Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES,'THURtSDAV, JANUARY 9th, 1969 HO-BRjOWN A-ýrra ilgemni i"sef whiitpe aria- tiens enhanced Bailydnuff- Presby - atiln Cvurch f or the marriage on Sturdayýi afternoon, Noveni- ber 9, 19f)8 at J,'coc of Miss Evelyn Ma-ry Browýn, cdaiigtctof~ MmIr. Brown. 0 'f Pontypool and the la-te Mr. 1Howard Brown, and Mr. Raipli Jamnes ly son of i M. and Mrs. Arche lyPonitypool. Rev. Fred Swn fficiatedj and the wedc4ng music wa Mrs. Lillian Richardson. Given in marria-ge by her broth- er,Mr Wm. Brown of Nashville, Ontý., the bride wore a floor- iengtyh goo white nylon net ovrsiik with fuli sirt. The neck1inu was scalloped witli se- qn adpearis to the waistiine, and the -mwn w'as styled with long lily pointed sieeves. A cluster liearpiece of three white fiowers calit ber short white veil; aid she earried a bridai bouquet of red rose. as p1ayect by MNrs. Herbert Curtis of Ponty- pool was matron of honor' for bier sister and was attired in a sleeve- less, stIraiglit, street iength dress of p;ink crepe accented by a three quarter iength pink crepe cape trimmed with fur aronid the hieiine and hl'ghlighted. by a bow over the leSt siioulder. She wore white shoes and gloves, and pikflower headdress adorned wiýtl pinik veiling. lier bouquet was of pink carnations. MechaicalCon"!ractor wha eis isal qd --m ailtees PLU7MI, NG AND EATING Phorne 983,52307 Orono D14rs. Pauil Sterligl Windsor,, sister of the bride, and Miss Don- ýia 11oy, Pontycool, sister of the greoom were bidesmaids. The flwer- girl was Miss Carol-Ann Steriýng of Windsor, niece of the bride. The bridesmaids wore dres- ses 0-f yellow crepe, in the saine styling as that worn by the mat- non of honior, and yellow flower headdresses with, matching short veils. They carried bouquets of yellow carnations. 'Ple flowver girl wore a short pink frOek aid pink headdress in the sanie de- signi as womjn by the senior attend- -nts. lier bouquet was or pink -carnations. Ail wore white shloeg and gloves. Mfr. Neil Hoy, Pontypool, brothier of the groom, was best man and thie ushers were Mr. Larry Hoy, Keindai, cousin of the' groomn and Mr. Herbert Curtis of Pctypool, brother-in-4aw of the bride. The ring bearer was Master Dale Curtis of Pontypool, nephew of thie bride. The reLeption was helcl at the BaiiYduff Hall where th,,-bride's mot'heýr received in a sleeveless dress Of gold wool with silver fleck, aind corsage of pink carna- tions. She was assisted in reeiv- in," bY the ýVoSYm's mother who wore a sleeveless dress of tur- quoi-se taffeta with matching jýack- et' and corsage of wfiite carna-, tionis. As; the happy couple left on their honeynioon, the bride was wearing a green, sleeveless, -straight dress in crepe witli mat- ching nylon jacket. Mr. and Mr. Hoy are residing ini Pontypool. The bride attended S.S. No. 3, CartLwright and Lindsay Collegi-ý ate. She is emnpioyed at the J. Aniderson Smith Co., Newcastle. The groom, who is an emplioyee 0f Garnet Riekard, Bowmnanville, attendedt Ballyduff Public Sehoel and Lindsay Collegiate. Prior to the weddiingthe bride w-as given two showers at the homnes of Mrs. Roy Strong, Ponty- pool, and Mrs. Wm. - Hoy, Kendal. Guests were present from Pet erbofrougli, Toronto, Windsor, Kendal, Rofwanvýille, Pontypool, Omemee and Orono. Following the reception a dance was helti ini the Pontypool L.O.L. Hall for ail the friends and relatives. A Ibert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phoune M#4249 Orono LOCAL NEWS Mr. and AMrs, Ken Taniblyn, Los Angeles, Cal, spent a week during the holidays visitig witli bis mother, Mrs. Fred TaMblyn, Sunset Lodge, Bowmanville. Whie lhere hie was entertained _at h!5 sisters' home, the Van Hornes, Whitby. The Millers,~ where somre of his former friends anid schoo1 ehums renewed old times. After spending Christmnas at brother Carl's lie was reunited with the Caniadian winters he re- menibered witli a ski-doo ride, the only, transportation possible froni the farni to the main higli- way en roue to catch their plane home. This was Leta's first visit to Canadla and they thoroughily enjoyed theïr White Christmas. Mr, and Mrsý. Wayne Helson and f amily moved on Saturday into thle boulse formerly oecupied by Mrs. Todd aInd f amil y, Mill Street. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowan vis- iteýd with lier bro,,ther Mr. and Mrs. ýHarold Cobbiedick and faim- lIy, at New Years. New Year's Day dinner guests nith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biilings were Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, Mr. Jack Archer, Mrs. Ro>wena Sherry, Port Hope; 'Miss Audrey Biilings, Oshawa; Miss Shirley Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wat- son, Mr. and Mrs. Waynie Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Khnniett, Mrs. Dora McLaren, Mrs. Rulby Porter and Mrs. Dorothiy Bailey, towi. Miss A\. Nesbitt was a gueVSt of UNITED CHURCH Oron, Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1969 Orono Uiteti Church Skunday Schooi at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Mornâing Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Mr.n. d Mrs. Les Reid ati Bent duning Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mlrs. Charles Gray and girls visited vâth Mir. and Mrs. C. H1. Lane, Newtonviiie during Christimas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and soni, Orono and Barrie Latte, Ricmmnond Hll.i also were guests. Mr. and Mirs. Wallace Boughen were in Orono with lier mother Mm.ý S. Gordon and 74r. and Mrs. Adani Stec and f anily. A Buriey Ski Bus is presentiy coniing into Orono on its way to FARMERS SAID HAPPY WITU CORN, APPLE CROP YIELIDS (Continued froni page 3) to $200,000 and $300,000 on the present day farn that the farm. er must be a manager, lie must know, livestoek, field erops, cap- iai use and other phases of modi- ern day f arini management. The 4-H Agricutltural club work lias again continued on a high level in 1968. The 4-H Club Lead- ers' Association aiong wvttl the staff of' the Ontario Departme~It of Agriculture and Food have -1---- -, __ 1 . - --i. .1. __- r: ________________ I JANUARY SALE 2 ail wooi Jackets Regular $9.95 for ........ $6.50 2only Nylon Quilted lined Jackets Size 8 - 12 Regular '95 for................. $3.95 Snow Jackets Sizes 4 to 6x anti 10 to 14 yrs. Al new stock 3V' off Sno-w suits l. to 6x. 4 only. Reg. $12.95 to $14.95 For $8.9ý5 colours - 3o' Off LADIES' DRESSES AND HOUSECOATS 25% OFF MianaWoolregular 79e for 39c Rails of wool, reg 65e for 35e Child's winter mitts reg $1.25 to $1.50 for - 59e Chlildren's WoolGovs $1.00) for -- 25C and plain- reg. *For Witer PUZZLES M-lodeI Planes Bowmianville CLEANERS Tues. Thurs.,and FF-n MIDDETON 'S ORONO, ONTARIO s [ NOW AT VOUR DX Service Station Hlighway 35 and 115, juast north of Newcastle Faturing .. Prenfijui Quality Products A T TUE 3MOST REASONABLE PRICES- Stove Oil may be- picked up in any quantlty 19.9c. per gallen ATTENTION FAtRIMERS and TRUCKERS - Speclal discount uon gasoline andi diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4215 Your local dairy, Gien Rae, delivers lu Orono andi districet the finest miIk products avail- able anid at a cost below the average. Mlilk and millk products are important in your daily diet; it is syno nymous with yaur healh. For home deivery cou Glen Rue BOWMAN VILLE Phone 623-5444 ARMSTRONGS

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