- ~ ~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST Ist, 1968 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Autole as Second Clase mail, PoSt Office Depaitment, Ottawa) Pubiished every T1ursday at the office of publicatier Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, OnEanïo Eât8,blisied in~ 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edttor anid Manager The Festival The Great Ridge Festival of the Arts makes its de- but this comng week when they open their festival of three plays at the Newcastle Towni Hall. Months of pre- parations, planning and rehearsing have been put into the productions which should have this festival as onie of the inost significant theatrical project of thearea and hope- fully of the entire province. It is the hope of the sponsors that the festival will become -an aniuai event and will further expand beyond summer theatre. Eventually it is the hope and desire to see this develop into a permanent theatrical schrmol for the talented young actors ahd actresses with scholarships available. >The project has not lacked enthusiasm both in the local area and from neighbouring centres. Durhamn College as well as the uhiversities of Queen's and Trent have shown considerable interest. The provincial department of education and jother public and private sectors have assis- ted in one way or another to launch the festival on its course. Financing, is of course, always a problem and this is the case with the festival at this point. Donations, ai- though quiet liberal are not in themselves enough.' The generai public through their attendance xviii, to a great degree determine the success and the future of the fes- tival. In this everyone cah play their part sometime during the three and a haif weeks the three plays are presented. The co-directors, Miss Joan Bennett and Mr. Roy Higgins along with a host of other active workers are certainly to be congraitulated and ýextolled in their efforts anid contributions to this date. It couid be the opening of a new era foryouth theatre on this continent. From aIl reports the eçay s are now ready, along with the actors and stage crews, ticket sellers and ushers. TIiere is every confidence that the plays will be presented in a professional manner and in this we have ittle doubt judg- ing fromn past performances. Many from this Village and area are taking part in these three plays and this in itself will increase interest for local theatre goers. The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts deserves your whole-heatred support not ohiîy on its initiative but also for the promising future it may hold for this area. Oro, noRce n re Tic following is the race en- tries for August 2nd at Orono. Race 1 Peggy Afin Dillon, Hie; Pepper Ogden, Sheldon; Meadowview Ben, Roughley;" Rusty Mac Her- bert, A. Downs;' Reid's Royal, J. Williams; Lorraine I-Iai,- Raim; Ladst railer, Hicks; Horiors Doli, Durham. Race 2, Bonnie Dligit,, G. Robinson; WIfade's Rocky, W. Wiàde; Frisky Grattan, Hope; Superior Pat, Hie Bob Bea Abigail, McGill; Old To- niorrow, Givins; Hometsead Pat, Robinson; Blue D'Ennes, Brooks. Race 3 Erin Spencer, Norris; Guy's Pride, ilolden; Sunday Mea Grat- tan, Samobs; Kawartia Candy, Sheldon; King of Diamonds, TBA Ed's Son, Beachînan; Vaî's Pride C., Win. Reid. RVace 4- Magaetla, R. Brýown, Brace- let,. BA Jaco Chief, Jacobs; Single Saratî, lasieïi; Master Daviï, 2McNu1tt; inrnmy Whistler, Thackeray; ]il Buck, St. John, Race 5- Almost, McNutt; Jimmy G. Un- ko, Hope; Lucy Atom, Donaldson High Triple, W. Brown; Royal Duke, Samons; Dream Gai, M. Brooks; Gene Town, Drew. Race 6- VîInce Adios, Brock; Moily Haw Lea, R. Br'own; Dusty Gailic, R. Johnson; Beau Blazes,, Given; Marjoram, Shea; Meadowview Bird, McQuaid; Parkyiew Ann, R. Glover. %ace 7- Moorelatd's Alice, Cochrane; Bruce Jaydee, Dolden, Sycamore Jean, Williams, Titan Song C, Thackeray; Doc Flemington, TBA Rodwyn Todd, Sheildon. Rlace 8- Liz Song, Williams, Cabonga Millie, Cochrane; Skeeter Song, Hicks; Char Denn Craig, Hie; Bachelor Estate, Robinso~n; Lilo Bars, Hope; Rickey Superior Hal Gordon; Rusty Bill, ahm. Race 9- Swagger, Laroci; Jacqueline Hl, Powell; Jerry Hat, Rough- ley; Pleasant Way, James; Jagia, McQuaid; Barbara A Pride, Rob- ihson; Mooreand's Dusty, Moore. kendal News Mr. Arthur Thompson and Mr. an-d Mrs. G. Cathcart attended a birthday party to honour Mrs. Susannah Caldwell. It was held at the home of Mr. anid Mrs. Ev- ertoni White, Bowmanvllle. It was attended by some thirty guests JACK R"w"ICAR D RE ALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Duying or Selling eaU WILF HAWKE YOUE ORONO AIEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 &embers of I)shawa and DI&. triet Real Estate Board from Bowmaniviile, Enniskillen and Orono. She is auint Susie to cadi and ail. We have had a mohth of dry weather but it looks as if the rain will arrive today, the last day of July. Tic pastures an 'd gardens are in had need of rain. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carscadden left about ten days ago for Van- ouver. Otiers who have gote on a short vacation are Mr. and Mrs, David Skerratt and Mr. and Mrs. R. Youngman. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green- wood motored to Flint, Michigan, to see their son, Grant, graduate with his degree. On Wednesday afternoon, Au- gust 7th tic Uniited Churcli Wo- men xiii meet *at the home of' Mrs. Thos. Stevens. The Orea Pins. ge of FüS valrts NEWCASTLE 'HALL 8.15 p. m. BILLY BUDD AUGUST 8, 13, 16, 21, 24, 29 The ADMIRABLE CRIC HTON AUGUST 9, 14, 22, 27, 30 AUGUST 10, 15, 20, 23, 28, 31 1 P.M.- 5 P.M. Tues., Wed, Thurse $2000 Fr1. and $2.25 FOR RESERVATIONS Phone 987-40'50eor wrteP..ÎBo 2S66 Newaste, ntrjo1 Matt's BaIrber Shep-Coiifectionery Phoüe Orono 983-5310 GILLARD DRY CLEANING AGENT GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS TIMEX WATCIIES POLAROID SUN GLASSES ME DICO PIPES WITII FILTER PIPE TOBACCO - CIGARETTES CIGARS - ICE CREAM - CANDIES SOFT DRINKS