Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1968, p. 1

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OJronoau. & muai DitrctSb-ivsin Mr. A. Low, secretary of the Clarke Planning Board, presented to the Orono Police Trustee Board on Monday night, plans for two subdivisions, one within the Vil- lage and the other on the out- -skirts of the Village, north of the Orono Cemetery. The proposed sub-division by Mr. J. Ochonski in Orono lias fourteen building lots and Îs west off Main Street north. It would have entrance by a road running, a short distanýce east and west in the area of Milîson 1Hl1 Drive. The fourteen lots would be on either side of a north-south road back of the present homes of Messrs. B. Haas north to' Beauchamps. This area could be further developed Orono VOLUME 31, NUMïBE'R 28 south behind the Touchburn, Sim- pson, Sutcliffe and Walker prop- erty. Mr. Low in presenting the two plans to the Trustees said that the Planning Board was interested in the' Trustees' views on boththese plans. H1e said the Board was in- terested in the supply of munici- pal water as weli as conditions which the Trustees may wish, to have placed upon' the sub-divis- ions. Mr. Woodyard stated that there were eonditions sucli as the devel- oper must put in at lis own eig- Pense 'undqrground hydro, also water sto'rm sewers, curbs and the paving of the streets. The Trustees and Orono Hydro -are to ToRemain As Now Exisis Bavr The Orono Police Trustees held their regular meigon Monday evenïng as '>elas nmeeting witli the Township Council of Clarke to discuss the V7illage-Township agreement. Tlie Police Trustees at their' meeting passed a resouini wliidl it was resolved that they were in full agreement to contin- ue on with the Village-T*ownship agreement as it n.ow exists and that no change would be made. ýIt was stated at the meeting that the Township couincil was agree- able to this course. Theý Police Trustees are to ob- tain appraisals on the fire hall fromi two appraisers. This action resulted from a letter from the Clarke Library Board in which the Board liad stated tliat tliey would lie interested in the purcliase of the fire hall. A, letter froin. the Great Pine Ridge Festival of the 1rts asking for financial assistance, was filed until sucli time as the Trustees can receive information on the tion. Mr. Woodyard said you don't kniow where to draw the une in sucli cases. Mr. Simpson felt it was a worthy cause and of an educa- tional nature. 11 A letter from Mr. and Mrs. L. Boyd was, filed. Accounts in the amount of $4,243.78 were autliorized for pay- nment. Mr. Simpson stated that the to- tai cost of .the renovations at tlie Orono Municipal Building to house the Orono llHydro offices and the hydro trucks and equip- ment would be uçder the $10,000 figure, lie feit. Authorization was given by the Tru.stees to replace tlie present steps at tlie front as well as including a further door, at the east side and air condition- ing in the tmQ, offices in the front of- the building. Mr. Nicholson stated that he was flot satîsfied with the work that had been done to fi in the old fire water tanks. H1e recom- mended that Mr.,L. Taylor be con- tacted to complete this work and that ail tops be smashed in so that old tanks could be completely filled. Mr. Woodyard informied the meeting that he had met with the Department in Oshawa in connec- tion with the Senior Citizen pro- jeet. H1e also informed the Board that ýCurvpiy would appreciate a meeting with the Police Trustees to discuss the use of the dump. H1e said that they sliould also meet j'ointly with Curvply and the De- partment of Health to discuss this matter., Bowma'nville To, Request Study B'owmonville Town Council lias agreed to ask the department of municipal affairs for a regional government study. The resolution is similar te that passed by Oshawa, council, said town clerk Robert Byron. "The financing of the study would be determined when it was known who was participating. If just Oshawa and the town endorse the idea, there is tio way we will go on with it." City council's resolution also furnish the Planninp, Board with their conditions for such develop- ments. .The plan for the