ORONOi WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1968 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (ÂuLi.tlxrized as Second Classe mail, Post Ofifce Depaz1tment, Published every Tlhursday at the office a£ publicatioe Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario E-qablished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edtor and Managerý MIAKE FULL USE The discussion over the use of the Public School General Purpose roins in the Townsbip School Area be- came a littie heated last Moniday evening when a request was made by a Kendal group to make further use of the General Purpose room in Kendal. It seems reasonable that these roins sbould be used as much as possible by the general public. No doubt they are built chiefly for educational purposes but stili they remain idie a good percentage of the time out of school hours. The expenditure of $70,000 to $80,000 warrants full use of these buildings by the community in which they are located. There iare occasions when the school may wish to use the rooms during the evening but these would, for pub- lic schools, be few and far between. A littie co-operation would go a longway lu seeing that the buildigs do serve the community as well as the school. There is no doubt that community use of the rooms will increase maintenance costs but surely this should be offset by a rent or by a gratit through the school system or through the municipal treasury. The city of Oshawa is making a study to make more use of their expensive gym- natoriums and they are looking into the possibility of mun- icipalgrants to offset the additional costs. Recreation Com- missions in ther centres are paying rent for community non-profit groups and it seems reasonable that somewhere funds are available for their use. The present set-up i n Clarke whereby individuals us~ ing the general purpose rooms make financial payments to caretakers does seemi a littie unbusinesslike. Possibly they should set a specific rate so that the rent is the samne throughout the entire system. As it now stands one may pay one sum in Kendal and another ln Newtonville. We feel that it is the obligation of the Board to set the rates and that the caretakers be responsible to the Board to carry out certain duties in comnection with the use of the general purPose rooms. By ail means make as much use, of the rooms as pojssible, even 'to the point of six evenings a week. The seChool conld stili have preference -and we feel certain that thé Principals of the scbools will work thleir scbedules into tho(se promnoted by the community groups. The taxpayers haqve pai(n the shjot, ]et ail age groups miake use of thlis service. AbseNot Warranted Vandalism at the Orono Park is causing'co'ncern, not only with the Park _Board but ialso the superinitendent of the Orono Tree Nursery. It is understood that the Board has called in the, Ontario Provincial Police and. are to lay charges against anyone wilfully damaging the park or for- estry property. Mr. Wmn. Bunting reports that ail the windows in the Change House have beeni broken, ýeven to the point of breaking the sash. Somne siding bas also -been ripped off the side of the building to further deface the building. It is a pity that this Property cannot be valued as an asset to this eommunity by the vandals. It is piaced ini the Park for'the enjoyment of everyone as is the park A~self. A littie restraint will go a long way to keep our'park in top condition anid this kind of abuse cannot be tolerated. Our professional responsibility00 To compound your physician's pre- scriptions with the utmostý precision is the prime responsibility of the registered phiarmacist. '1'ere is, nev- er any compromise with accuracy. STUTT'S, PHARMACY, LOCAL' NEWS Miss Aun Woodyard wbo is at- tending Western University where she is studying for her Bachelor of Science degree rcturned home on Tuesday. Miss Woodyard bas accepted a summer position witb the Peterborough bospital on the teacbing staff. