Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1968, p. 1

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Public Housïing For Bo wm-an ville was one of three e-r-itario municicpalities approved _y Central Mortgage ýand Hous- ing Corp. and Ontario llousing (orp. for a siew senior citizens', roj ect. Stanley Randall,* Ontario min- ,.ster of trade and development, said in a statement lu Toronto, ]oan applications for the three- WVindsor an-d Preston are the oth- ers - mviii enable the province to proceed with the projects, fin- anced 90 per cent by the federal government and 10 per cent by the Province. The Bowvmanville project Will ,je for 14 units. There was hio býreakdown on the cost in the an- 0f Parwents Foloing the protest;'by be- wen70 and 100 students,,most- ly of Grade 9 ahid 10. at Courtice Secondary Schoof on, Wednesday, a meeting of their paretits-lias been cailed, for Thursdfay even- Iug at 7:30 at the school when. the situation xiii ho discussed thor- o'ughly. Principal J. E. Speers told The Statesman that onily a smali min- -Drity of students had taken part Un the display. Grade 13 studehits prêepred a statement depioring ;the rmarehers' method of protest fth~at a read over the public ad- dr-ý ,stLei It advised theni ýýt ie action would not be helrip1. and that they would rather sýee a petition prepared. -Pinicipal Speers aiso spolke to 'the students and assured thein that the administration was do- ing whatever was possible to pre- set their vîews anid those of the teachers and other stuçlents, to the proper authorities. [He stressed thiat it was an or-' derly protest, handled quietly by the staff, wîth no 'incidents oc- --Canadian Statesman. Country And Western Ja.mboree The Departmetit of Recreation Country and Western 'Jamberee viii opet up the 1969 season on Sunday Evening January 5th in ,he Town Hall Auditorium, Bow- nianville 8:00 p.m., with Guekt Artist Leo Curtain, well known 'Western and hoedown siger. J. C. (Senator) Coyle, Master o'f Ceremonies, Geraid El- !iott and the Hoedowners are al set to 'ci, with jigs and reels, ~plus the 'Jamboree regulars and .;i f ew newcomers. The R1ereation Cem4mitJtee Bfownmanviile, wouid liko te wish Ail thir Jamboree supporters a -Merry ChistmÏas and Happy New Year. Start Worki on lGP sRoomLi Work wvas started last week on Publi c Sheol. The contract was o)n the construction of the Gen- eral Purpose Room at the Orono let l-v - Iheý Clarkie Township Pub- lic S.n Board for this addition Vo the Orono School. Somo revisiens have been made i,,o thie original plans so that the projct eouild be reduced in cost. Ttal eost is soire $84,000.00. Two Orono Guides Receive Gold Cord TO WISH YOU A JYU Lei us remember, as we celebrate Hlis birth, Pdhat our duty ta mankind is ever growing in a wýorlý that gropes for peace and understanding. With trust in Him..-. and with the spirit of love, we must, f aith and dedicate aur efforts ta accomplish that id ~lTonur in guléding. Dorothy, Tone, Raye, Rloy VOLUME 31, NUMBER 50 Santa h'as been in Orono for the past couple of days and has had a nunmber ýof young visitors. One ekly a ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1968 of the younges't te visit him, lie was neot sure what it was al Waryn Lycett, 13 mohths old, about. found hlm interesting even though The above picture shows a Guides. From 1eR te righit Mrs. happy group at the recent cere- Jean Heard, Airs. Boniiie Talsnia, monies wben Gold Cords were Mrs. Marguerite MeLaren, Mxrs. presented to two Orono Girl Nell Snelders, Miss .Glenda Ton- nant and iMiss Carol Min Cald- well. The latter twe received their Gold Cords. At a recent meeting or the Toiwnship Counceil of Clarke, MUr. Jamýes Stutt, Clarke Tau-nshiqp represestative (on the Memoiriaî «oispital,, DuwmanviI1e, reýported on activities 'during the past year. Mr. Stutt aliso informied couincil that he would not be eligible for re-aPPointment to, the Hospital Board as he had served for a per-. leod of twelve years in that cap- acity. According to, By-laws.o 'the Hospital Board this is the maximum p eriod for serving on the board. Mr. Arthur Low, By-law Ad- ministrator, aise met with Counr- cil presenting further ame-nd- melits to the Restrictive Area by- lIaw. H1e suggeisted thatametn be arranged between councîl, the Planning Board, Committ ee oif Ad-justment, B'pilding Inspector an-d the Ontario Municipal Board. Messrs R. Dickson and R. For- rester approaehed Council on be- haif of the Orono Chamiber of of Cbmmerce asking that some action and policy be set up Vo, interest industry to the area. This was referred to the first of the year. In the corresgpondence approv- ai was receiveid from the'Ontario Municipal Board for the addition of a Generai Purpose roomo to the Orono Public School. Total cost is $84,750.0. Deceimber 26th was declared Boxing Day, a leýgal holiday. By-law 1613 was given three readings which is ani amendimg 'by-Iaw to 1592. The amending by-~ law deifines Public Garages a)nd sets a "Highwýay Cornsereial Zone permitted use" sectiion. There was a total of seventeen amend- mlent's to by-law 1592 in by-law repeali'ng býy-Iaw! 1585 and being 1613. By-law 1614 was aiseo passe4 a by-law te appoinit an assistant te, the treasurer for the munci-~ pality. 'j

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