Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jan 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3th, 1969 Report From Queen"'sPark Alex Carruthers, ýM.P.P., D}urham Bill 5 The Expropriation Act 1968-69 The expropriation of property by the various expropriating bod- ies in the province has in' the past, created mnuch controversy and inideed in maty cases deep resentment on thâe part of' prop- erty owners. Bihl 5, Thie Expýropriation Adt, 19r6&O3 is designed ta correft- nxany of the injustices of the part, and to protect the rights of. thef property owners whose lands are beiicing expropriated. The Bill reviscs The Expropria- tion lDroeedures Act, 1962-63 and incorporates the principal recom- mendations cd the Law Reforin Commnission in its report on the Basis for Compensation oýn ex- probpriation, Certainhy it pravides a eonxpletely new set of values anid rights for prfperty owners in- volved iii expropriation proceed- Lngs. Unider the legisiation an ex- propriating authority shail not ex- propriate land without the appro- val 'ofi the approving authority. Section 5 of the Adt defines these authorities as follo'ws: (a) (p) Whcere a municipality of a, local board thereof1 ates 1l'ands for municipal the approving authority the municipal coublcil municiipality. expropri- purposes shall be ci the (2) In the case of universities and other educational institutions the approving authority is thc Iinister af University Affairs. (3) In the case of hospitals, or cther 'health institutions the Min- ister of Health is the approving authority: (4) In the case -fallahiother coMiorations the authority is the Provincial Secretary. (5) Expropriations under The PublicWoksAdt must be ap- proved by the Minister af the De- partment for which expropriation is being made. (6) Expropriations under the Power Commission Adt must be approvc:d by the Minister of En- ergy and Resources Management. (7) In' any case not provided f or in Section 5 the approving authority shaîl be the Minister af Justice and Attorney General. The opposition endeavoured ta have an amendment to Section 5 approvcd whereby in the case of expropriation by a municipality *Your Ontario Hospitallnsuranoe would like to hear from you (befoe its too late) Whcn you are newly wed the "family" Haspital Insutirance premiumn muLst bc pnid ta caver husband and j wife. Ifyaubelan~g /~ ta a group natify -~ yaur graup without delay or ifyoubath pay prermuins direct,'ý-, ntify H.I.RB When you move ta a new job yau can kceep insured by fal. lowingi the instrue- tiens an the Haspital Insurance "Certifi- .. .. cate of Payment Forin 104" that yaur> present employer is required ta give yau on1 lcaving. When yau turn 21 yau are na langer cavered by yaur parents' Haspital Insurance. You mxust take aut individual membership within ~.30 days. Oct yaur ap- plicatian farin at a bank, ar a haspital, ar frain H.I.R.B. When you have a new address natify yaur graup. If yau dan't * r ~bela ta a group, write HIRB Hlealth Insurance Regisration 13oard, 2195 Ycmge Street, Toronto 7. Serving Ontario's Heaith Insuranoe l'la n,. VERTON, BOBCAYGEON, FENELON FALLS, MILLIBROOK Orono Arena Or-ono -Amateur Athletie Association the, approving athor»ity would be the Minister of Municipal, Afý fairs. Mr. Wishart, the Minister Of' Justice, in defending the wording ofthe section pointed out thýat Mr. ýJustice MUcCruer in hiýs report on the subject was at pains every where inl that report to say that municipalities should be their own apDproving authoriWy. Tke principal, Mr. Wishart stated, is that an elected body should be accountable,, for any -expropria- tiYnýs it maàkes. thrfeatures of the Bill fav- ourable to the, owner of property include: (a) Notice of intention ta ex- propriate must be served upon each registered owner and expro- priating bodies shahl publlsh a notice of expropriation for three con-secuVivé weeks i a local news- paper. (b) Any owner of lands who has been notiified of intention to exprcpriate and who desires' a hearing shall notify the approv- inýg autlionity by registered mail withili thirty days after the first ,publication af the notice. (c) Where