Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1968, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSPAY, MAY 2001, 1968 IIIKING FOR HEALU P.. R. Davidson One of the conseq uences of the incredible advances in technology whichi have taken place in recent years has 'been the accelerated and more complex demahds on the hiuman resources rcimonsible for these changes. A necessar y Ideal Gift, CANA WOODr phone 983-5539 Orono, Ontario I$ox 37 QroIlQ, OUW10i reaction to, this way of life is a greater nieed to "unwind" and the opportunity to. participate in some formn of relaxing exercise. There are hopeful signs of an increasing iw,-reness in physical fitness, and adherents will have discovered ample authority that walking is second oiily to runniiig and swýimming in buiildîing fitness. The saine benefits surely are gained wheýther one plays eight- cen holes on the golf course or takes part I a "walk athon" in support of a cause. ,ýowever, a- way from the urhan- setting anti lhe raucous sounds of commerce, the walker cau achieve addled onr- joyment fromn the natural envir- onmient more conducive to relax- ati on. Walking trails such as the "Bruce Trail" which follows the Niagara Escarpmnent fromn Queen- ston to Tobermory, although hard- lv typical in termis of length,- are examples of the growth in popu- larity of this, formn of, outdoor recreation. Many other trails have been developedi or are in the pflanIning stage, by a number of agencies, Some of these, such as those in Provincial Parks, are "in- terpreted", which means simply that the various aspects of the trail environmient are described or pointed out. This is aceomplished theiough, on4ucted tours by a competent guide, by signs locateti along the trail, or thrýough a printed guide which corresponds to numbered stopr u Phone 983e.540J4 Loca'l News Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rai ney werc Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey anid Charles of Cati- ningtoni and Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Reesor andi Larry of Port Perry. Grade VIIE of Orono Public School along with their principal Mr. Doug Moffatt left by bus oti Tuesday to spend a couple of days sight-seeing in Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Inch -of Florida spent several days this week with Mr, and Mrs. Carl BiIllingls. Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa spent Suhnday with them. MIr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Mrs. Harry Bailey spent Saturday in North Bey visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Colin Beaton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bailey. Mr. Randy Thompson,« Leskard, garduated last week as ia Con- struction Technician from The George Brown, Gollege, Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Milton S. Tucker of St. 'Petersburg, Flor,, renewed old acquaintances in Orono andi Newcastle last week. The Orono Public Sclhool con- cert helti in the Clarke 'High School Auditorium last Thursday evening saw a large audience in attendance. The musical program provided by ail grades in the school was sincerely enjoyed by those present. The Sunday Sehool Anniversary held last Sunday packed the Or- no Utited Church to capacity. Two individual services were helti with one for the junior- grades and one for the senior grades of hie Church school. The directors of the Orono Chamber of Commerce gave their UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minster Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 2»d Orome United Church Sunday School at 10.00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- morning Service at, 9:45 Sund(ay School at 11:00 Leakard- Sunday School at 9:45 approval on Monday evet1ing to two projects. Firstly the Cham- bers directors agreed to assit with a Bicycle Rodeo for the Orono Public Schýool children. The rodeo will be under thedirection of the Ontario Provincial 'Police. Secondly the Chamber is en- deavourig to, organize a threeý party debate of the three candi- dates seeking élection i the Nor- thumberland-Durham riding Mr. P. M. Lunn is making arrange- me~Its to. hold the debate somýe- time during the second week of June. J. G. and the Sound Show,.will be supplying the music for a Teen dance this Friday evening at the Oromno Town, Hall. Everyone is ur- ged to, attend. The, dance is being sponsored by the Orono Hockey Mothers. Ktwndal News Sunday was 'a very special day at Kendal United Church when perhap5. a hundred Orangemen and ladies led by the Bowmanville Legion Kiltie B.and paraded to the church for the morning ser- vice and mnarched around the block after the service was over. The Kendal U.C.W. served lunch at the Laverne Patterson sale on Sattuday. Kendal Womeh's Institute met at the home of the President Mrs. E. Couroux on May the 23rd. This was the installation of officers so Mrs. W. Milligan of Newtonville, past president of the district, of- ficiated. Two other visitors were Mrs. C. R. Lovekin and Miss Mail- er of Newcastle. The roll callwas "What is the principle attribute of Good Citizeýnship,." Then Miss Mailer spoke on "The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts." 'This will be put on by the Young People of the Great Pine Ridge Area uinder the direction, of Miss Joan Bennett and Mr., Roy Hig- gis in the Newcastle town hall. These plays will be acted during the last three weeks in August. Kendal Institute gave the sum of twenty dollars to help finance this "Festival of the Arts" which it is hoped will become an annual event aid, a training grou nd for our young people who like acting. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Low and Mrs. W. Mercer. Misses Beulah and Norma Hal-, lowell visited Kendal Church on Sunday with two cousins from the west, ona of them the former Sybil He~Iry was born on the TYKES SCHEDULE The Orono Tykes Basebail club is this year playh-ig in a league with Newcastle, Welcome and Kendal. The four-team league started, ils schedule of play on May .,2nfd. Orono games are' as follows: June 5 - Orono at Kendal June 20- Newcastle at Orono Jute 26 Orono at Welcome July 4 - Orono at Newcastle July 10- Welcome at Orono sixth line. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hartwell Lowery of Kirby entertained Miss C. W, Stewart and Mrs. G. Catlwart on Sunday evening then ail attendedl Kirby Ahrniversary. JACK REALTOt'R 99 King St., E. BOWMWANVILLE Wheu Buying or Sefllu% cmli WILF HAW KE YOUR ORNO AIEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 nemibers of ')shawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board' 0Orono, Building Contractor Brick B lock - Conerete ýione Work Carpentry Fisors Cabinet Work, M iIe ORONO NO, INCREASED RATES FOR MEDICAL (ARE' The Durhain County Coýopei'aUvé Medical Services, proýide medical care insurance %vith extriided cover. age on a non-profît basis you save money on our premîums . . . compare our rates with others. JwPlans to %ýe%;U-oose'Frém Doctor's services ii o - Single plus 2 or liile $8.0 Dirham County Co-operative 1 1 1Medical Services Surgical, In-Ho spit ai Medical Plan (Doctor's Services iii Hlospital) Slîingle plus o r Sin~gle plus 1 m $66,00 LADIES' SHORTS A good stock of Jamaica Shorts and Short, Shorts in stretchy nylon and viscose, cotton and stretchy terrycloth. AIL of the new bright shiades fQr sumer as well as navy and brown. Sizes 8 to 40. Prîeed front $3.50> to $6.00 LADIES' TOPS For wearing with Shorts and Simis, a cood assortment of knitlted, cotton and stretchy terryclothi tops with sleeves or sleeveless. Solid colours and fashionable stripes Sizes S., M. and L. Prîced frýom $2.95 to $6.00 LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS Short gowns in good qtiality printed cotton and seer- sucker, ne-eds littie or no ironlng. Attractive pints and plain sades.Sie S., Md., L, and XL P -cd f rom $2.75 to $4.95 YARD GOODS HOPSACKING- Tex-Made Hopsacking, suitable for dresses, skirts, silms and shorts. Yellow and toast. 45 inches in width. Price per yard - $2.25 SAILCLOTI- For Sportswear, good quatity sailcloth in Mlue only. 45 inch width. Price per yard - $1.50 DENIM- Good quality brushed denim, suitable for Shorts and Sllms. Green only. 36 inch width. Priceper yard- $1.69 0003%, A ÀO% #U"Ààok ARMSTRONGB3

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