. Mayor Wladyka pointeci1 out that Cobourg and Port litope lxad the facilities to encourage dovel- opmnent lu the area. The province, ho said, bnci seen fît to, restruot- une the organization of municipal- idies and mauy would disappean Agricultural Society Elect Wm. Tamblyn, President oicerned oe Township Honour contestants coin- honour of repre- in the East Dur- ho helci in Port Hope. Miss Carol Barnett, who spoke on "Anartica"', and is a senior student at the Kirby Sehool was Contestants at the Clarke Town- »l1aker, Lockbarts Scihool; David Orono; Canail Barnett, Klrby Cell- ship fubic Speaking Contetatre Gilbyank, Oronio; Pattie Richard- tennial; Ian Brennan, Ketidal and sou, Lockharts; Tiln Blaker, Kir- Katby Deninis, Xetndai. showni above (1. to r.) Gordon by Centennial; Carol Chatterton, placed first by a panel of three BowmanvÉile judges. David Gil- hank, speaking on "Irregutlarities of the English Language" and a student of the Orono Public Schfiool was plaed second. Mrs. H. H. Barlow, represent- Jng the Clarke Township Recrea- tion Committee presenteci the a- wards to the two winners. M1rB. James Lowery preseIntec aIl the speakers with books on bebaif of the Ratepayers' Association. Mr. Iah Golder, principal of the Jirby Centenimial School, acted as chairman for the evening. Ho congratulated the audience for Êheir interest ai also the cbild- ren who hafl doue -an excellent jo)b in the art of communication. -He thankec ail those who had Jaelped with the program and es- pecially Mrs. J. Caswell and Mrs. J. Lowvery who had organizeci the program oni behaif of the Rate- payers Association. Mises Beverley Caswell, Joan Duvalil, Karen Lowevy, Patty Lunn and Mr. Tim Blakor played piano solos wbile Cathy Gustar, Karen Wilkins and Katie Vandern Brink furtihereci the program with a výcal trio. The Durh'am Central, Agricuîi' tural Society who sponsoT the fa!! f air at Oronie, recenitly held their annujal meeting wfth forty interested pergons present. Mr-, WiMlam Tamblyn. Orono, was clected presîden!t of the Se- ciecty for a two year teru. Mr. ClarenceTurner was elected lat vice and Air. Lloyd Atohison, 2nd vi:e pres idenit. Directors elected were Messrs. Vic Cookson, David Gray, Waiter Piensma, _Harý>1d Ransberry, GordotjWatson,, Johný, Stone, Jim Richard, E. R. Love. kmn afid Kefth, Wood. Mr. Wm. Siater, new past pros,- ident, spoke words of welcome and th'anked iail tbûse' who had assistcd * -the lannual promotiioýI of the fair. Mr. Slater, like mànyr oth or speakers during the meet- ing, point ed to the suecess of the fair in 1968 which was termed the best yet to have been prom- oted. Every departme t'lie àd re-, ContiuousBox, ""le Post Office Department ,las selected Orono Post Office, as One of those tu ho used in onducting a&i experimTent on the feasibility of keeping lock box lobbies o,,Pen eontinuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If the experiment is successful, the. additional h1ours of service wiil permit many boxiholders,' Who may now fiËnldifficulty in getting V to the Post Office during thle present hours, the opportun- ity 0f Piekinig up mail at their conveniencýe. This dloes not meati, hiowever, that mail wil1 be sorted to1ý the bo-xes more often. It will continue to ho sarted dur-ing ,the normal 1,opecatibig houes when staffl, on dty at the, office for that p3urposEo. "'le new lobby hours will be- gnnxtweekr on trial only 'and hercontinuai-nce will depend on the resuits of this experiment. 1 wou1ýýd therefore, ask for the co.- operýati)n Of everyone vwho has- a lock box a t this office to 'see that the lobby fâC!litieCs are treat- er ProPerly and used only for thieir intended purpose cluring th'ese add;ýitio 'na ours of service. 1 would like to enphasize that thlis is only an experimecnt and should it be found that continu- ous opening of the box Lobby is mot practical the reguliar houlrs wiil ho established oï1ce again. as siniglemunepltes "We lU Port -Hope, Cobourg alnd Hail1ton T,owship are flot wvi-Lling Vto be left outside the net- ivities and just get wIat5lef, hie said. Jbti où Tae Port Hope mayor suggesteqî thiaý)t some sort of over-al plan or area Planning board should ho set hp in an ef-fo,t to soive then robýlem.n "If we wo a goodi job and co-operate, we 1will h!ave aý chanlce of becoming a centre of regional governutent and miot de, controlled by an ouitsider," hoe Said. The ehiairmani of the planning boards of the three nmunicipali- ties got together after the mieet- ihg Vo arrange a joint meeting of the boards for the near future. pot-ted a good sh'owing cof eýxhib- itsç in their departmnent and lu general the concensus wias that the fair was defiiely improving year luy year. The board is endeavouring ta» extend the f air into Thu'rsday ev. ening and also to imiprove the entertaininert features for Frn- dlay afternoon, A representative of the Ontanic Quarterv Horse Association spoko,ý at somne length with consideration of providing an authorized show lat the fair Thursday evening and Friday afternoon. No definite ac, ticn was taken but this is -to ho considered by the Dirontors. Miss Patriicia Reid spoke to the meeting concerning a Jack Reid Memnorial stakle to ho an annual feature of the fair. This matter is also to -be disc-ussed by the dir- ectors. It is possible that somo harness homse racing will be transferred to the Fniday even- ing. In the financial report total ro,- coi!Pts for the year amnounted t") $29,169.12. 0f this arnount $7,543. was from grahts, $4,485. gate re- celpts, $1,651.50 from rTentais and concessions, $2,578.00 sale of ma- teniais and advertising. -Iu exponditures prise moneys amou nt ed to $8,247.35, capital expenclitures during the year ci $4,497-50, attractions $642.00, maintenance and opeiiation $6,. 689.39 and harness racing expen- ses $2,231.49. There is a bank loan of $6700.00 whieh is eovered by outstandiug grants of $7026.92. New P.OW'. Hours Box Lobby Open 24 hours per day. Wickets opet 8:30 to 5:45 p.m.-, ýMondaY to Frid'ay. Wickets open on Saturdfay 9:0u to 1:00 p.m. Mails close for Newcastleat Moiday, to Friday 8:45 a.m,. Mouday to Friday 4:45 p.m.ý Sat. Mornimg Newcastle 8:45 a.m., Sat. Afternoon Oshawa Dis. 2:45 Mails Recoived from Newcastle M!onday ta Friday 9:15 a.m. sort- ed at 10:30 a.m., Saturday only one miail at 9:15 a.n sorted at 10.30 am.

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