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Jakeman soent a few days with relatives in Belle- ville. Bey. B. Long is attending a Bay of Quitte Conference in Belle- ville this week. Mrs. Long is vis- iting friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett and daughters of Hawsbury visited with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Graham. Mrs. Garnet Gamsby of Toronto spent the week-end with ber mother, Mrs. Robert Aluin. Mr. Wm. Reid has returned home from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile.. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coliing- wand (Francis Curran) Matbew anid Timotby, Mr. and 'Mrs. Rick Liscomb (Heatber) and Heidi Jo, Mr. and lVrs Mort Richards, Marc, Scott and Mýicbael2 were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford on the week-end. Citizens of the Village of *Orono subscribed a total of $36515 to the Canadian Cancer Society dur- ihg the month of April. This com- pares to $35525 in 1967. A miscellaneous sbower was nield for b)ride-to-be, Miss Tanya Estabrooke, at the bome of Mrs. fris Metcaflf last Friday'evening. Mrs. Robert Luxton (nee Patsy Mather) was honoured with a miscellaneouis shower on Tues- day evening at the home of Miss Beverley Teninant. Mrs. H. Mer- cer, Mrs. Jack Mercer and Mrs. Len Peurs beld a ueighbour show- er for Mrs. Luxton on Wednesday evening. A fire on Saturday destroyed wbat was a cottage-garage oni the property of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc- Isaac just north of tbe Orono Park. Tnie frame building wvas soon cons'uln(,eiby lbe flamres and tbere was iio eçbapcé, of the Orono Fire Deparýtmeýnt saving the smail building. It bas not been used for some years. It is beiieved that it was start- ed by firecraekers. The OPP were investigcating. Oscar J. Luxton Tbe death of Oscar J. Luxton, aged 73 yeais, occurred suddenly on Monday, April lSth, 1968 ln Orono. A son of the late John Luxton and Louise Aldsworth, he was bort at R.P. 4, Bowmanviile, and atten*ded Providence Public scbooi On Juiy 26, 1915, he married tbe former Alice Victoria (Mercy) Walton, who survives. A farmer for 43 years, be re- tired 10 years ago. On retirement be and Mrs, Luxton moved from ÎNEILSON IS JERSEY ICE Regular $1.09 2ga the f armn property, R.R. 4 Row- maxilto Cobbledick Street, Oronio, where tbey bave resided for 10 years. The deceased was a member of Trinity United Churcb Beowmanville. H1e was also a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Oddfeliows, of wbich be became a member in 1916 and received a 50-year Jewel from the lodge lu 1966. Surviving, besides bis ife, are a son atd two daughters Wesley John, Bowmanville; Mrs. Law- rence Hcoey (Alice), Orono, and Mrs. J. H. Cain (Helen), Toronto and seven grandchilciren, Robert Wesley Luxton, who lived with bis grandparents, Margaret L. (Peggy) Luxton, David Charles Luxton, Helen Marie llooey, John Orville Hooey, James Charles Luxton Cain and Donald John Percival Cain. Also surviving are tbree sisters and one brother, Mrs. Alex Ed- mondstone (Pearl), Mrs. Norman Brooking (Edna), both of Bow-- matville, _Mrs. Ruth Cowling (Rutb), Janetville and I'4orman Luxton of Bowmauville. The funerai service Was helci from the Morris Funeral Chapel of Bowmanville, on Wednesday April l7tb and was condueted by- Bey. B. Long of Orono. Interment was lu Orono Cemetery. On Tues- day evening an Oddfellows ser- vice was held it the chapel. Palibearers were Messrs. Mur- ray and Douglas Walton, Lindert Van Driel. Grant Winter, Douglas Moffat and Jack Brussee. Among the numerou s lovely- floral tributes, evidence of the esteem lu which the deceased was' beld, were those from Floretce Nightingale Lodge, I.O.OF., Bow- mauville; ileather Rebekah Lodge Orono and Materials and Testing Rivision, Department of Higbways at Downsview. As well, donations were made by former nieigbbours to the Ontario Heart Foundation- Hou'w You Can Become A Coronary candidate MeIDDLE-AGED man with three adverse 'risk factors (high' biood cholesterol,- high blood pressure and excessive cigarette smoking) has a heart attack risk ten tixues higher than the man with none. So don't be a coronary candidate! Give generously to the Heart Fund Campaign, being con- cctdhere throughout February. 'USE Ai OjOOOjRIONAI p Gle ae roducts j Cigarettes- kce Creani Pipe Tobacco Sioft Drinks Cigars - Candies jTiniex Watc he - ands --Novelties SBARBER and CONFEC(TIONERY