Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jan 1969, p. 3

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.ACRW,.lý Phone 983-5009 The first meeting of the Clarke V- Newcastle Teachers in the e ..year was hetd net Newtonville Publ,)ic Sehool, January 21. The ljades of the staff servesi se- freshmehts. After Institute business the teachers broke into their istudy .eoups.. Eaeh primyary member hasi brought in two or three art ideas to share with, their grouP. The Junior division spent a few minutes on art andi then Mrs. M. Luam spol<é to the group ob some interesting work she hias taken during -the sununer in a social -I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3th, 1969 New- PO Box Rates The Canada Post Office Depart- ment has announcesi new rates on Post Offices boxes whieh are as foliows:' Type A was $200 now $4.00. Type B was $3.00 now $6.00. Type C was $5.00 now 10.00. The new rates become effective as of February lst as boxes be- corne due. studies course. She presenitesi many heipful ideas on group work, projeets, correlation tech- niques, etc. Mr. Golder instructesi the senior group on the 'hows' andi 'whys' od bulletin boards. HOCKEY TOURNAMENT THIS SATUBDAY AT ORONO ARENA Mueh of the action this Satur- day.in Orono will>be centresi a- round the Atom hoyckey toura- ment commencing at 8:00 p.m. andI with eight te-am parficiPating rush off to answer fire calis. Eie'ven of the' 18 vlunteer fire men, ine 1luding Chief Thomas Lyle, are employed by Goodyear. Council, whdl3 had been dis- cussing changes in the fire de- The happy new way to wash your face! if soap-and.water dries your face .try cream-and-Watert 7 Ounce $1.69 Orono, Ontario place asivertisemenits for a £Uil- time fire chief ansi for volunteer Uiremen. It was poitesi out -that wth a population of 8,332 there was a need for a full4time chief. Cla'rke-Newcastle'Teachers Meet 16,200 Books Circulated At Library The Clarke Public Library held their firât meeting of the year reeengty when Mrs., Robinson, librarian, reported that the liz brary now contained a total of 4195 books andi that during the yeiar 719 new books lrad been added to the shelves. Total circuiatioin during, 1968 increased considerably o'ver the 1967 figure to 16,Zl0. 0f these 8,822' were taken out of the Ju- veie section. Membership in the library now totals 629. Altbiough the overali 1968 fi- gures showed a subttantiai in- crease over 1967 the month of December readin'g was duwin con- siderably over 1967. Total expenditures during 1968 amountesi to $5,357.14 with an amount of $2,014.19 for books, $1306.00 for salaries and $1200. for rent. Roy Forrester was again appoint- ed chairman with E. R. Wood- yard, treasurer andi Mrs. Robin- son, secretary for the Board. A monthlyr event was suggested by the dharman which couid cov- er a variety of subjects for both adults andi chilcren. Thes.e events eouI.d be augmentesi with filni or participtating groups. The matter was left over. DURHAM INSTRUCTOR [O'SPEaK AT SYMPOSIUM J. W; Jiavdson electronieis in- structor at Durham College will be speaking at the Third, Cana- dian Symposium being helsi Jan- uary 30 andi 31 at the Seaway Tawers in Toronto. Mr. Davidson will bc speaking on the future expansion of the Durham Coilege computer sys- tem including more Teletype ma- chines and a Iaboratory computer Mr. Davisison will lecture on the PP-5computer as a teaching aid in mathemnaties andi physies. He will mention the importance of the basic assensbly language of t.his computer called PAL as well as the conventional, languages FOCAL andi SNAP being used by the students on campus. This conference is heisi annuial- ly by the Digital Equipment Cor-: poration of Canada, a computer mahufacturing eompany, second to IBM in sales, ROY NICHOLS RESIGNS COUNCIL SEAT 'Counceillor Roy Nicihols, of the Bowmanviule Town Counail re- cently resignesi his post. His re- signgation stated that lit was with great regret "that he was Iforced ta resign his position."1 It has been reported that he was itot at ail satisfied with the way coutcil was run. H1e is also reporte'd to have saisi, "There's some of them who say yes when they mean no . .. it's ail yes, yes yes."1 GOODYEAR STOPS WORKERS LEAVING JOBS FOR FIRES, Bowmanvilie Town Council was informeil reeently by letter that the Goodyear Tire andi Rubber Conup'any Mf Canada Ltd., after April lst will not allow its em- otice As much diffictilty has been exPerieuced in regards snow plowing the Village Streets due to parked cars. We 'would appreciate it if the general public would- co-operate in seeing that cars were neot left on the streets overnight. It would be helpful if People with mul- tiple ýdwellings would, as some have, make ar- rangements with their tenants, te, see that this does neot oceur again ini the future. We would also appreciate it if pioperty owners would arrange te see that snow Is re- moves f rom sidewalks' in front, of théir premis. es. Trustees aofthe Village of Orono Stult 's .Pharmacy W.edding Staionery When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful, and complete lune of Wedding Station- ery, handled at the Orono Weekly Times., -.A complete Unme of Invitations, Announcements,, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Reception Cards. Orono Weekly -Times- Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5301 ll-

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