Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1969, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRIURSDAT, JANVAUY 9th, 16 DX X DX D DX D X DX X D X D X D X D X _ WITHf FUEL PUIIONE 668-331 X41Xia X « RXti -i[XU X« X( u X(XqX«xaJX1 Reglar$115.00 $95.00 Reay-M deBotany 500 SUitS SAVE UP TO- 25% D R ESS SHIRTS $2.e98, Hegul1a r $5 .95 NeBraili, white and coloured. Ail sizes., 2 for $5.00 The aove are just a few ocf our January Specials TOS&SOSLD NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO ith rop peld It is interesting to look back at the yea.r at some of the acvçm- plishments and proI sthat have faced farmers in Durh~am County. We have, delayed- making a general report, on the overali picture for with the ratheï un- usual fail weather muer of the grain corn was not harvested un- tii well into Decemiier. Sime acreage stili remains but the majority of farmers have coni- pleted the harvest of this crop. Yiekts were, execellent in mnost cases with good quality coltî. A disappointin.g factor is that the price of ail cereal crops is down this year and for the cash crop farmer, this is certainly a 'financial set-back, The livestock producers 'are quite-happy with the overail picture for it means chreaper feed for thein whether they, are growing it or whether they are buying the feed. Somne, Rodney oats and some cornf have moved to Quaker Oats !l Peter- borough auid soime of the -othe feed is being used b.y the feed dealers as well as the livestock producers. .The majority of livestock pro- ducers will have sufficient rough age to carry, them through al- though a few report that it is going quieker than they had an- ticipated. It is normal to 'purchase feed from other parts of Canada - and this wi11 continue this year aithough it would appear that - more grain will be available î»i the county thon has been the case in many years. The apple crop was of excep- tional good quality and for the most part good yield. Certainly apples are of top quality for the consumer and are availabie throughout the area at a reason- able price, considering the, cost of production for the producer. COMPETITIONS A number of competitioiis have beeii held ini the county a- gain this year and in the 500 bus. Potato CluhIthe winner was Mar- tin Reitkncckt with thie variety Netted Gem. He had an estima- ted yield od 600 bushels per acre with dry matter of 20.2 and a fin- al standing of 128.2 in the com-7 that the average dry matter for the County was 20.1 and this does indicate that Durham County does put up a good quality pota- toc. A Grain Corn Clil4b was organ- îzed again this year and in co- oIperation with Harvey Wright, the ýSoul and Field Crop Spcial ist in Lindsay, visits were made on a numiber of occasions to the fields and cropping practices noted. Yielde were, seeured and considerable useful information, oli costs, weed control' and general cultural practices is available. The winner has not been announ- ced but a banquet wiIl be held on January 30 for the members and thleir wives. At this event Hlarvey Wright will go itto detail on the overali Corn Club resuits and armounce the winners. 4-H CLUB WORK In 4-H1 Club work another suc- eessful year was held in Durhami County. Under the capable lead- ership of Miss Doreen Hanilil, the Home Econ:omist froin Lind- say, 188 girls participated in, 1968 There were -142 complotions in the fail projeet "A World of Food in Canada" and 156 in the sPring ProijeOt featuring fruit. Junior Fariner wooek has con- tinued to ho suecessful in the county and under the leadership, of Lois Ashton, the president of the Durham County Junior Par- many educational meetings throughout the year. SPECIALIZATION It is interesting to note that speeializati'on is beecoming a larg- er faet in the overail farm pieture eaclh year. High capital invesi- mnent, highi machinery investinent and geneizal ýmanagement prob- lemas make ît more and more nec- essary that the farmer of the fu- ture be well trained for that job. Many youn*g 'mei frein the coun- ty are. attending the University of Guelph in an agricultural curse ,,and a tumber are also at.- eding the, Kemrptville Shool of Ag-rionitural 'Te-chnolog.y with a viwto returning to. the farm. We doj beliieve that wifth inve st- ments of anywhere froin $75,00() (Continued on page 4) New 1.W 6 ÇOLISEUM BDà,EH ITON PAR FRéE AÀdskok6/à,4a d all amwEque ROYd_'m L POE623-559 Janua ry Calendar THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNIDAY, JANUARY-9 to i2 THE GREE'ýýN BERETS John Wayne, Jim Hutton Aduit Entertainment THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 - 19 WITH SIX YOU GET EGGROLL Doris Day, Brian Keith THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JANUARY 23 - 26 THE BIGGEST BUNDLE 0F THEM AUL Baquel Welch, Rob>ert Wagner also MAN. CALLED DAGGER Adut Entertainment THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JANUARY 30 - FEBRUARY 2 Live ai Littile, Lève a Little Elvis Presley, Michele -Carey - SPECIAL MATINEE SHOWS - ,rtURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd - 9:30 a.m. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 -1:15 p.m. IHENRY V'

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