Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1969, p. 1

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The Orono Chamben of Com- ~nerce held theïr annual meeting in flhe N wDuteli Oven Restau r- ant on Monday e\evninig when Mr. HIors t Hoens£eh was eiected presi-- dent for thie year 1969. Other officers,, and drectors cI- ected t0 office were Messrs. E. iiViddl]etOn, vie-presi.7dent; R. -Dickson,Traue and R. Fn ýrester, spcnetIary. Dnetnselcet- ,cd te office were Messrs. M. Snell- dlers, H. E. Milîson, F. Storsber- gen M Dwn, P. MI. Lunt, R. 1-lzedenan Dr. P. Maartense. ThIe Orono Chamber at the Moniay meeting passed accounts in whch s-m ef $1043.30 was in, paymcnt- ' for the Christmas liglit- ing d!ecoratioîns. The total cs of 0hw project w,,as $129330, Onono Iýlydro, lias alitted their moYey ~of $50 for the preject. The Cliamber had a bank balance of $ý3870,00 prion to paying bis. The directors of the Chamber are to meent on Monday cvening, Januanrv 2tli at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Hlazelden report ed that Culis and Scouts are no longer active /i-n Orono and thaf the e- -ntipnent has been loaued to the Orono Sigma Çs. Ile said tLhat - uonies in the ecut accllnt wene - t be left in the bah.k eceount -unitil sucli timte as if may lie ,needed -in the future for Scout- IRegional ,gevernttet ill be 'i-troUiýced into five Ontario cen- -tres by the end o£ this yean on ~earIy in .1970, -Municipal Mffairs Minister Darcy MuKeougli an- nounccd Mondjay. Mnr. Mceough piipointed the experimental areas as the Niagara regien, Waterloo County, Yoerk County north ojf Metro, Peel and ilaltenecounties to flie west, and Ontario and Durl-ia;im ceunties te the easf. Speaiking at the Oshawa RotaryT ,lub's annual civic day luncheon, M. MeKeouli said studies were aise being macle in tlie cue etf Hainiltoù-Wentw;orth, Brant, Norfolk-Haldîmiand, and in the Sucibunyv and Lake Muskoka ameas. Hle said the new forin of gv .ernmcnt would follow t1he t-wo tien system eoutIiincd by his de- partment late last yean. Under this system services sudh as capital bornowing, public Wee kly Orono VOLUME 32, NUMIBER2 Mr, oerst oensch I ted ing in, the emuiy The re- port was adoptedc on motion of E. Milîson and M.Stekiers. If appears from the report that leaders 'far this meývýeet in Or- ono were unatinaie. A motion was passed that the Onono Chamber of Commerce no longer be the sponsorng group for Cuis and Scouts in Orono. Horst Hoensch health and welfare, and munici- pal taxation wvou-Cd be reinoved froin the jurisdiction of local councils and plaéed in flie lands of negonal ceuneils. Matters sucli as nead uaInten- -ance, .garbage collection and oth- er local necds xvould nemain. wifh the sanalller council. Mn. MeKeougli said hîs depart- ment stHI hadn't resolved the preblem of wlitler the regional couneils would be elected or ap- "Thene'are ecom-pelling 'àngu- ments on both si*des," lie said, and possibly we mnay tny both mefho(ds te sec which proves the most benieficial to an anea." Mni. McKeouIgh said Ontario, couldin't continue to openate un- dler the presenit system (4f mun1i- cip:al goverranmnt. "This "was fashioned for tlie horse and bu- gy days and i's time now )ývfor a chiange into the space age," lie TmesUM Armeti en Rob Armed with .22 calibre rifles, two wýasaits entered Gerw's General Store, in Leskard early Modyevening, an<d held Mns. A. Gernow and two of lier six chlnat guinpoint, then forced ber to liand over $60 in cash. Beore leaving, the unmiasked n.en, warncd Mrs. Gerrow not te caîl police and one ripped the' telephoùne off the wall to make sure. After the, reliers lef t Mrs. Gerrow sent, lier cldest son -Ito a neighbour, 200 yards iaway, to eaul police. She described the mnen ýas be- ing in their tete.Projvincial ïolice set uo roadblocks -thnou-h- ot theditrc