an owner notifies the approving authority that a hearing is requested, that auth- ority shahl reifer the matter to the chief inquiry officer oppoitt- cd, by the Minister of Justice The chief inquiry officer shaîl assign an inquiry tpfficer who shahl fix a time and place for the hearing. (d) At least five days, before the liearing, thé expropriating authýority shall servie a notice up- on each party to the htquiry in- dicating the grounds upon which it bases its reasons for expropria- tiýon and it must make available ail plans, mapis and other maiter- ial relevant to the expropriation. (e) 'The in!quiry officer à1hall report to the approving authority a summary af the evidenice and state his opinioný on the meritis of the application for approval of expropriation. (f) The, approving authority. shall consider the report of the inquiry officer and shall approve the progosed expropriation giw~ Ing writtcn reasotis for its de- cision. CoMipcqnsation for ithe expro- priatIion ,of land is to be deter- mincd by the Land Compensa- tion, Board, the members of which shail be appoý.nted by thr Uieutenamnt-Governor and Council. The legislation prov!deýs that compensation payable to the owner of property exproprLiated is baseld upon and paid in' ac- ;cordance with the following prIn- ciples: 1. The market value of the land and suchi additiotial. sum. as in tthe opin~ion af the Board is nec- essary ta exiable the owner ta re- locate his residence in accommo- dation thnat is at least equivalent to the accomimodation expropri- atcd. 2.The damiages attributable to disturbance inciuding such reas- onable costs as the inconvenience and> the cost of finding another residence (,movihg costs etc.) PORT HOPE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ACCUSED 0F PRESENTING WEAK PICTURE, The members of the Port Hope Agriculturael Society were accused hast week of presenfing a 'weak pictuwre' of the fahi fair to the puiblic. After the members, at theïr annual meeting haggled for soetimie over wvhether or not to hold a fair this year, William Hleberle asaid that every year in thte local press, one reads af t'he same discussion baking place. '1k presents a pidture of a sick an ci1aiing cow, not a healthy piditure, tiot a strong picture and it's nût .a picture of a vibrant fair you are presenfing," he said. Gordon Wright, the president ad the socicty, agreed with Mr. HeCberle, but poineed- out that the fair waes not gcttîig the support to caver the iwork w.hich was put into it by the direetors. "I don't f eel there is a fair within a gaod many miles oai driving which! could cdmipetc with Port Hope," hie said. Rie suggested that perhaps, a ,,dt of problems were "hmenr pro6blems." The presidenit also suggested tit the 'society âhould work ta- Wards getting a 'B' classification for the fair instead of the present 'c. "Truc, its the frilis which make ail the work- and cost money, but- I beiieve iCts the frilis whc bring in the speotators," he saicd. A puxely agricultural an~d ta,- tie showv, even with a miclway,- wOu(d get littie support A mod- ern fair, to succeed, àhould beý a true showplace of thje cor-,, MATIS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Valentine Packed CHOCOLATES C ANDIES Lighters - Wallets Timex'W'aches, 20% OFF SEE Roy HIGGINS' Productkion of THE BOy I ýýEvND Musical Dfrector - Ress M1etcalf Wednesday Feb. 5 Fri"day Feb. 7 Thursday Feb. 6 Saiturday Feb. 8' Bowimanvillel Town Hall Admission: $2.00 Ticketsat Curvply- Phoiie 983-9171 or Bownianville Recreation Office - 623-3114 DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX »X DX »X Be Wise ..ECONOMIZÉ! SAVES <-WITH < D VX FUEL LJ QIL PHONE 668-3341 DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DXD)X DX DXI DX i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 6:30 P.M. FIRST GAME Teams from ORONO, NEWCASTLE, LINDSAY, BOWMANVILLE Orono Arena Oron AmaeurAtlhietic Association LITTLE N.H.L. AR A (ATOM) TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8.00 AM3. FIRST GAA'4E Participating teams f rom HALIBLIRTON, ORONO, ,NEWCASTLE, MINDIEN, BEA-

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