Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1968, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE l3th, 1968 Takeb from a sermon preacbed by Rev. Basil E. Long. Last week Senator Robert Ken- nedy died a victimi of our pres- cnt day sickness in socicty. A few weeks ago the world lost one o its greatest leaders and an expon- cnt of justice tbroug'b love as Dr. Martin Luther King became a victim of a sin sick society. Only a few years ago President John Kennedy,'was lost to a needy world as hie was dropped by an assassin's bullet. The werld on each occasion was loud in its cries of grief and sor- row, and at the samne time. contin- ucd in those tbings which contin- ued to push inankind into a lur- ther state of regression. Man proudly boasts that hie has corne of age, tbat lie has outgrowsi his need for God, that he can nox control bis iown destiny, that the wholc universe is bis and thal through bis supcrintelligence the d.oorway to ail the secrets of life wili be pushcd rudeiy openi. He seems to feel that lic, bas evolved out of bis naive state into ultra sophistication. Instcad of great evolutionary advances according to bis owr one-sided appraisai of bimself, bie is in a state of regress, and the tragedy of it is that hie is nol aware of the loss hie sustains as a result of bis blind vanity. Many centuries ago, a writer was stting down the accounts we know as the Genesis stories. 11e appears to have been writing during the time of the reign of King Solomon. This was a time wben Israel was going tbrough 'a period of social upheaval, wher cherisbed human rigbts withir the covenant were being vlolated. It was a tirne of great prosperity and prestige for Israel aîthougli King Solomon was expioiting bis covenant brothers in order to en- hance person-al and national stat- us. Hlarsb taxation and forced la- bour vere resented. Whîle some in Israzl were enjoying the ar- rival of sudden riches and royal favour, others lived in abjecti poverty and wbat amoulnted t« slavery under the king's orders. Solomon was the son of David and Batbsheba. This was possible only because David bad failed tc bie bis brother's keeper in sending one of bis officers off to the front of the battie in order thal bie would be kiiicd and David ini turn would be able to take bis wife. Solomon was king as a con- sequence of David's failure and ini turn was exploiting jiany of bis brother Israeiites as he failed to be bis brotber's keeper. Israe] at this time appeared to be on the hrink of utopian success, but in the beart of Israei there was cvil whîch was dividing man £rom man. To express bis conviction. about man's divisions the Writer set down the story of Cain, and >.bel, wich is. a story of man in revoit. When Cain b:ad kiiied bis broth- er Abel- -andi was c3nfrrnted hy God, Cain asks the question. "Am I my brother's keeper?" This saine question asked by per- sons truly Christian can oniy bc ahswered in one way, "I am my hrotber's keeper" Sucb division between man and man distressed the writer of the Genesis story deeply because ocI bis ioyalty to God wbo lied calied bis ancestors into covenent brotb- erhood at 5mnai. IHe knew well tbe terms on whicb tbey ed lbe- corne God's people. These terras, beig fundamexteliy the Ter domm.andnýents, made it clear that it was God's wiii for every Israelite to bc bis brother's keep- er. The lest five commandments against kiiling, aduitery, steeiing, slandering and coveting were giv- eýn to proteet, Israelite brother- liood !,om wbat would undermine 1'know bow to use sucb. freedoini a mature way, nor would tbey be -wiiiin g t accept tbe responsibil- * ity wbicb wouid be the requircd 7resuit. We would not bave re- warding hf e in any good sense were we to make it a societywith- out law. Many years ýago a preacher ap- 7peared befor the people knowni as the people of, God. He. was a man from the rural area wbho lied been mucb concerned by wbat bie sew happening among bis own national and reiigious bretbrcn. *As be taiked agafinst tbe surround- *ing nations ho wes beard giadiy, but wbenho finally beani o point out to bis own 'vliat was happening emong tbcm ho be- S came extrcmely unpopular. Thie man was the prophet Amos. As, ho pointcd 'out the failure in brotherliood he said, "Woe unto t those who are 'et' case in Zion. Woe to those wbo lie upon bieds of ivory, wbo drink wine in bowls and anoint tbemseives witb the finest oiis, but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph." The latest publication of the 1 Board of Evangelism and Social ~Ab& w I Arn My Brother's, Keeper FýATHER'S DAY Don't Forget Dad. Make him feel like a King. Give Him Something To Wear From Ti oms and Sons Ltd. Newcagtle, Ontario SUITS mlade to measure by Tip Top Tailors in the Iatest styles and patterns of summer weight cloth. Reg. price $110.00 just for DAD ut onîy $7 9,95 SUM MER CASUAL PANTS We have the latest styles Sizes from 28 to 44, and colours in wash and wear Koratron Pants Priced frýom............... $8.95 to $12.95 WHITE SHIRTS White long sleeve dress shirts. Reg. and button down collar. Sizes 141/2 - 17. Rteg. $4.95 - $5.95 NOW $4.00, 2 for $7.50 - $â :00, 2 for $9 :50 ogCASUAL SHOES By Playboy, Oxfords and Loafers, colours ogreen, brown and beige. Sizes 7 to 12. $8.95 - $1 2.95 THIAELAT ESI in Knit Wear.. Turtie or Crew Necks, new colors just arrived $2.98-$8.95 SOCKS- Penman's dress stretchy Nylon, assorted colours. Regular price $1,50. ....NOW PRICED AT---------$119 We have many more gift suggestions for you to choose from. Be sure to corne in and sec them. Service of the United- Church of Canada, THE CUTTING EDGE, contains an article which suggests that a contemporary Amos would be saying, Woe to you who have' city houses and summer cottages wblle you say that Canada cannot afford to subsidize housing for the thousands who have neither city home, nor summer cottage, nor apartmnent, nor tenement. To snbsidize would raise your taxes. Why shouldn't it? Isn't this just- ice? Woe to you finance compan ice. Woe to you finatce companies which charge 24% interest and keep poor people in perpetual ec- onomie bondage. How do you sleep at nigbt?, Woe to you who are only too glad to enjoy bene- fits of living next to the richest nation on earth (the US.) and who say 'better flot criicize the U.S. policy in Vietnamn - that right hurt our trade. After al we do 60% of our trade with the U.S., you know, and what they do in Vietnam is their business, not ours. Are not the Viethamese people bilîdren of God also - ahid therefore your brothers? Are you more afraid of losing U.S. trade than of the dispicasure of God? The Bible says that the law is, a scboolmaster bringing us to (Continued page 6) 4th ANNUAL REUNION FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY JUNE 14, 15, 16 Carnpbellford Fair Grounds *Stcam Engines in operation on Baker Fans Ges Tractors, ail makes - Rumley, Hart-Par *Saw Mill operated *Antique Vehicles and Gas Engines Displey of Working Models "THE BEST 0F THE PAST"I SOMETHING FOR THE WHOLE' FAMILY .ýJUN'E 16

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