ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1969 'Authortl Seccnd Class mailFat Office D~ P'ublisheti every Thursday oat tlce offie at uG lcJto Muain Street, Pnone 1!G9, Oiron, nrio Feablished in I193'8 by R. A. Forres3ter Ro .Forrester- EdItor and Mvanage.cr A Bright Future Tf one woas te prejuidge the success or failure of the new Board of Education for Northunmberland and Durhami onD the basis of their initial meeting oue would have to be cjptiistic. The centiuct of the Board andi its chairman, IMr. Rop~was inpe~v as was aise the polIicy which fbas been, adeptedt t this peint in the operation of the systemn. First of ail there are few new faces on the Board se this speaks of experieuce. The rester hias men of both rural and urban outloeks wihi.ch shouli broaden the scope of dis- cussion anti biing the educational systemn into balance a- c(ross the whele district. The administration of the>systeim is a definite li- rvmetand is of such a nature that Board members w-ill btecomre dir-eoteti soleliy towards the prime matter of duaonandi Policies attributeti te equality of opportun- ity.Th day is past when mnembers of the Board will spend the(ir tine diseussing balky fuirnaces, broken wnos bus- ing, tae replacements etc. This will be haiïndled by a eoenietent staff aeeording te o icy set down by,. the Board ýn the ipast, Public Seheol Boards anti even the Dur- ham jnDistrict igh Sehool Doard w.ere -boggeddonwt miuedetails te the detrimient of ediïcati10n and the proper -,unctioning of thle Board. NSor were these Boardslree - uli to hire qualified ipersonrnel te dmnstrtheirs y- *ses.The new Board is ef such a size that it is nieessary I*Dto have sucli persouneclat towýards s end thie 1North- unmberlIaiùd anti Durhamr Board of Education is worklingu. Tee often in the past Board miembers as indiyiiuals becme eeatIacheti tet partieular sehools Iuider their juris- dcinandi as poic(y was eften lack'_iig ther wa a or ofdi~rtnnaio.Tbis shut Enwdsappear as Board me0b1s1i lbe ýdisassýciated withi particullar sehiools and the~r oerationwîll c rne uner adniîstrativeperei nohrimIproveinentis th e ueby thie Board of Ad, occemmiteesrather than staniding ommttes.The uhnlBoard in the past used standl'ing cemm-ittees mnost freely andti t the peint that the operat 'ion of the sehoolI System was rigli baek to thre day o, indvua sections. Thsotesonie xet ,lmntdamiitaieadvanc14e- mie-nt under an area systemi and piteti one sehool agaIinst another. We are _hoepeýful cf a souand educeationial system -in the United Centies wýith a dash of imag-inative cuirriculum, sounti guidance anti stlmuilating enthusiasm froin the Board down to the stridents. As MIr. Thorm stated inluKlrby re'cently ..."eol are fcr scunigsters." So be it. EductinBo-ard Bri"efs Up AdDown The BokStacks The floig are excerpts from a ýýïspeech on "The intellect- mal life ini Canada" by Mr. Roger Duhamel. "Even at the risk of beinig Con- sidered as an obsolete mimd, I remiain eonvinced that literature- crease to 2,937 »y 1975. At Preseýt the numnber is 1,983, increasing to 2,195 by Septeniner, 1969. Approval was grantedi to the Port Hope District Scouts anld Guides to have the use of Port HoeHig-h Sdhool, auditorium fromr Suinday, February 16 to 22 te celebrate Lord Baden Powell's birthday. ci :es us a rore direct andicorn- pr--hcisive aéeý;ste reality that science eanY'i 'intssstudy r ieality and wrte L ake thieir stand on hu- man consciousness as the key to realiy.", "ýTrue ieiv zaindoes nat re- ide in fActores and boratores it- flourishes oùn in libraries andi churehes." NEW BOOKS Aduit Frankenstein - Shelley From This Dark Stairway Eb- erhart Silverhill - Whitney Oliver Twist - Dickens Jewelry te Make Yourself Socher The Se-arch for the Girl with the Blue Eyes - Stearui The Landi and People ef Scot- land - Buchanan The Violent Frienti - Mackay Juvenile Frdy Goes tg orico*l lenry liù4sern Told in Italy Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS W. Sebinahi Speciaizng iii ailkinde 'of STÔOIEWORK and FIREPLACES We aiso do Châmney Repaîrs Tenders or. the conistr-pction of the, addition te Port Hape High Seheelil be epeneti by the N;orthumber!aùd - Durhami Couinty Bloard (f Education January 24. The tender'z we:re te have bei oened eiarlier but due te a re- qetmade by S. D. Chutter, general manager cf the Canadiani Consrurion Assoiaton, the peewas extendeti. In a ltter teaJ. M. Rolph, chair- 1-man ol te oadMr- Chutter ý'tated thlat the annual m.1eeting of th sscato as beinlg heid Janury 9 to22,the fine the tenders were orîginally due ta be Opcned. lyt vicw cf this, ho saiti that th eiti onpulil requesteti eaeh Noveniber that major ten- der cails shoulti fot be seheduleti durhig the eneto perioti. ie said it waPs essential that c~nisWutioneonpany ý,prinicipalis be ini thcir offices during thec last two days te check thie quotations 'oniy then receiveti from subeeon- tractors and s litsandt tere- vie'w their eerai bd. Approval asgiven fer soul tests tebli dce rte ad- dition te East Northumiberland Secndary PS%'olin EBrihtn. Skthplans appj"roval from the departmrent -,' education for the projeet hs ecieeived. Tenta- *Uve approveti cost for thé atidi- tien total $1,391,378. AIpplicantsý for the Jpositions of superintendent cf instruLction for the new school' area will be in- terviewýed 'by the board on Jan- uiary 17. Director o educatien N. Franýk To said the response to the advert sing, of the positions was interest.ing. The beard approveti the ap- pein-tment- of Kenuethi Marsden as consultanttethe(%board reg-ard- ing ind.ian pupils from the Aider- ville Reserve. He is te be paiti an herorarium as authorizeti by the Departuient of hitdian Affairs. The Departuient of Education has g-ranited building proposai aprevai for the seeffdary com- posite schoel at Bowmqýanville. The new school, on a nlineteen anti a hiall acre site oi the east side of Liberty Street, will cost apprximaely$3,037,484. 0f this amniiit S1,120,000 wvill be speut on genieral dep)artmentýs ani $1,- 317,4841o vccioal The school lias beeni planneti for coimuniýty use aid the teun oýf Bwinl has set aside capital fnds to finiance a por- tion1 of a proposeci auditorium neýt covered by)\, a scihool grant It is. estimnated froiu a projeet ed enirolm-rent froým Septemnber 30 eac yartirat the number of stueints i the Bowmanrville, Clarke andi Courtic&e' I(a xillin- FdIJypJDvel.' Im-esew SEEE THE ALL NEW 69 CF,15XO-Skï UNE NW - lMODE' FROM WNHIC14 TO CHOOSEI ROP DIIO ADW E ORtONO, ONTARIO 'fia attend a mneeing plamned io discuss the new proposed RUSSELL C. KONEY wiIIspeak Sponsored by the Durham County Federution ofA - TELEPHONE 983-5207