Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1968, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER Slst, 1968 Jesus, The Lighit 0f The Woarld Jusit befobre Ghristmais, a youiig g5irl'and lher imaie cempai on 4ot-pped befere a departmient store w7lindow filled with gilt sug- gestions. The couýple stoed intri- gued for several minutes. Feom a nerychurch came the music, "0 Iitile town of Bethlehem." The girl turned te her companion and saîd wt evident disgust, "There are alwaiys sanie whe, koep tryitg teD plut r eligion into Christmas!" ht is tru.e that there are some. The tragedy is thiatthere are net enGiugh. T'he follower of Jesus cannet allowhinieif te beconie teo en- grOSSed lu the affairis ef the world -thle pty materialigtie hustie and bustie requiring se, much of our trne and- energY that we miss the true meaning of OrisjtmaS. Toda-y there are mnulio!ns o1 PeoýPle who have trîed to strike GOd frolu their hearts and jjves Wnd Whe therefore live ini dark- ness and do the woe-ks cf dark- ness. T'le seriptures abound ini tabnscenicerning the light and darknesrs. God sald, -let there be light, a'nd there was light." Ligiit, Darknes, for us the words have lest muoh o01 the original centent. Modern living lias blunt- ed their meaning. We make the transition. from day te night wiVh scarcely a moment's incon- venienice. We S lick a switch and banish darkness, continuing what- ever we may be doing at the moment in the full light of day. We press a button atd illumine a reeni, a gardon, a street, a stad- iuni, even a city. We have corne te accept the easy availability of light much as we do the air for our next breath. But for the ancient werld they were exciting werds; liSe and death 'words. For primitive mani darkness was another name for the worst. Under cover of dark- ness wtild beasts attacked him. By night he suffered werst the dangers od travel, the discemfort of stormns and the chili of cold. In addition, he believed the night was infested with demons, ghests, and eyery ýother creature oS tek- rer the imaginationi could con- ceive. On the other hand, for an- dient man, light was a gift ef the gods. By the light ef stars he Seound sure guidance when com- pelled te, travel by ni'ght. By light eh sun lie gained warmth and a sense of security. Fer prim- DX DX DX -DDXi DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX Be Wise . ... ECONOMIZE! _ *ITH DX FUEL: OIL PHONE 668-3341 x« XR xxa Gxffx xq xa «xa xu x« x«i itýive man, light made the differ- ence between-death. and 11f e. But wie have eutgrown ail that. Haven't we? Or have we? Even though God created light man walked in darkness. Cain killed Abel, Noah built an ark bhccause the population jof the earth was eorrupt, Sodoi and Gomorrah were destroyed be-cause of the greiat wickedness within them and Jacob was sold into slavery beceause of his brothers' jealousy. Yet, throuýgh it ail, great men of God souglit the light. 'The, great man of the, past, Isaiah, began te *speak of a ser- vant, a servant of God, one who would be a suffering servant be- cause od the sin of humanity, a servant who would be the liglit of the nations and the saviour of the world. The New Testament speaki-ng Of Jesus says, "In ýhùm was life; -and the lMe was the light of men." Jesus said, "I amn the light of the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, be cause their deeds were evil. Of darkness, it may "be said that one belcomes accustorned ýte it, te the extent that he may net noice hnw terrible it it. Dwring wartime blackheuts seme people hioticed what liSe would ho like without liglit how wier!d every- thing was, how easily one collid- eýd wîth other objeets. They be- came accustomed te it to .some extent, but when tinie and eppor- tiinity to asisess allioweld some In- sight inte what had been hapipen- ing, it was said that the black- outs had cost more lives in Eng- land thani the war. 0f light'it may be, said that ail the darkness in the world canhiot ýsmother one littie gleam of light, yet one littie flicker of hight. cati dispeil a certain amount of dark- ness. It is the nature of light that it extends itself. He who lives with Jesus Christ not. only has light but aise becomes a light,- even though it ýis only a idest ýlittie candle-light. This light is given to us net *only for ourselves but for ail nations. The Christian cemmunity must always prove that it has the light by carryinig it farther te tiel ends of the earth. From, the very be- gin ning the Christian community wvas a missio-nary society., The light of Christ ih His Church means that there can be ne na- tional barriers and no national partialities. Tht misisin is net the concern, oS sýonie who have a particular interest for such a thing; rather, it is the cencern of 'the whole cemmunity of Christ- ians wherever it is and of every member ef the cemmunity oS Christians, whoever he, is. No one has a right te exelude hdimself. Either we ,are cencerned for the werld or we are nnt Christian. 0f darkness and liglit Jesus said, "If the ligeit that is in thee ho darkness how great is that darkniess." Christmas calis us te the place ef truc thankfuiness and te the.challenge of re:flýet- mng the light WhIch is inl Him. CompuersTopic On TlsoeSeries The eff ects oS the computer on our society will be examined on Zero Plus One, the first oS 10) special celer Telescepe pregrains beginning on the ýCBC television netiwrk, Thursday, January 16, at 8 p.m. The special seriesý,within-a'ser- les, about the world and ifs fere- scýeable future, is bcbg present- od by Telescepe under the gener- ai sub-title; FooÏnoýtes On The Future. Direction is 'by Colin Smith. Series host and produrcer (Continued, page 5) E. R. Woodyard [ I ARE YOU A If you have not, already joined, give your- self the thrill of having the added "shopping power"' next year that our '68 members had this year. You'll avoid holiday holes in your oudget.. and for so littie put away each week. It'1l make a much happier Christmas, d'tyou think? OTHER SERVICES' SSafe Deposit Loans SSavings * Checking *Banking-by-M.ail CANADIAN 1 IMPERIAL BN 0F COMMERCE Oronio Branch Phone 983-5304 Ray DcsoManager 69

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