Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Aug 1968, p. 1

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Crtical 0f Ratepay>ers Association 0f Clarke Wi nners at Orono Flower 'Show The following is a letter sent to the Honourabie W. D'Arcy McKeough Minister of Munici- pal Affairs by Becas Deveiop- inents Limited. and signed by president, Mr. Peter Caspari. Dear Mr. McKeough: We are beneficiai owners of 79.12ace of land and mortga- gOof additional, acreage lu the ovnipof Carke in which n RIaepayers Asociation lias re- centIy been forrned.' We under- tadthat representatives of this Association have receùýtiy met with you. ta briÉg to your notice certain grievances which' no doubt in due course will be con- sidered by the, Ontario Municipal Board. We recentiy appiied for mem- bership ini the Ratepayers Asso- ciation and were informed that under Part 1-A of its constitu- tion none but residents of the Township of Carke are eligible for membership. The Association therefore is not a 'Ratepayers' As Association but a 'Residents" As- sociation and its representing it- self as a Ratepayers Association- is a misnomer at best and at worst could be construed as an attempt to mislead your Department iln- to assuming that the Association represents the interests of al ratepayers in the Township. ,We bring these circumstances to your notice so that we may be ;iven an opportunity to be heard When the Ratepayers' submaission is being considered by your De- partment. Your very truiy, BËecas Deveiopments Liited Peter Caspari, President. Or ono VOLUME 31, NUMBER 33 Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1968 Neil Aluin Granted W. Frank Scholarship ln announcing the recipiehts of the varlous agricuturai scbo- iarships, for farmer young people in Durham County, A. 0. Dat- rymple, Agricultural Represen- tative, stated that there had. been a number of applications for each schoiarship and that the se- lection committees only regrets were 'that there were not more _seioiarships avalable. Since 1958 an annual $100.00 award has been presented in mernory of E. A. Summers. Agri- cultural Representative in Dur- ham Couity for a number of years This is given to a student attend- ing a College ln advanced agri- culture and the winner this year is Ted Skinner of Tyrone. The _Oshawa àand District Reai Estate Board is agaîn awarding a $200.00 scholarship to a woýrthy student entering a dipioma or de- grée course at any recognized Canadiah Agricuturai ýSchooi: Celiege or Veterinary Coilege., In additioý,l a perpetuai trophy is awarded'each year to the wînner to be retained for one year. The winner for 1968 is Terry Malcolm ot Janetviiie. Mr. Water Frank of W. Frank iReal Estate Limited, Bowman- ville,' provides a $300.00 scholar- ship to an outstanding boy from IDurham *County who is enrolled in a degree course in agricuture or wiii be' enroliing lu sucli a course at, any Canadian Uhiver- sity. The winner of this award for 1968 is Mr. Neili Alun, Orono Additional scholarships and bursaries are available as, the Xenmptville Agrieultural Sehool in the McLean Foundation Scho- larship awards. Selection of the awards wbuid lhormally_ have heen made at this 'Urne but due to the mail strike, applications have been wayiaid for the time being. Leaving Orono For Sioux Lo-okout Mr. Bert Haas, Management Forester for Durham Couaty -for the past six years lenvçs thîs Friday, for bis new post lu Sioux LookOut. Mr. Hans worked out of the office at the Oroilo Tree Nursery deaiing with reforestîng and assisting with private wood lots and management. Prior to comiug to Durham Couuty Mr. Hlans worked out of the Lindsay office. In Soux4 LookOut Mr. Huans wiii bc associated with Crown' Land, Management. A fareweli party for Mr. and Mrs. Hans was held last Satur- day evening at the Orono Tree Nursery wben local friends ýof the couple gathered and present- ed them with gîfts. 