Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1968, p. 1

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O% mo- wm-.-Um ,ill01 rnFair, Mr t. eekly VOLUME 31, NUMBER 34 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUIISDA'Y. SEPTEMBER 5th, 1968 357 Attend Opening (lasses At Clorke' The Clarke High Sehool opened this year with an increase in stu- dents oni opening day.with a total of 357 eompared to 343 on open- ing day in 1967. Also the sehool has seven new teachers on the staff' and an addit onal partable classroom. ý The teaching staff at, the ,chool. now numbers twenty-two und portable classrooms number three having an increase of one ,over the past three years. Thosei joiîng the stpff, this year are: Miss Evelyn Holst, teaching Englist (Comm. Typ. & Math.); Miss, Shirley Antm Marsh, English and French; Mrs. Cath- erne Smith, Mathematies; Mr. flrian Smyth, Science; Miss Kath- leen Watson, Library, Geography, and Economies; Mr. David Wil- son, Latin, French, History; and Mrs. April Wunderlich, English. The following teachers remain on the'staff from last year: Mr. John Amesbury, History; Miss Joan Bennett, English; Mr. Rob- in Bromley, Geography; Mr. Alex Callan, Gudahce and History; Mr. Lars Carlson, Phys. Ed.; Mrs. Rita Carlson, French; Mrs. Elaine Devolin, H-jome) Economics; Mr. Paul McMackin, Matheinat cs; Mir. S. B. Rutherford, Biology and ,Comm. Maths; Mr. John Sylves- îervicli, Physics and Chemistry; Mr. Robert Taylor, Commercial;. Mrs. Lillian Watson, Commercial; Mr. 'Roti Wells, Industrial Arts; Miss Judy Williamns, Phys. Ed.; and Mr. E G. Witherspoon, Prin- cipal, Georaphyý and Penman- ship. 273 Attending Kîlrby School The new Kirby Centennial Pub- lic Sehool opened its doors on Tuesday with a total ýenrolment of 273. The school is opcrating nine classes with one class bcing ant opportunity class. Mr. I. Golder is the new principal of the school. The teaching staff at the sehool includes Mrs. MeMullen, Mms. W. Wanean, Mrs H.L Low- emy, Mrs. R. Elliott, Mms. Tbomp- kins, Mm. Muldmew, Mr. Thomp- kins, Mr. Golder and Mrs. Simp- son. Mr. J. Ti -ghe is' the relief teacher for the piincipal. _'his is the first that the Kirby sehl b as been, opened and it replaces a number of one-room schaols formemly at Kimby, Enter- prise, and Clar-ke Union as - well as the tw.o-moom school at Les- kard. Also some students attend- ing -the school are bussed from the Newtonville and Browns aiea to Krby. Massey Family Retains Estate PaUierwood, Ithe coun*ýy *tý ate of the late Vincent Massey, former Governor-General of Can- ada, is to be kept la the Massey family for the turne being. Dean Carew. chaimman of the Port Hope Chamber of Com- merce told a meeting of >the ex- ecutive ecently, that Hart Mas- sey, Mr. Massey's son, had in- dicated ta the Chamber, that Bat- terwood would not be sold at tbc present turne. R. Barrett, chaimman of tbe In- &ilêmal Commission and rn4'm ber of executive had been me- qucsted by thel ciramber some time ago, to look into thbc paossi- bility 'of pucbasing the estate at Canton, witb the view to it bc- coming a memnoial park la me- membrance of Vincent Massey. Mm. Bamett said that. it was C'a vague idea on our part" "We feit it would be a shame for the estate, considering Vin- cent Massey was a woinderful man for Canada, falling into dis- intemested irand s," irhe said. 242 Entries In Orono .Horticulture Flower Show Thre ahinual Flowem and Veget- able Show of the Oono Horticul- titraI 'Society was, hcld i. the Churcb auditorium on August 15. About 242 entries made a very pleasingdisplay and were judged by Mm. and Mrs. C. Tink, wbo complimented the exhibitors on the good quality of the se exhib- its. Extra colour was' added by beautiful glads donateil by Mm. Woodstra and la particular ote basket containing new vaieties as yet unnamed. 0f special intemest was a re- mamkable display froin the fish and bunt club set up on the aud- itorium stage by Mrs. M. Keast Sr. With Mms. E. Brown at the piano our very brief meeting opened witb the singirg of O Canada and Mm. Challice thanked Honey Named Secretary To Min7ister Marchand Appointmetit of Russeli C. Hloney, 47, MP for Nothumber- land-Durbam, as parliamentamy secretary to Rural Developinent Minister Jean Marchand was an- Name Rejected A joint effort on the part of thre Port Hope and Cobourg Higbway 2 "Hemitage Highway" Chambers of Commerce, to a inme and to bave signs eected indicat- ing the places of interest, bas failed. The siga commit tee of the De- partinent of llighways, says it is strongly against the n.aming of the Hlighway because touists are îlot familiar with namnès ahiyway, nounced Friday. Prime Minister Trudeau, mak- ing tbc announcement, aise me- vealed the naines of 15 other Lib- emal 'MPs wba will assist cabinet ministers la tbc Commons and in administering their departinents. Pamiamentamy secretaries a re paid an additional $4,000 over and above their $18,000 yearly salaries as MPs. The post is con- sidemed a stepping stone towamds membemsip ia the cabinet" Mm. Trudeau said in bis state- ment be) plans to change tbe appointinents of parliamentamy seemetaries more oftcn than in the past. "This will give more members an opportunity of working wSith ministers in their parlianientary ole and of seeitg at fimst hand thre womking of different depart- ments." ail those who had in aty way con- tributcd to the evening and wel- comed' any guests. A