Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jan 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY~, JANUARY 30th, 1969 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (Ââuawrized as Second lage mail, Poet Office Defrtmuent, Ottawa) Pubisbed every Thur.4day at the offiee 09 publicatie Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario Estabished in19 138 by R.. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Ed¶itor and Manager On a couple of occasions in the past, through this column, we have supported thie fedeiral Medicare Act as the logical plan if we are to have state Medicare. We had voicied our opinion that it was suai a plan not costing muai more liban is alreiady beàng spent on medical services. This added cost would possibly make ser-vices available to every- one. The Canadian Welfare Gounail, on Tuesday, issued a statement which suppots this view. Their statement xas as follows: "Only about 10 per cent of the cost of iniplelmeting provncial programs under the Mediel Gare Act would be paid with 'new moniey.' The balance woudd represent chief- ly a transfer f ronm the private to the public purse of money tiht people would in any case be spehdding direct or through voluntiary plans, plus public moaey already comimitted," the counil said. It had been daldulated thiat before inplemxen- taiion of the Medical Gare Act, medical services would bave cost Ganadiiams $805,000>,00 for the fiscal year 1968-69. "Wiih alil provincesesaishg programns under the net it would hâave cost $885,000,000 for the sane peried." * "One sucl fact concerning the medical care program iý that its financing lis largely, thougli not cxclusively, a re- chanhiel1iig ocd money thet would be spent in any event. The council therefore believes that wayis must be found tu overcoime any remaininig barriers so that implementtiof of thc act by all proviniccs can receive the very bigh pri- ority it deserves." This is contrary to the vicw of the Ontario Pro- vincial Goveinent Who lias becan denounicing the Medicare Plan as a heiavy bmýw to the taxpayer's pocketbook. The Provincial leader, John Robaits, has statied the cost of the plan but hie has not given the fuil story by pointing out that, as has, the Canadian Welfarc- Council that at least 90 percent of the cost wonld bc traîisferredi from privite plans Vo the state plan. Last week on two occasions Ganadian students ln the upper reaches of education - werc termied apathcitic. This, came froin Miatin Loaey of tieC anadian Unio pf Studi- ents and also froni the president of tic Durhaim College atudent body. In bi c ases they were spcaking on campus political iffe andi iivolvement ln student activities. it would be unfiair to say tiat tihe mass of students are siirkers because the day of cam~Pus idleness is long gone rcplaced by biard work with few able to get awày with god-bricking. But Mr. Loney lis riglit about campus apatby. It's tiiere, as indicated by thef alure of University of Toroxito atudents to turik out for a vote oni administrative issues. This failure moans nothing less than abdication tu the extremnist tacties of the Marciean br),oth'criood. Some say that hs geieral shying away from parti- cipatory goveramient on campus is noV realIy apathy but inabiity to carry this ae~ivity Plus a heavýier acadeiic burdea such as the new curricutum imposes. Few educators would support thîs t hesis. T1iv' great- est factor la student failures is noVt extracurricular activity but psychological problems and personal maadjnstment. Perhaps Caniadiann students are 'apatietia because thiey have been rcared i that.kind of atmosphiere. The ln- volvemnit of their parents ila communal duties' is '=*a. For tie average Canadian contmunity it's an achievement if a civic election oaa brng out 50 percent of the electorate. This, of course, brings the problem d coser to home and niot only la the politiidal sonse. We have in ýour coni- munity, as doies every conmmunity, a sense of less partici- pation by the adult generation. Such undertakings as Scouts, Cnbs, Junior Gardeners, have currently been drop- pei by vthe wayside due Vo the laik of leadership. In other Romans 12: 1-5 Taken from a serffon preachcd by the 1ev. B. E. Long "For as in one body we have many membors, and ail the mem- bers do not have the saine unac- ion. So we, thongli many, are one body la Christ, andi iadivid- uafly one of another." in speaking of Vhe nature of the church, Paul uses the analogy of the hunrýan body. H1e scems to be pointing out that whin th Ve varî- ous members of the body are noit co-odinated one wars againsit the otier and disaster is the resuit. Wc aIl know that if the mind is nelt funetioning properly Vie wbole body suf fers. Living la féer can often reader a mn al a- mosit incapable of worthwhOle action. Temptation can rob one of bis