but were nsc cessfuil in capturing the mena The nei'ghib., Mrs K blett ', said the boy came up to lier door scireaihg- "Phone the police, weýve- been rob.bed.' The two men ca-me up fa the front doon of the store, but it was stuck and wouIcIn'f open se they went te tlics ide don, and rang fthe doorbeil1. Wlien MUrs. Gerrow opened if, the two met b)urst in holding thii rifles waist higli, remandtIng mnoney. Mais. Gerivw handed them $60 and thiey left, warning not f0 cail the police. He prorc-d that ne forua cf regiena.l governmcent wauld lie implemented anywlieneuntil the residents hWed a chance to under- stand anid weigh tlie issues in- volved. Eacli area, lie contimued, would have a population of 150,000 to 200,000. None, he said, would be dominaf ed by one ec&omic or social group. At the end of his speech Mi. MeKeougli literally closed the door ronP Pickering township's liopes of becoming part of Metro. H'e said lie f it tlie townships fu- ture was wit the eastern com- nities of Osliawa, Whitby and Aj-ax, rafler thian with the west. Pickeringl lias fer seme iffme xresda desijre, to link up wtli Metro because of the imbal- ance of is tax base and the fact that niost of ifs residents work there. New Officers Install-ed At Orono aoinog On Tliursday evening etf last week flic Orono rono officers are as follows; back row (I. to r.) lo4ge No. 325 G.R.C. lield ifs installation of of- Carl W. Billingýs, Treas; Wayn'e Bailey S.W.; Rob- ficers for 196i9. Oven eiglity menbcrs and visitons ert Jolinson S.D.; Roeland Batten S.S.: AI Heard wee pre.settt on this occasion. Rf. Wor. Bro. Wm. JD;Jc okIG;RyTopo .. o Carnuege M o-f rt Pera-y was flic installing master JD;Jc okIG;RyTopo .. e 2vQr the incomi1ng eofficers and respondecl to the Winten Master Charles Thina I.P.M.; and Floyd toast to flic1Installing Board af the lbanquit bour, Nieholson Tyler. Clarke Twp. Council Make s Committee Ap oi5ýntdmeont fs Orono Chamber r ident Leskurd Store The Council of the Taiwnship of Clarke held their inaugaural meeting on Tuei.d.ay, Jahuary 7 in the regular fafshion. It was learned at the meeting that the new cierk, Mr. T. E. 'Monaha-n, will commenc(e his du- ties ais TownsFhip clerk on Mon-, day, -Jaiuary 27th. A request for the To)wnship to take over a ra llwneat Brownvrsville a onhpr was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee, A letter as received from the Clarke Township Planning Board in connection with a prcýosed Developsnent Plan of part of lots 33-34, concession three. The Plan- ning Board stated that there was no menit in conversion ef a pro- ducinrg f arm in an A ricultural zone to -esidential classification. The Planning Board also in a further letter to council stated that an application by H. B. Hcrsman, for rezoning property -n lot W, concesiotn 1 was not ac- cetbedue to a recent decision of the Health Unit nor was it ac- cerpïabl4 to ýspot re-zone small areas. The Planning Committee of Couneil was appodnted to, attend a platnnig meeting to be hekdinl Cobourg on January l4th. Mrs. A. MéGIli, Orono, has ac- cepted a Position with the Town- ship and will commence lier du- ties as of January 2th. Mr. Carlos Tamblyn was ap- poihted to the Board of the Mem- orial Hospital as Clarke Town- shiîp's rejpresentative. Appointmnents were made to the Clarke Townshijp Recreation CamrnWson being Laverne Boyd, Helen Henderson, Dorotliy Stark, Jo Barlo.w, Sharon Brow'n, John Murphy and Jack Neai.