Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1968, p. 1

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"Jake's Variety Show" last Sat- u-day evening in the basement of the Oroho United Church was a sffashing success. The evening promoted by Mr., A. Jakeman, wçho was also Emcee for the even- ing, proved a f ast moving affair making use of local talent in the area. Mr. Jakeman states that lie intends to hold another such night ih the future and tap some of the ýother talent in the district. The evening was promoted to rais e funds for the Orono Horti- cultural Society and tlirough the -night some $28.00 was raised for the local group. Those per forming in the show ~were the vocal trio of Raîpli de Jonge, Jim Baskerville and Bil Arnott; piano numbers b3y Marie Yeo,' Marie Andrews and Ian Mof- fat; musical numbers by Faye- Adamsand Betty Lou Gilbank; Gladys Brown abd A. Jakeman; Wveekly Orono 'VOLUME 31, NUMBER 19 local Talent Sparks PORT HOPE GETS URAIjUM PLANT A $10,400,000 plant for the pro- duction of natural uranium hex- afluoride will be constructed later this year by Eldorado Mining and Refining Ltd., it was annouinced Moriday. This new facility will be adjacent to both Eldorado's exîst- ing uranium refinery and the $8, 500,000 -zirconium plant recently announced and now under con- struction. Total employment hy Eldorado will reacli 360. There are about 260on the payroll now. About 300 will be employed on construction of the two plants. Mrs. K. Gray and son David; Wayne Couvier and Mrs. Brown; Mrs. Wm. Bunting and son Fred Bunting; Néit Allin, and Mrs. <ladys Thompson. The evening was' enjoyed by ail who were in attendance. Former Oronoite To Be Honoured As Writer Mrs. Emril Schmid received a fetter, dated May lOtli, 1968 from 3IMrs. Florence McClinchie. The fol- lowing is a paragrapli taken from this letter: "I received a citation which I plan to get framied. There wasn't inuch of a personal story in the local piaper but 'mi enclosing a ,clipping from the Irvington Her- aýd which was almost the samne as in the Orono paper. They were both so nice and gave me inter- national publicity." Florence McClinchie The following is the etclosed ciipping from the Irvington (N.J.). Ilerald dated Thursday, April 18: Library Week Program TO Cite Mrs. McClinchie Mrs. Florence M. McCinchie, now >88 years young, will add an Irvington fiavor to National Lib- rary Week festivities in Roxbury, N.Y. 1The Library Association there is staging a tea Sunday afternoon in honor of residents wio have had books published - and Mrs. McClindhie is amonig them. A, collection of lier poems was pub.- lished in 1951 under the titie of "My Dream House." Among those on hand for the weekend program will be son Mal- colin McClinchie of Maplewood, a teaclier * at Irvingtonh ffgl School. Mrs. McCiinchie moved to Rox- bu ry two years ago after living here for more than 60 years. Shle is a'busy resident of a, retirement home for ministers and their wîves or widows. Her husbapd was the Rev. Uriali McCinchie, co-founder of The Ir- vinigton Heraid (then The Clinton Weekiy) with the late Walter S. Gray,' and pastor of the First Re- formed Churcli lere. Born in Canada, the former Florence Gamsby studied nursing at Memorial Hospital in Brooklyn before lier marriage to Mr. Mc- Clinchie in 1903. Her poetry deals with human inter est themes, typicai of which is "Tlie Glad Game." Following is an excerpt: P'm glad for many, many thîngs I cannot count them ail. P'm glad for changing seasons, For summer, spring and faîl. And even for the winter months, With ail the ice and snow. I love the cozy warmth of home, Where I can read and sew. Mrs. MelC linchie is acquainted witli Rev. and Mrs. Long and Mrs. Drummond. She was a schoolmate of Mrs. Ernest Hamm. Mrs. Calvin Hamm (Frances Gamsby) is a niece of Mrs. McCiinchle. Times Family Day Service WeII AttendAri Famiiy Day Service at Kirby on Sunday, May l2th was well at- tended wlien the Sunday School participated witli the regular con- gregation. During the service, a sîlver Baptismal bowl, presented by Mrs. Mailon Dwyer, in mem- ory of the Bannon family, was ac- cepted and dedicated to Christian service in the Church. The following children were baptized: Richard Brian, son of Wayne and Brenda Lowery; Mary Ellen and Donna Lee, daughters of Lloyd and Darla Lowery; Anne 70 Students In Great Pine Ridge Festival Company' Marie and Stephen Douglas, child- ren of Catherine and Melbourne Switzer; Brian Harold, son of Shirleyr and Harold Copping and John Frederick, son of Doreet and Fred -Stewart. In the service of song, the Primary Classes sang "God Gav-4 Us Familles",' the sehool sang "Let the Song Go Round the Earth" and Sharon, Lorna, Carl and Karen Lowery sang "For the Beauty of the Earth" in three parts. Mr. Long spoke on the Home and Community as a Family Unit. After the service everyote was served a liglit lunch and an hour of fellowship was enjoyed by ail. Fire works Display To Be Held In Oronlo The Orono Chamber of Com- merce met/ on Monday evening when a number of projects were approved by the membership. The Chamber is ta again hold tlie fire- works display this Monday, May 2tli. Committees were set up to carry out the various aspects -of the niglit. It was also decided toaliold bic- ycle races with Mr. Stirling Math- er in charge. Mr. E. Middleton offered to supply prizes for the bicycle races. The Orono Firemen are to be contacted to set off the fireworks and it was stated that the fireworks sliould not be