special thanks went to those who don- ated the many fine prizes for ex- hibits and door prizes - Bourn- es Store, Roîpli Hardware, Stut's Drugs, the Orono . Times, Arm- stogI.G.A., Lunn's Hardware, Reid's Grocery of Kîrby, Cana- wood Flowers, Albert's Texaco Station, T. Eaton Co Ltd., (sul- ver trophy for most points in the show). Hank's Bake Shop, Mrs. J. C. Gamey, Mrs, H. Dean and the show chairman's special by Mrs. Challice. During the evening 6 door prizes were drawn and pleasant musical interludes offered by Mrs. Brown with Mr. A. Jakeman- and bis harmonica and several folk songs by Mr. Brian Meyers and bis guitar, Mr. Meyers is a third year student at Toronto University and has been with the Challices this summer as hc was employedc at the Orono Depart- (Continued from Page 6) Dareidevil Showu The crash of metal an Lte roar of autos andmoryce xwill churn-up the track in- front of the graundstaiid at the, Orono fairgrounids tonight, Thurs. The Oshawa Suicide Hell Drivers will be making their first appearance in Orono on this, the opening night, of the Durham Central Ag- rîcultural SocieýY Fair. This group will present a two hour show with activities getting un- derway at 8:00 p.m. The autos and motorcycles will pcrform sPilîs, ol-overs, èrashes and othcr stunts resulting in many thrills for the spectators. The evening is reported ,ta be packed . witb a liew type of enter- tainment, for Orono and district residents. Niue skulls and an assortinent of bancs were found in a sand pit, five miles east of Brighton recently. A- spokesman for Brighton OPP said they are believed ta be the remains of an ancient Indian tribe. The skull and bones were found at Barcovan Beach by Frank Newburg, who was emov- ing sar.d foGr a local company, when he uncovered the grave. He immediately called tire O1P and officers went to the scene and detemmined tbe bones weme "ýold". They were. carefully packed and sent to tbe Forer sic Sciegice, Toronto, for investiga- tion. A similar set of bones was found in the saine area four years ago. Archeologists determined at that time, they were the remains of an ancient tribe. It was be- lieved there was a eservation in the area, and that an epidemic bad swept through the kibe, kil- ling entire familles. Tbèey had al been bumîed ln the common grave, P. J. BigeAglowvvj Honored Byi Headmaster P. J. Bigelow, former principal of Port Hope Higb School for 14 years, befome retiring two years ago. bas been, bonomed witb a 1f e mmesi at the annual, Headmasters Council. The award 'was macle at the conference held ecently in Nia- gara Falls.> The life-membership gives Mr. 'Bigelow the right ta attend any conference held by the council during bis lifetime. Hie is only the sixth recipient in the province to 'attain this hono,-. The life-mcmbersbip was awamded on the basis of Mr. Big- elow's out.standing service. as a high sehool principal ia the cause of secondamy school cdu- cation in Ontario. -Statesman Uncover Grave £ A esSkuIIs Emerge On Tuesday evening' the man- this yearinl the amount of $4460 agement of'."Mm. Roast Beef" and a&cng with donntions froin the tbc "New Dutch Oveni" estaur- staffs of -the, two restaurants ini ant presented a cheque to, tbc the amount of $34.00. Mm. Wm.. Orono Amateur Athletie Associ- Stamîbergen is shown above mak- ation la the amount of $78.60.. This amount was maiised by cust- ing the presentation to Mr. S. omers attending!' the officiai op- Mather, president of tire Orono ening of "m Roast Beef" earlier Amateur Athleic Association. - I k The' big event of the week for this ý,rea týakes place in Orono commencing tonight, Thursday, and runiling through until Satur- day evening. It is nione other tlhan the Durham Central Agri- cultural Society Fair which is an annual event in Orýono and one that attracts tbousands ov visit- ors te the Village, Following tihe Oshawa Suicide Heul Drivers on Thursday nigbt the -fair swings into action, again Friday with, a school parade at 1:30 p.m. along with floats and noon program includes an ama- teur show, a net show, along with exhibits of bolstein cattie, sheep, rabbits and ahl the inside exhibits of art, nieedlecraft, baking, fruit, vegetables, floDwers and grain. Fmiday evening brings quarter horse racing, fat _caif, and cake auctions along ýwith a var*ety show. Saturday activities cojmmence again at. 1:00 p.m. wjtITh a parade to the fair, grounds 'whe--re .a great horse show and harmness Vlacing wil feature the day. This' will hae augmentied by the fine showing ûf cattie of many breeds, sheep etc. along witb the inside exhib- its. The ýfair will be concluded Sat- urday evening with a fair dance in the faim gmound building with music by, Dodworth's Orchestra of Oshawa. Orono Enrolment Drops To 226 On openk.g day at the Orono Public School a total' of 226 stud- ents megistered ln the variolla classes. This number is down by 23 froin that of last year due t» the opening of the new school ini Kirby. The Orono Sebool has this year, two new teachers on the, staff being Mrs Barbara Cowan teach- ing grade one and Mr. 'John With- eridge teïaching grade seven. Mrs. Jeanne Staples teaches grade two; Mrs. Bertha Touch- humn grade three; Mrs. Ethel Carleton grade four; Mrs. F. Lunn grade five; Mrs. I. Brown grade six and Mr. D. Moffat, the principal, grade eight. Mr. John Tigbe is' the relief . teacher for the principal.

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