- Messrs. E. R. Woodyard, Kay Lyetlt, Llew Hallowcll, Ray. For- rester and Roy Poster. were ap- pointedl to the Clarke Public Li- brary. A resolution 'was passed, to tran-sfer a sumi of $22,000 from the Onono Road projèct to the purcliase of new maehinery.. Mïr. L. M. Hlallowell was reap- pointed livestock valuer. Councillors Stone and Carvéth New Board 0f Education Holds Opening Meeting The Northumrbenl1and and Dur- iam Board of Education lield thecir first official mcoting in Cobourg on Tliursday of last wceek being capably cliained by the Cliairman' of flic Board, Mn. The Bea!rd adhercd to a policy of jstartin.g thein mneetings-at sev- en-thirty and adjourning at elcv- en p.m. If was decîded to interview candidates for tlie positions of tW;o superintendents on Friday e-veniinýg ef this week. Applica- tienis close for flic positions on Wednýesday, Jauay lfl. Messns. Aikens, Dewn and W. Carmnan were anppointed an Ad Foc cemmite onsalaries for' ad- mirstrtio pesoneland aise t o f fi o ecigstaff. Mesrs.McCear, olso and cornfte orflteacingstaff The firm of llo iýeyv, 7Brooks, Harrson ereretanedas [Board Consdexaionwas given] to the appinfmcnt cf membens t,)flic Vocational A(1visr Comniitfee and aise te tlie B oar f Arbitra- fion. The latter BEoard is to be a five miember BEîard and will deal with adjustnienfs fliaf mfay 'have tele made financially withièn the sehool anea and wvifh certain dis- tricts outside of lic Nortimber- land-Durh.aman ani. Final dws ion on appo>intmients to thiese Boards was leff oven until the next meeting of the Board. Tlie Directon of Education, Mn. Thiom, was given authonity te pro- ceed lni drawing up Board policy. lis proposais are to bic breuglit before the Board for thein ap- proval befere if becomes officiai policy of flic new Board of Edu- cation. Mr. Tliom stated that the Board willI neyer lie donc with setting up poiicy and, that he would first tackle fliose things which wene the most urgent. Mr. Thoem also informed fln meeting that school budgets must bela the hands ef the Board by January l5th. lIscsson ontransportation, as lias always been wifli fhe smal- <Centinued on Page 4) New Study Book Unit 1 of U.CW. lield thin Janu ary meeting in the main hall \with Mrs. R. Chapmian, Mirs. W. Wannan and Mrs. L. Pears carm- mittee ln charge. Mais. Cliapmab comsnenced by reading appropriate mnaterial per- taining te the New Year. Follow- iag this a liyin was sung "Stand- ing at the Portal of the opening <Continueti on page 3) ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUAIIY l6th, 1969 were appoînted to the Board of the Orono Cornnunity Hall along with G. Watson, R. Chater, Len Pears, Mrs. V. Wilson and Mrs. G. Gamsby. Reerve Roy PoF(ster was appoint- ed to the Gananaska River Con- servation Authority. Cunc,ýilons R. Carveth and Y. Grey wr pone as the RLoad and Bridgýe Comsncittee, for- the year 1969. IL E. Walkey and J. Stone were appointed the Propenty and Pin- ance Commîittee. Appointaients to the Clarke Townishin Planning Board were Messrs. L. McIGee, W. Bailey, R, Siým-son,. R. Chater and S. Lan- castn aongwîth coinnoil mem- bers of R. Festen and H. E. Walk. ey. Messrs. A. E. West, H. M. Mer- cer, S. B. Rutherford, E. H. Sarn- uel and Miss A Cutteli. were ap- f ointcd as the Orono Park Board à'1onig with council members J, Sîeand R. Canvetli. W. B ugheh,,IH. Stapleton, C. Farrewv, G. Stapleton and Mrs. G. Brown' were appointed to the Ne5tonvillle Community Hall Baord Estate Tax To -se Discussed In Orono The Durham County Federati1on of Agriculture has arranged a meeting it which .time the new proposed Estate Tax to be brouglit te Parliamient by th1ý Federal Govercment will be dis- eussed. The meeting is to be laeld in the Ornoe Town Hall this Sat- urday7 evening, Jamiary l8th at 8:00 p.m. n.Russell C. Heney will ad- dress the meeting over the pro- posed legisiation. Everyoyie is in- vited to attenid the meeting ti- becoane 'better informed in IsI matten. There 15 consiýerab]pe in- terest shown :loally in the pro- posed legisIation and the Clanke Towne~ip, Ratepayers' Associa-. tion Is currntly circulatibg a petition opposing the legisiation. Regpional Goverment For Five Ont. Centres

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