(Auhoizdas SeconýdClsma, Post Office, Department, Published every Tliursday at the- offie of publicatioe Main Street, Pnone 109, Orono, Ontario Egta;olished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Freedoim iof tIn-di9vid ua1and The astute capacity of former Chief Justice J. C. MeRuer to pinpoint shortcomings and inconsistencies in oqur social system has become well known in Ontario.,Bis one-man commission report on civil xights was an indiet- ment against governiment departments permitted to inter- fere with citizen rights in their :exercise of power. Since then his opinions have been sought on many matters in which governnient seems to intrude on the rights of the people. At the Ontario Municipal Association convention in Windsor Mr. McRuer had more to say about the dispensa- tion of justice and the role played by citizens a&Id the news- media. Some of the points he made were: 1That the right to free assembly has developed into the right to demonstrate and this has evolved into a dlaim to the right to destroy. But this negates the whole principle of freedom under law. While social injustices (sometimes, aided by bad legislation) cati bring on violence, the justi- fiable ýend does not justify violent and unlawful means. That Ontario expropriation'laws frequently infringe on basic humati rights. A person whose property is re- moved from hlm should have the right to a hearing before a legislative body or a court. But it is frequently denied. That, in the exercise of municipal licensing hy-laws, local government bodies are - not required ether to show reason or to give fair notice. They are powers utto them- selves-able to deprive a man of lis livelihood at will. At the very least, licensing bodies should be made to, provide written reasons for their decisions and the person whose licence is to be revoked or not gratted be given an adequate hearmng. That we strive for more consîstency in what we ad- vertise and what we legisiate against. (Mr. MeRuer offers the example of the teenager who is encouraged to think that alcohol is a part of every social gathering, the perhaps gets Mace shot fti his eyes when he reacts typically.) That, in blind and non.-specific attackýs on the police, the news media is, doing its bit to contribute to, the in- creasingly Ilow lesteem in which the police in Nýorth Arn- erica are held. Yet, i th is regard the prdss is in a quand- 'ary. It wants to support the police - and does, in general -but facis impelled, when citîzens rights are vîolated, to make criticism it thinks is wrranted. Mr. McRuer suggests that when carried to extremnes such attacks on the police can injure the-cause of juýstice by adding to the difficulties, of recruitihng suitable police- officers. Mr. McRuer traces t times the narrow but definite distiniction between the rigihts of society and the freedami of the individual. Because of this his opinions are of great value today and deserve carýeful] attention. -Thé Oshawa Tuimes, No Developemfdnt The Township of Clarke Coun- cil has received word fromn the Minister of Highways,, G. 'E. Go)mme, that the Departmnent af- ter a review of the Township's Road Needs Study will in 1969 provide a consîderable iiicrease for road purposes in the Town- ship of Clarke. The communica- tion was not specifie hn what form this would take whether it be an increase hn the percen- tage- granit or in alwga great- Er road budget for thie corpora- Road For Clarke tion. The saine communication stated that the Department wouÜld flot consider-the fifth line of Clarke Township as a Devel- opment, Road This has, been sought by the ToWnsh ip for the past, year but the Departmet took no action until it had re- viewed the Needs Study. The Department feit that fur- ther general assistance was more in line and would offset the need of the fifth lime being a Develop- ment Road. Council passed a by-laxv rescin- ding1 a by-law which established the Orono Armnories as a Com- rnunity Centre. The action was taken on the requeSt of the dr- ono Police Trustees. Council also passed a by-law, on behaif of the Oroto Police Trustees, setting the terra of of- fice for the Trustees after Jan- uary lst 1969 as a two-year term. A letter wvas received from the Ontario Municipal. Board in which the Board intormed Coun- cil that1 they had dismissed an appeal by the Clarke Township Planning Board against a deci- sion of the Clarke Committee of Adjustment re an application by Stewart' Adair Collins for consent to convey part of lot 30 in concession 3. The approval of the Committee of Adj ustment for the conveyance was upheld by the Board. Thirteen minor amendments to the zoning by-law, No. 1592, were formed into an amending by-law. A road closing by-law was al- s0 giv en two readings. The by- law seeks the closing of' portions of ýroad allowances at the 'follow- ing locations: lot 4 and 5, fifth concession; lots 6 and 7, broken front; lots 10 and 11, broken front lots 21 and 22, broken front; lots 32 and 33, first concession; lots 6 and 7, second concession; lots 34 and 35, second concession and lots 34 and 35, first concession. Geineral accounts were passed in the amount of $7525.81; Wel- fare accounts for $74464; Road accounts $55,766.02 and the Or- ono Police Trustees $4548 90. A letter was received from Sunnydene Estates 'Limited in conniection with a proposed sub- division Iorth-east of the Orono Cemetery. The letter dealt wth à proposed entrance and -also deal- ings with the Water Resources Commission oný the supply of wa- ter te this arca. Rqunlng Shoes END 0F LINE Buy Now For School 25% OFF Reg. Sale BAYER ASP IRIN ........ 95e 59c GILLETTE BLADES ...... 75e 49c ANACIN. ..............$,3 8e BUFFERIN .............$1.69 CLEARASIL ............$11 VICKS VAPO RUB .. ...62C SLJCARYL LIQUID....... $103 PEPSODENT Tooth Paste $.07 V.O. 5 HAIR SIPRAY. .. . .$2.98 RESDAN ................$1.59 HALO SHAMPOO, Special 99e $1.19 88e 92e $2.19 95C 67e Arrid Extra DRY SPRAY $1-50 $1.29 Old Spice *.STICK OR SPRAY ..... $1.25 88e Citation AFTER SHAVE. $1.75 $1.29 Atrixo HAND CREAM .. 9c 62e BAND AIDS 60s ..... 98e 59e Lavoris MOUTII WASH.. $1.49, 88C FILM For Fail SAVE 15% Stit urnme for Radio Draw, Sept. 7th STUTT'SPHARM'hACY Orono, Ontarîo While they Last Regular $2.98 $2000 DRESSES SKIRTS JUMPERS CAR COATS, Genuine Suede, and Leather Coats with zip-in and out Borg Lining MEN'S-New Koratron Pants, Shirts Turtie Neck Jersey Sweaters in the latest styles Sport Jackets and Fail Jackets Suits and AI-weather Coats Toms &Sons Newcastle -The f ashion Store for the Entire Farily- Ontario FALFASHIONS ARRIVE 'DAILY ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5ý th, 1968 rfz ;-iztf -77