sub-divîsion nortli of the Cemetery showed a total of ninety-one lots. The area runs north from the Cemetery to, the CoUnty road. Mr. Low stated that' fourteen lots had already been ruled out of the plan due to the low elevation of the lan d. Mr. Low also said'it rnay take five or six years to build up this entire area and that the Planning Board would set' the §peed at which the development would commence. H1e said consideratiou woulcj have to lie given te school accommoda- tion and otherf fctors within the Township. "~We cannot afford the, FUR u a seuls Rev. Charles Catto is leaving the 1ampton-Zion-Eidad charge this month to becomne full time executive-director of Operation Beaver. The Beaver programi organizes cam'ps of volunteers to wvork for six w-eeks with liost communities on a variety of projetcs. The people involved in écdl camp are roughly ýone-third Indian Can- lidian, one-third non Indian and Sone-third from overseas. Last week Beavers were, sent out to this summner's tliree pro- jects. One party lhas gone to a Metis, community at Wabasca, 230 miles north of Edmonton, where the project is the construction and improvement of liousing, an- other camp will work beside their Ojibway liosts on a park develop- mient scliême at Cuve Lake. The third camp directed by Sam Sandy ani Indian vountepr, will help to' build a churcli that will double as a community centre at Mt. Tabor, B.C., ýa suburli of Prince George. Mr. Catto's first charge was in God's Lake, Manitoba, and lie spent five years in Zambia before coming to Oshawa Presbytery. One of the innovators of Opera- tioti Beaver, lie lias worked on a volunteer basis since it began in 1964. makes the request for a study suli- ject to approval in principle by a substantial majority of the muni- cipaliti.s which took part in the recent conference, and says that the cost is to be liegotiated before, the study is carried out. R e p re sentig Orono In Basebali Shiown above is the Orono Tyke Basebaîl ciub(back row -1 to r);, Ron Talsma, Blake van den HJiu- vel, Gary Cox, Blake vani den Hieu ry West, Nicky van Segglen, Mark (bottom row) Mercer, Chiarles Butier, Kenny Michael Hlutton, Doug Kramer, CnatamJim uinon, om of-Scott West, John West, Ron!nii Coalia, im.Quito, Tm Mf-Taîsmga, David Ilutton, Kcnnyi fat, Jirn Moffat end Raye West. Wright and Kenny Hutton. continuation_ of sprawl over the Township," lie said. The secretary of the Planning Board stated that tlie developer was endeavouring to have an en- trance into Orono but had yet to come t;o any agreemnent, to Mr. Low's knowiedge, with the Cýem- etery Board. The developer wolild like to purchýase a small corner of the cemetery in tlie soutli-east corner. It was pointed out that the developer has not been able to get an entrance onto the County' Rd. No. 1. The Orono Police Trustees are to try and get a commitment from the Water Resýources Commission as to wliat extentOrono could go in sUpplying water to these two are as. ,Mr. Low also said that the Plan- ning -Board liad turned, down aý request ýthat the Township accýept as Park land one liutdred feet on either side of the stream. H1e said if this was- to býe developed, as Park land it cojuid .lbea burden to the township. Another arrange- ment would have to be settled in. connection wvith pýark lands, he said. Some of 'the' fourteen 'lots turn- ed down were facing on the, Coun-ý ty Road No. 1. It was also poInted out that no building could býe er- ected withiù ctie liundred feet of. the stream.i:, 14r. Low said' the Planning Board was; endeavouring to com- Pile ail information and were seýek- ing the assistance of ail groups i the Municipality. "We must know wliat each other is doing," lie said. Orono Horses Win On Home Truck Orono horses and Orono drivers picked up three wins at the Orono track last Friday when 755 were in attendance with a handie of $15,310. Jack Williams took the first race driving Joe Guest's liorse, Liz Song. This was the first start for Liz Sohg. Jack also finîshed fifth, with lis own liorse Sycamore Jean. Dýoc Flemington, owned by Mrs. The foliowing report was pres- ented to, the July meeting of the Clarke Township Scliool Board by Board member Mr. J. Stutt, and