ORO-NO WEEKLY TMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1968 Kendal News The Kendal -Midget baseb)aîl team -will play off with Langton) at Kendal on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. for the.- champiotiship of On- tario. This gamie is. the firFt )i the twa eut o! three games. Come and give the teani your support. It is interesting ta drive a- round the Kendal community and observe the changes that are tak- ing place in this Ineighbaurhoad: Mr. Bill Stapleton has his niew home bricked. Mr. John Cathcart bas the basement and main floor compheted with the upper struc- ture underway o! bis new bouse wich is located beside his bro- ther Doug's bome on the Cath- -art Cý'tennial farmi. The Cowan amformerly ownled by) Mr' Herb -,MeýrceLrlbas been landscaped iha beauitiful pond, white Lecsand other attractions. Four ten acre lots have been solId on the front of the Fred Wynn farm so they will be mak- ing plans to build. Now,-, the children are back ta school we shail hope te see them returning to Sunday Sclhool The parents also are needed in our church. Next Sunday is "Biafra Sunday",and an offering, wil be taken ta help those starving childrenp. Our Anniversary Ser- vice wiIl be the afternoon of October 20th. The United Chiurch WonwT 6th ANNUAL Auto SHOWv Port Hope - Sept. 27-28 PETER CAMPBELL ARENA 1 te 10 P.M. Foiiow The Signs SEE THE NEW 69's Smaliest to the Largest SNO-MOBILES - MOTORCYCLES - TRAILERS HEAR THE HAMMONDORGAN FREE DOOR PRIZES Supervised Parking FREE ADMISSION Tihe Bigge st Auto Show in the District Orono Sport Centre Enjoy the Game of BILLARDS or SNOOKER at Maft's Barber Shop-Confectionery Phone Orono 983-a-310 EVERYONE WELCOME Two Billard Tables, One Snooker Table Enjoy our.newly renovated premises 'J J HARNESS RACING "UNDER THE LIGHTS" F R1DAYS -7.45 p.m. JUNE'21 TO SEPTEMBER 27 o FAIRGROUNDS Hwy. 115 just North of Hwy. 401 PAR-MUUELWAGERING m Mrs. Percy Werry, Gordon, Joyce and Johnx spent the weak- end at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, where Mirs. Werry attended a conven- ti3n o! Leaders and Helpers. EarlIier this summer they had spent a week at the "Family Camip" there and report a most enjoyabie time. Miss Shirley Patt3an and Mrs. Ken Gamsby spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Royd and family at Orîllia. Mr. Wayne Miller having spent the summer in Toronto workinig as a bus driver and Day Camp Councillor with the Y.M.C.A. te- turned ta university. Ater com- pleting his course in Waterloo, -Wayne is now taking additial courses in the field of biology at will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Mercer on the evening of Octob- er 2. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lambier went to Brantford ta visit their son at the Schooi for the Blind ast weekend. Many thanks toalal the ladies who sent baking, sewing, veget- ables ta aur bake sale I Osh- awa a week- ago. Thirty seven dol- lars was made for our U.C.W. Then the surplus vegetables we gave to the Oshawa Men's Hostel. They wouldbe used ta, feed these nomehess men. Mr. and Mrs., Len Falls have been visiting their daughter Mrs. Wayne Blackburn i Oshawa Hospital and report that she. is gradually improving. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long UNDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 29, 1968 Orûno United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Moring Service at 9.:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Lesard- Sunday School at 94 the University of Guelph: Mrs. Fred Tamblyn celebrated her 87th birthday on Monday of this week at Sunset Lodge, Bow- manville. Many cards of congrat- ulations, gifts and flowvers were receivied and a birthday cake en- joye'd by a few friends. Congratulation§ to Blain Mof- fat who won second prize in the half mile running race at Wark- worth Fair on Saturday. Mr. nd Mrs. Wm. Bunting are in. Newfoundland for this week where Mr. Butiting is attendÏng Orono Building Contracter Brick - Block - Conerete Stone Wàrk Carpentry- Cabinet W.rk Flers -Tilt 983-5441 ORONO a Department of Land and: For- ests Conference. Messrs. Donald Staples, Merrill Brown, Jack Allun and Glen AI- li, the 'Country Four' Quartette, along with their families, spent the weekend holidaying at Pine Ridge Lodge, Guli Lake. R E CORD S LONG PLAY & STEREO Wrist Watches by Timex fer Ladies & Men, PIPES 59c up to $695 OONO, ONTARIO jDk-DX -DX -DX -DX- DX -DX-bXJ DX DX -DX-DX -DX-DX -DX-DX- $ Be Wise:.$ ECONOMIZE s $AVE$ý. $$ $DX FEL $' $ Phone, 668-3341$ M 130Y'S TURTLENECK SHIRTS Turtieneck Shirts of good quality' ail cotto-n interlock knit. Full cnt, easy (.washing, no ironing. Bilue, gold and white. ýSizes to fit 8 to 18 years. Price, each- $2.25 LADIES' PANTIE HOSE Seamless sheer mnesh Pantie Hose, 2 in 1 opaque panty and sheer stocking. Real freedom fromgirdie or beit. Beige and cocoa. Sizes S (8%/ to 9) M (9 t 10) L (10 to 11). Price per Pair - 1$2.25 LADIES' PETTIPANTS Nylon lace Pettipants, perfect form fit two way stretch. White ~ only. Sizes S, M, L and Oversize. Price, each- $1.95 CHILDREN'S 7t SIRTS A new stock of fine eombed cotton T-Shirts with long sleeves . .. .. .. < .I Mostly permanent press - no ironig ever. Plain shades, stripes and ~ dainty designs. Price, Baby Sizes 1 to 3 - $1-00 to $1.95 Sizes 2 to 3x yrs. - $1.98 to $2.35 Sizes 4 to 6x yrs. - $1.98 to $2.25 BABY DRESSES New styles ini Baby Dresses in cotton, nylon, fortrel and Cotton. Ail daintlly trimmed. Pink, bine, yeilow, green and white. Sizes 6 to 24 months. Prilced from $3.00 to $4.98