start- ed- unitil, dark. Other entertain- ment is also to be obtained if possib le for the evening. Blossom Tour The membership also approved the sponsoring of the Blossom Tour again'this year. It was stated that the Orono Tree Nursery is prepared to show a new film that has beeh- fiimed at the Orono Nursery. This showing wouid be held inconjunction with the Blos- som Tour. Committees were set up for the signing of route and other events to be lield on Sunday May 26th. White Elephant Sale A short discussion was also held on the White Elephant Sale to be lield in Orono on June 22nd. Articles for the sale are being accepted and any member of the Chamber may be cottacted for Pick-up of same. Bar B, Q - Mail Messrs Sterling Mather and Robert Hazelden were set as a committee to approacli the Orono Park Board in connection with holding a Bar-B-Q in the Orono Park. Mr. Mather also said that the Athletic were to hold a Tal- ent Niglit and lie hoped that the Sliopper's Mail could again be hld. It was suggested that three events, the Bar B-Q, Talent Niglit and Shoppej-s Mail be heid in 'a single week during the fi rst part of July. Members are now to ap-_ proach the Orono Businessmen in conjubction witli the Shoppers Mail. Mako Repairs To Water Pump The forepart -of this week work was in progress at the Orono Water Pumping Station in the nortli end of the Village. The firm of Ven and Don Hart have taken out the pump and lowered it into the well some 6 to 8 feet. Also at Horticulture Variety NightÎ At kîrby Church Junior Gardeners Garden Competfition' A meeting of the executive of Orono Junior Gardeners was held at the home of Mrs. J. Quinton on May 13, 1968. Mrs. T. Fairbrother conducted the meeting. Four ad- uit directors and three Jutior directods were present. Ail the members of Junior Gar- deners are encouraged to enter as miany classes as possible in the Spring Flower Show which will be held in the Upper Audiltor- iumn of the Christian E3lucation Building on May 23. Entries ait- to be lu by 6:30 p.m. Pl ans for the summer gardens were discussed. There wiIl be petition. Plants and seeds will be about twelve gardens in the com- given to eacli member who plans te have a garden. This projeet pro- vides practical experience to the chidren taking part. Plans for, ers' flower beds which heip beau- the planting of the Junior Gard- tify the village of Orono were also discussed. A new gadget seen at the O- 'Keefe, Centre Flower Show lias provided inspiration for a new project. Flower containers of dif- ferent styles and sizes made from juice cans wiil be made and at- tractively painted under the lead- ership of Mrs. J. Quinton. These will be for sale at the Dec- oration Day flower sale in June. The executive appreciates the interest given to the work of the Juhior Gprdeners by the people of Orono and hopes for continued support ln the future. Last 1Tliursday evening Very Rt. Wor. Bro. Harry Inkpen. for the presentation and like Wor. Bro. E. J. Hamm of the Or- District Deputy Grand Master, other speakers, passed on con- ono Masonie Lodge was presented was the guest speaker of 'the ev- gratulations to Bro. Hamm. with a fifty year Jewel at a dia- ening and was among eighty who Shown above (1. to r) 0. W. ner heid la lis lionour. The dia- ýner, was, held lu the basement of were in attendance. Roiph, E. J. Hamm and H. L. Ink. theý Orono United Circjh. Bro. 0. Wl Roipli was chairman pen. OItONS WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MAY l6th, 1968 The spotlight 'was on youth last Saturday and Sunday at the Newc'astie Hall when 70 high- sehool and university students au- ditidned -for the company of the 'Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts." From dawn to away after dusk the: directors Roy Higgins and Joan' Bennett were kept busy with interviews and scenes from the plays chosen for the festival, The comp.any comprised ofyonng talent from the whole area lias been chosen, and numbering over 70 makes it one of the largest theatrical. companies in Ontario. When interviewed this week, Miss Bennett and Mr. Higgins said they.feit they had discovered some new exciting young talent within- the area. With this youth talent explos-' ion, rehersals get under way this weekend. for the festival, and will build in excitement to the big opening date in August. The following students from the,Ë owmaàiville Area have been chosen to participate in the "Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts: John McGuirk, Anne Mack- enzîe, Randy 'Sallows, Donne King, Murray Twist, Louise Man Charles Ewert, Elizabeth Peter, Jerome Billett, Ted Wiggans, Margie Bell, Jean Bell, Cindy Wisner, Andrea Ewert, Diane Hoar, Cathiy Blaher. Bowmanville has the largest representation of acting taleInt of any community in the festival. The following student.s from Oroho have been cliosen: Bob Simpson, John Milne, Marjorie Murphy, Don McKenzie,1 Jim Baskerville, Leslie-Anne Steven- son. Tfhe following, ÉluderUs from the Port Hope area have been chosen to participate in the Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts: Faye 'Everson, Tim Mooney, Bryce Smith, Doug Wood, Cath- erine Heberle, Robert Tremble, Elizabeth Kellogg, Chris Chiarles. the time minor repairs were also made to the pump and othcr equipment in the p-ump bouse. The work was under the direc- tiot of the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission and also un- der their supervision., Honoured With Fifty Year Jewel . .. . ........

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