21 Colts Entered In Fair Stake Race Mr. George Carson informs us that the entry iist for colts- in the Durham Central Stake race to be heid lu Orono at the Fair on Saturday, September 7eh now totals twenty-one. The horses are from an area reaching to Arn- prior, and Elmîra. Mr. Carson niso point s out that the iist is a fine group of youïig herses and should provide some reai entertainment on the local oval. On Tuesday evening Mr. Carson received word from the Canadian Trottibg Association that the As- sociation would have a camera crew at the fair to take movie film of the feature. This wil possibly be used on Television, he felt. (om'petition, Open In Domes- tic Science At Orono Fuir The committee lu charge- of the domestic science division of the Orono Fair have addxd some iiew and interesting classçs., The fair is now promoted to a "Class B" fair and the comnittee is sure that the ladies wiil support this ciass as in the past There is a choice of 40 entries besides an additional fourteen specials with some paying $5.00 tç $10.00 for first prize. There is aise another two steak 'dinners ,end for the exhibitor with the most etries two full-course diii- mers at the New Duteli Oven Res- taurant and a second prize of $5.00 cash. There is an amateur class and also n class for young aduits, 20 years of age and under. Phone in for your prize list ahd become interested in your Durham Cen- tral Fair. ATTENTION-For ;the choco-, late and orange cakes 'soid by auction on Friday night at the fair a sum of $1.00 wiii be paid for each entry not awarded a prize. The cooking must be lu charge of the committee by 12:00 o'clock Inoon, September 5th. 3 Nights Remain At Pine Ridge Festival The Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts lias three more niglits to run and your last chance to at- tend some of the finest entertain- ment to bc heid in this area. The remaining niglits are to- night, Thursday, Friday and Sat- Urday, with ail plays being shown durfing this Iýast three day period. To-niglit, Thursday, 'Biiiy Bud', will be on tap. Friday evening, "The Admirabe Cricliton" wiil be staged and on Saturday "A Man for ail Seasons". "The Admirable Cricliton" lias been the largest drawibg card of the three plays and on Tuesday night of this week piayed to a near full house, the iargest since the first niglit opening ceremon- ies. The productions throughout the entire month have been de- clared top-notch. For those who have missed the plays your last chance is now to the end of this week. Orono Tykes 1 Up The Orono Tyke Basebali, club on Monday- evening took a de- cisive 25-8 win over Newcastle in the first playoff game in which Orono, Newcastle, Kendal and Welcome are viewing, for ýthe top hohours. The Orono club were up for the game and were always, on the bail. Mark Mercer pitched a fine game for the local- club and sup- ported, by three bits from Barry West, one a double, three by G. Cox, one a triple, and two bits each from Mark Mercer, Nicky Van Segglen, Jim Moffat abd Tom Moffat 'and a single by Charh.es Butler the game swung in favour of the Orono boys. Gary Cox made a couple of sharp' pick-ups placing third and also a good running catch on a liue drive heading for the hole. Street Fair Prizes Leave Orono The two lucky drav.s held in conjunction with theý Orono Street Fair were both won by persons outside of Orono. The Street Fair sponsord by the Or- ono, Amateur Athle&c Assocîaý- ion was heid on August 2lst with a large crowd in attendance. The Mini Honda bike was won by Mrs. George Jones of Bow- manvifle. The tent trailer was won by Mr. Hobbis of Bridge- north. 