greatesit happincss, al the tine building up feelings of in- adequacy and defeat. As members of the body of Christ we are called Vo be re- lated Vo one another i sucli a way that tie wbole body of Christ funcùions as the well disciplined and well co-ordnated huùmàn body. 1. As related to the congregaion In Vie firsit place we are- a team. Wienevcr we adopit tie muto "every mat for himself" we destroy the effectiveness andi tic very nature of tie Christian Ghurch. Wbén 'a aiinster is caîl- ed to build and strengthen a con- gregation, how easy it is for tie individual member to undermie. it is as thonghi a man builds a structure with bis hands and tihen carelessly knocks it down witi is feet. How often it is truc of us that we use up our eneoegy la an earnesit desire to help 'tic chuirci grow strong, thet on the otier hand say and do the things «Whiedh have a far greater weak-, ening effect. This is one of the contradictioans wve seo oftcn id ht man. Eaci needs to accept mieaningfully tic saying we s0 oftea bear, "Pull yourself 1 Vo- gether." 2. As rclatcdVo te denominatioll A denomiaJation is noVtith cinroli. IV is only a part, and ih made tup of ma]ny individual con- gregations ýail called into being to work as a well co-ordiaatcd body for tic good of whole, ia order tlat the great task of thc Church ffay be carrled out. One of. tie reasons thc varionýs parts of the ,dcnomiaational body is so oftcî at war witl other parts of tii saine body, is because we do aoi shlow ourselves Vo propeerly un. derstand tic other. As a deuio-niin ation ve ineedi to "pull ouirselveý togcet e r. " . As reiatcd Vo the universa: Church Withii the un-ivorsal Churchi i tbat great niumb-er of varyi, meaibers knownVto us as denion iniaions. One of the sorest markc on Vie history of the Christiai Churci is tic division, compet tien anl ilwifl between the va îous members. Wbere ther, shionld be only oùne truc bodly w bave brougiht V into a statec confusion as oaci denomiinaitio seeks lis orva. The effectivenes of oaci bas been lcssenedi woid laflueaec , tice meeting i froatier challenge and thbe cai of Vie needy. Present 'day effori to corne togoitier as one body a hopeful and inspiring sign, lb AV can oniehoaccomplished i Christ is tie head. As the braii if noV functioning propcrly b cause of damage unbealthy coi ditioln of sonie sort nannoit c ordInate certain parts of t] body, no more caa we as letoi mhations within the univers la the joyous proclam&ion of thank God' through Jesus Christ our Lorid." RV is in Christ that wc The Orono Atoms on Friday cvcnding took ýa declded win over a Bownianville Atoin tcam by a score of 7-1. Nicky Van, Seggelin scored tbree goals with David Walton ami Giris Robinson both netting two goals. Assisis went Vo G. Yeoman, Ken Hutton and John Gornisi. The Orono Atoms tied 'wit the Necastle Atonis on, Saturday )mornîng 2-2. Nicky Van Scggelin scored two Orono goals. PEEWEES WIN Paced by Steve Allen with tbree goals tie Orono PccWees won ovcr a Bowmanville tcam 4-3 on Friday evening. The other Or- ono goal ivas scored by J. Bren- nan. Assistts were creditcd Vo J. Robinson, Bill Strafford and Ian Broninan. OSHAWA BANTAMS WIN The Oshawa Bantams on Friday evlnngtook a 2-1 Wina over Or- ono. Tic lone goal for Orono was scored by Blain Moffat wlith assisi gofing to Bob Tonnant Tic Osb- awa goals wcrc by Tom Buchan aud Johnu Neal. MIDiGET HOCKEY The Orono Midgeits were boti on Vie win and lose side in tiri two recent games. The local boys wcrc defeated by an Osbawa teain 5-1 wiVb ,Bill Robinson scor- ing the single Çrono, tally. lu la feature wiih Bowimauville, Vie local team- scored a 5-4 vic- tory. Ken Partridge, a hard work- ing winger, scoredl Vbtree of tic Orono goals witbi Bill Robinson aud Jimmry Partuýer siaring lun the otier two. Assists went to Randy Tennanit, Dean, Cox, Bill are brouglit together as one body~ aûid so united that we function ir a harmnonious relation.ship one with the otheoe. bers." He cries out, "0 wretdhed mian that I arn!, who shall deliver ine from the body of death? Then, Robinison end a XMurphy. ATOM TOURNAMENT Eight Atom Hockey teams wilE ,compete this Saturdray at the Or- 0110, rink in a Little N.H.L. Hockey- Touwniamenit. The opening gamne od the full day of hockey will commence at 8:00 la.m. ahd con- 4iiiue to tihe chamnpionshiips late in the afternoon. Lunch 4s being served by the Hockey Mothers. Trophies will be awarded at the conclusion of' the Tournament. ~PuII lourseif Together" Orono Hockey Notes IValentines ail sizes - ail prices Candy Chocolates Orono, Ontario Janu ary >7Continues This Week UPtOF Ail our wiËter aP- parel is on sale, i- cluding winter foot- wear. -YOUR FAMILV STOIRE IN NEWCASTLE Wherýie there is a wide selectis3n of fashiOnable «Oodg, styles

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