was accepted by the Board. Thie report resulted following a spec- ialmeeting lield between Mr. F. Reed, architeict for the local schlools, and the Board. The meet- ing- was lield in connection witli statements made at a June meet- ing' and publislied in the Orono Times. The report is as follows: "Subsequent to, and ensuing rom, remarks made and prinited at Our June meeting-, a certain a- mount of concern lias been ex- pressed. The comments of the meeting expressed My ow~I feel- ings and possibly my impatience to sec botli Kirby and Kendal sdhools fuliy finîslied so that educational instruction would be expedited without the distraction of con- structioti. The sta tements'in no way were intended as a refiýection on the Architect, lis confers, nor anyone involved in the construction pro- gramme, but rather resulted from a lack of informaion. Recently Mr. F. G. Reed, Ardui-_ tect, met with the Board concern- ing the "bad Press" and the build- ing programme in general. During the evening long session many questions -were presented by the Board and- a verysatisfactory ex- pianation was given by Mr. Reed and accepted by al Board Mcm- bers, Mutuial respect and harmony, 1 Oronao Post, OfiÉce RminiS open Although there is a nation-wide postal strike, the Orono Post Of- fice remains open as does other Post Offices in similar, circum- stances. Aithougli the Post Office is open business is very quiet as the local office handies only local mail within the Village and the rural routes. No mail is brought into Orono from other centres nor is any mail dispatched from Orono to other centres. Deliverie s have liowever, been made on the Oronio rural routes. It' is expected tliat this pro- cedure will continue throughout the postal strike. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott motor- ed to Waterloo on' Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eliiott and Johný. Ross' is 'an erpl.oyee ;of the Toronto Dominion Bank in Water- Come to, churclh on Sunday, the Iast service before Rey. T.ý Snel- grove leaves, on, bis hoiidays in NewfouidI lndà. E. Reid, won, the third ,race. Day- ey's Girl ýowned, liy Mr. L. Hooey ,won the fiftli race witli D. Rougli.. leyi finishing th.ird wi7"th- Jerry Hat and R. Brown of Newtotiville sixth with Molly Haw Lea. e. Brown also" took a third position with Margaret UTal. In the eighli race B. Wade of Newtonvîlle witl ilis own hiorse Wades Rocky finiShed first pay- ing $17.90; $6.70 and $3.90. Geraid Robinson fihished tliird with Bonnie Deliglit and fourth with lis >own horse Nancy Jo. Ili Peterboroughi on Saturday niglit GeraldRobinson drove to two wins witli Frisky Hlerbert and Barbara D. Pride and placed sec- ond with Poiniter Hl. Blackfoot Tommy, -owned by K. West- and M. Smithi finislied first in the op- ening race. It was driven by R. Lowery. would hope,- are now at their higli- est point and witli 'proper com- munications maintain-ed, even tîrougli the local press' to the public, a total sdliool system will evolve beneficial to al." Mr. Stutt asked that thc above report be incorporated verbatim into the minutes of this meeting and a copy of thc minutes be for- warded to Mr. Reed. Mr. Stutt al- sD requested the Secretary to for- ward copies of thc minutes to tlie Canadian Statesman and Orono Weekly Times witl the request that tley be publislcd as reccived. Jas. Stutt, secotided by L. Green- woôd, moved that this report lie adopted, carried. Des5troying Property At Fuir Grounds Vandaiism at thc Orono Fair Grounids is causing concern to the point wherc action is to be taken. Mr. George Carson, Fair Manager, reported a number of acts, which are becoming most aggravating. The glass in the photo-finish case lias béen broken alosig witli the cutting of a new finish-uine wire. The refreshinent bootli las been broken into on two accosions with lot water pipes being dam- aged along with other equipmcnt. Entry lias also been forced into the betting bootîs. WeekliIy ORONO, WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY', JUJLY 25th, 1968 HapoeMnse Vllage-Townskip Agreement KmtnMnse Tan minrntfian Local School Board Files Member Report Times

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