1 It is reported that the Athletic Association has cleared a sum of around $1,000.0. O0f this a- mount $100.00 was realized from the draw and the remainder from the varlýous games of skil, and chance as well as the bîngo booth. Four kiddîes rides prqvided plen-ty of activity for the chiid- ren who were ih attendance. The Association was weii pleased with the turn out at the annual event. Mrs. Donald Evans and Mr. C. W. Biilings are show above hav- ing been two strong contenders in the recent Orono Horticuitural in the United Churcli basement. Fiower show held on August 14 Mrs. Evans won the top prize for pianters whiie Mr. Biliings gain- ed the most points in the show. Seek Two-Year Term For Police Trustee The Orono Police Trustees at their meeting on Monday night passed a resolution asking, the Township of Carke toe.pass the necessary by-law to establish the term of office for the Trustees to a two year term. The resolu- tion asked that the terra of office correspond with that of the new- iy elected County Schooi Board. The re solution was passed unan- imously and wil now be present- ed ta the Township Counrcil. 0MB sksForClrfcto On Finauncilng Road Projeet A copy of a letter from the Ontario Municipal Board was re- viewed by the Orono Police Trus-, tees on Monday eveniug. - The let- ter asked, for clarification of the project and in part was as fol- lows: "Mr. Woodyard said that 11o increase in taxation would exist to the ratepayers of the Police Vilage as a resuit of the construc- tion and the issuing of deben- tures of the Towhship to pay the Township's portion of the cost. A review of the notice publish- cd of the by-law of the Township indicates, quite cienrly that it was anticipated that there wo'uld be 11.268 milis imposed on the ratepayers of the Police .Village for five years to meet the cost. Wouid you please advise the Board under what authority it is now proposed to transfer the cost from the ratepayers of the Village and to whom it is to be tranisferreýd." The letter did not hearten the members of the Police Trustees who 110w sec a further hold-up in their plan for storm sewering, paving' and guttering a number of the Village Streets. Mr. E. R. Lovekin senrt an ln- terim letter to the Board but further work will have. to be donce by the Trustees to clear up this point. Approval has been received by the Orono Police Trustees in the consent from the Minister of Ag- riculture and Foods' to. change over the Orono Municipal Build- ing use to one for hydro offices and garage. The Trustees have bad a meet- ing arranged wîth the 0MB whîch was held yesterday ini Toronto. Fine Summer Flower Show By Junior Gardeners A fine show of summer fiow- ers and vegetables greeted the visitors at the Junior Gardeners annuai show heid in the Orono United Churcli on August 22nd. Mrs. T. Fairbrother welcomed the visitors and praised the gar- Jeners -on the fine entries. 0f particular interests was a com- petition for mother and daughter making a flower arrangement with fiowers and materiais brouglit from home. Those watching found it fascinating to see the displays being made. The wvinners were: Mrs. 0. Chailice and Donna Challice; 2nd Mrs. E. Schmid and Laurie; 3rd Mrs. D. Evans and Dale. The following is the list of prize winners: Three Asters-Jrs., Cathy Mil- son, Marion Devos, Karen Atkins Seniors, Diane Barnett, Carol Barnett, Dale Evans. Three Zinnas-Jrs. Cathy Mill- son, Jarnie Quinton, Marion De- vos. Seniors, Dale Evans, Carol Barnett, Donna Chalice. Three Marigold Jr. Cathy Millsoh, Marlon Devos, Ricky De- vos; Senior, Carol Barnett, Dale Evans, Dianne Baranett. Three fiowers grown by Junior Garden(r-Jr'., Jamieý Quinton, Stephen Barnett, Cathy Mlison;, Senior, Laurie Schmid, Dale Evans, Donna Chailice. Vase of mixed fiowers- Jrs., Cathy Milison, Elaine Vagg, Mar- ion Devos; Seniors, Laurie Scbmid Dale Evans, Carol Barnett. Gladiolus- Jrs., Cathy Milîson Stephen Barnett, Karen Atkins; Seniors, Diane Barnett, Donna Chailice, Dale Evans. Three Carrots-Jrs. Jamie Quin- ton, Janet Schoenmaker, Elaine Vagg: Seniors, Yvonne Schoet- maker, Donna Chalice, Dale Ev- ans. Three beets-Jrs., Cathy Mili- son, Karen Atkins, Stephen Bar- nett; Seniors, Carol Barnett, Don- na Challice. Yvonne Schoenma- ker.' Three Tomnatoes-Jrs., Cathy Millsoh, Marlon Devos, Janet Schoenmaker; Seniors, Yvonne Schoenmaker,. Donna Challice, Dale Evans. Unusual container-Jrs. Kar- .(Continued on page 4) .Weeklyý

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